Didn't attend any lessons today
Had in-house suspendsion & stayed in th General office with Jacyln from 8 till 3.30pm.
Because both of us were late for th 8th time since January.
Woah. :D
Was super fun lah, spend time talking, gossiping & laughing our asses off at Lor Mee, Green Ripper, when we were in th General office. Hahah!
Miss Santha kept on scolding us & asked me to move away from her & asked her to move away from me as well.
But when she leaves th General office, we'll move nearer & continue talking again, hahah!
& because of this, Miss Shantha kept on scolding us. -.-
But at least it's better than staying in class looking at some bitches/bastards which will make my eyes go gaga.
Right? :D
Did alot of drawings & tried to complete my Art.
Finished 21 observational drawings already!
With all th colouring & shading & stuffs.
Happy luh pleaseeeeee. :D
& we kept on playing with Fanfan, my soft pongpong ball. Hahah!
Martin washed it & returned it back to me instead of getting a new one. -.-
& yeah, Fanfan is th nickname Jacyln gave to th soft pongpong ball.
She's always so stupid & retarded luh, just like me. -.-
Had heart-to-heart talk after that.
& we realised that we're both cold blooded animals already.
Yeah, we're numb about those things, & sick of crying already.
For now, I just need friends that are always around me when I need them.
Those kind of friends are still th besterest things on Earth.
Band practice after that, fun!
Mr Goh was damn funny today luh.
Did stupid acts of horse & IvanLee, rofls!
was laughing like shit with Jacyln luh! HAHAHA!
& Ivan got a new euphonium today.
It's like, super shiny &, woah.
I wantttttttt!
Mr Goh said that he wanted to buy 2 more trombones too, but we don't have enough funds for that.
): ): ): ): ):
bought 2 more soft pongpong balls after band.
Jacyln named hers Maimai & I names mine Qiqi, rofls!
& we're going to let my Fanfan stead with Jacyln's Maimai tomorrow, th 29th February.
yes, we're going to let them have a 1 year anni every 4 years. HAHAHA!
Went home with Jacyln after that.
Laughed like nobody's business lah, lmao!
I love her pu-leaseeeassssh. :D
I seriously want to know what happened to you.
It's not a great thing to know that your friend is dying,
but when you ask him/her why is he/she dying, he/she will say 'I'll let you know when th time comes.'
& th worst thing is that, you're one of my bestfriend.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
P.E lessons was fun lah.
Ran around in circles with Carmen & Weixin. Hahah! :D
Played Scoop Ball after that, boring.
Mr Peh was training us how to use th cone to catch th ball.
th last person who didn't catch any ball will have to do 10 push ups.
We're supposed to stand 10 metres away from him when he threw th ball.
But Glovor was like 'come come' & I ran over until I was like only 3 metres away from him.
Got th ball, then quickly ran back, lol!
English lessons was as boring as ever.
Xialan-ed with Ms Lee & she was like speechless.
cause she kept on nagging & nagging that I didn't do my compo.
Then when I was starting to do th compo afetr all those naggings, she nag again.
So I was like "yah lah yah lah, I do lah."
& she continue to nagnagnag.
I was like "you talk so much how I do?"
She nag again after that.
So I was like "I wanna do now lah, stop it can?"
She actually stop nagging & walk away.
Diana was laughing like shit loh, rofls!
Star lessons was fun, fun, fun.
Mrs Cho told us so many stuffs about how you support & respet your parents in th future.
I answered her by saying 'rip their skins alive & chop them up'.
Something similar to that lah.
& Mrs Cho was like staring at me, lol!
Lunched with Albert, Diana & Martin after school.
Talked abotu random stuffs again.
& as usual, Diana & Me took a million years to finish our food. :D
Ahtay came to look for us after that, & we went home together.
Slacked with Diana at Simei for awhile, then her Dad came to fetch her back.
& we quarrelled afetr that.
Because her Dad asked me about some stuffs & I told him th wrong thing, causing Diana to kena scolding from him.
Muahahhaa, I'm a bitch. :D
& as usual, we quarrelled for like 3 mins, again.
I expected much luh, like until tomorrow or something. ;x
Submitting Art tomorrow.
30 observational drawings, I'm done with 18 of them only.
whoop. ;x
Ran around in circles with Carmen & Weixin. Hahah! :D
Played Scoop Ball after that, boring.
Mr Peh was training us how to use th cone to catch th ball.
th last person who didn't catch any ball will have to do 10 push ups.
We're supposed to stand 10 metres away from him when he threw th ball.
But Glovor was like 'come come' & I ran over until I was like only 3 metres away from him.
Got th ball, then quickly ran back, lol!
English lessons was as boring as ever.
Xialan-ed with Ms Lee & she was like speechless.
cause she kept on nagging & nagging that I didn't do my compo.
Then when I was starting to do th compo afetr all those naggings, she nag again.
So I was like "yah lah yah lah, I do lah."
& she continue to nagnagnag.
I was like "you talk so much how I do?"
She nag again after that.
So I was like "I wanna do now lah, stop it can?"
She actually stop nagging & walk away.
Diana was laughing like shit loh, rofls!
Star lessons was fun, fun, fun.
Mrs Cho told us so many stuffs about how you support & respet your parents in th future.
I answered her by saying 'rip their skins alive & chop them up'.
Something similar to that lah.
& Mrs Cho was like staring at me, lol!
Lunched with Albert, Diana & Martin after school.
Talked abotu random stuffs again.
& as usual, Diana & Me took a million years to finish our food. :D
Ahtay came to look for us after that, & we went home together.
Slacked with Diana at Simei for awhile, then her Dad came to fetch her back.
& we quarrelled afetr that.
Because her Dad asked me about some stuffs & I told him th wrong thing, causing Diana to kena scolding from him.
Muahahhaa, I'm a bitch. :D
& as usual, we quarrelled for like 3 mins, again.
I expected much luh, like until tomorrow or something. ;x
Submitting Art tomorrow.
30 observational drawings, I'm done with 18 of them only.
whoop. ;x
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Pigged like mad today.
3 breads + food during recess + noodles.
& I'm having my dinner while blogging now, HAHAH !
Maths was boringggg.
Couldn't even understand a single thing Mdm Roziana is teaching.
Same goes for Physics.
Studying makes me go mad luh.
I don't understand why human beings need to study.
Why can't scientist invent a 'knowledge potion' or 'genius potion'?
& inject it into our body/brain.
& all of us will know everything without studying.
LOL! talking cock again. :D
I'm childish what, as what some people's sister claimed.
Art was fun luh.
Laughed with Glovor as usual, Si pa gao teck darling. Rofls!
Talked about certain stuffs & I've finally know why are they behaving that way already.
& Cheukman's phone was LOL.
Hairy hairy hairyyyyyy.
Skipped Chinese with Cheukman, Diana & Martin.
Hahaha !
Lunched at coffeeshop,
then went to Duck's house & then walk around Tampines.
Was super fun loh, laughed like shit at Duck's acts lah.
He was carrying my bag, then pull my bag until high high somemore.
Look like retarded bodoh. ;x
Went to slack & Jingwen came to look for us.
Cheukman & Duck left awhile later.
Diana, Jingwen, Martin & me talk & talk & talked about so many stuffs.
browsed through Martin's inbox with Jingwen.
Was super dulan about certain stuffs.
& we started gossiping again. hahaha !
Fuck off & stop acting liianxx worhsxszx !
Was like enjoying th conversation & bitching,
until I totally forgotten about band practice. -.-
In th end bus-ed home with Diana & Martin.
Martin dirtied my blue coloured soft pongpong ball ! >:(
He told me he is going to bath with th pongpong ball when he reaches home.
Then rub it against his *ahems*
Disgusting bodoh.
& he is going to get a new one from th machine beside th mama shop tomorrow.
I don't care, I don't care, I don't care.
3 breads + food during recess + noodles.
& I'm having my dinner while blogging now, HAHAH !
Maths was boringggg.
Couldn't even understand a single thing Mdm Roziana is teaching.
Same goes for Physics.
Studying makes me go mad luh.
I don't understand why human beings need to study.
Why can't scientist invent a 'knowledge potion' or 'genius potion'?
& inject it into our body/brain.
& all of us will know everything without studying.
LOL! talking cock again. :D
I'm childish what, as what some people's sister claimed.
Art was fun luh.
Laughed with Glovor as usual, Si pa gao teck darling. Rofls!
Talked about certain stuffs & I've finally know why are they behaving that way already.
& Cheukman's phone was LOL.
Hairy hairy hairyyyyyy.
Skipped Chinese with Cheukman, Diana & Martin.
Hahaha !
Lunched at coffeeshop,
then went to Duck's house & then walk around Tampines.
Was super fun loh, laughed like shit at Duck's acts lah.
He was carrying my bag, then pull my bag until high high somemore.
Look like retarded bodoh. ;x
Went to slack & Jingwen came to look for us.
Cheukman & Duck left awhile later.
Diana, Jingwen, Martin & me talk & talk & talked about so many stuffs.
browsed through Martin's inbox with Jingwen.
Was super dulan about certain stuffs.
& we started gossiping again. hahaha !
Fuck off & stop acting liianxx worhsxszx !
Was like enjoying th conversation & bitching,
until I totally forgotten about band practice. -.-
In th end bus-ed home with Diana & Martin.
Martin dirtied my blue coloured soft pongpong ball ! >:(
He told me he is going to bath with th pongpong ball when he reaches home.
Then rub it against his *ahems*
Disgusting bodoh.
& he is going to get a new one from th machine beside th mama shop tomorrow.
I don't care, I don't care, I don't care.
Monday, 25th February
School was alright.
Was laughing so much with Glovor during Maths.
Si pa gao teck ! LOL.
But did my work while laughing, too. :D
East Point with Ahtay, Diana & Martin after school.
Bought my screen protector, like finally! :D
Went to Pet Safari as usual.
Super fun lah, stayed inside for like 1 hour plus, playing with dogs & stuffs.
Martin just couldn't refrain himself from playing with th fighting fish lah.
Itchy hands. ;x
Did retarded acts & laughed like shit lah.
Walk around & running away from Ahtay after poking his fatty waist, LOL! ;x
Went to Kfc for lunch/dinner after that.
Was laughing like shit when all of us saw Ahtay's 'mini' burger.
Talktalktalked, then 5 plus, 4 of us walkwalk till my house there,
Then split up & went home.
I love all of them lah. :D
School was alright.
Was laughing so much with Glovor during Maths.
Si pa gao teck ! LOL.
But did my work while laughing, too. :D
East Point with Ahtay, Diana & Martin after school.
Bought my screen protector, like finally! :D
Went to Pet Safari as usual.
Super fun lah, stayed inside for like 1 hour plus, playing with dogs & stuffs.
Martin just couldn't refrain himself from playing with th fighting fish lah.
Itchy hands. ;x
Did retarded acts & laughed like shit lah.
Walk around & running away from Ahtay after poking his fatty waist, LOL! ;x
Went to Kfc for lunch/dinner after that.
Was laughing like shit when all of us saw Ahtay's 'mini' burger.
Talktalktalked, then 5 plus, 4 of us walkwalk till my house there,
Then split up & went home.
I love all of them lah. :D
Sunday, February 24, 2008
this post is being edited, for some reasons.
hahah ! :D
didn't blog these fews days because of some reasons.
hahah ! :D
didn't blog these fews days because of some reasons.
yeah, I cried for like 15 minutes only.
because someone asked me to stop.
3 claps for Qiuyun! :D
I'm sick of all this shit.
I'm sick of you.
I'm sick of everything.
I'm sick of, crying.
no point giving you all those care when you don't even fucking need it.
I rather give all those care to someone else, someone who deserve & wants it.
& I've found that someone.
I shall just treat you ike a normal friend from now onwards.
because someone asked me to stop.
3 claps for Qiuyun! :D
I'm sick of all this shit.
I'm sick of you.
I'm sick of everything.
I'm sick of, crying.
no point giving you all those care when you don't even fucking need it.
I rather give all those care to someone else, someone who deserve & wants it.
& I've found that someone.
I shall just treat you ike a normal friend from now onwards.
a normal classmate, a normal person whom I will usually hangout with.
not someone important to me.
wo zhong yu xiang tong le. (:
& ______, if you had enough of me, then stop reading my blog.
I didn't force you to read it in th first place.
& I'm not yunyun laopo for goodness fuck.
wo zhong yu xiang tong le. (:
& ______, if you had enough of me, then stop reading my blog.
I didn't force you to read it in th first place.
& I'm not yunyun laopo for goodness fuck.
just came back from cousin's house.
thanks to th bloody old hag.
my Grandmotherrrrr.
bitch niah luh. I just walk out of th house when she said that sentence.
kaopeh kaobuuuu.
thanks to th bloody old hag.
my Grandmotherrrrr.
bitch niah luh. I just walk out of th house when she said that sentence.
kaopeh kaobuuuu.
anyway, had fun with Kailing just now.
school tomorrow... boring.
will see some bitches/bastard/motherfuckers face tomorrow.
what an eye sore. :/
but I can see my Diana horny bitch tomorrow. :D
Saturday, 23rd February
woke up in th morning & went to school.
yeah. I thought theres Chemistry ec today.
but no, it has been postponed to next Saturday.
goondo lah me. my retribution for not paying attention in class.
Diana was there too, thanks to me.
paiseh luh !
headed to Macs for breakfast.

was boring like shit luh.
so, we went back to my house to sleep.

Diana took unglam photos of me when I was sleeping.
& she was like sticking to me while I was watching th tv.
horny bitch. -.-
Mummy brought us to East Coast.
both of us chiong Maple together. LOL ! :D
bought BK & went back up to chiong again.
super fun lah. HAHA :D
woke up in th morning & went to school.
yeah. I thought theres Chemistry ec today.
but no, it has been postponed to next Saturday.
goondo lah me. my retribution for not paying attention in class.
Diana was there too, thanks to me.
paiseh luh !
headed to Macs for breakfast.
pig ; mother fucking retard. LOL!
bought cat food & went around looking for cats to feed after that.
bought cat food & went around looking for cats to feed after that.
was boring like shit luh.
so, we went back to my house to sleep.
Diana took unglam photos of me when I was sleeping.
& she was like sticking to me while I was watching th tv.
horny bitch. -.-
Mummy brought us to East Coast.
both of us chiong Maple together. LOL ! :D
bought BK & went back up to chiong again.
super fun lah. HAHA :D
me & horny bitch :D ; me, Mummy & Diana.
went back home at 8 plus after that.
went back home at 8 plus after that.
Friday, 22nd February
met Martin at my house downstairs.
I was 15 mins late. ;x
then met Ahtay & Jesslyn.
headed to 201 to meet alto alot of people.
Cassandra, Chenghoo, Diana, Ivan, Rachel & Siewmin.
bus-ed down to Bedok together. :D
ran with Cassandra, Diana & Siewmin.
fell down while running luh.
then kept on running until I saw Ahtay & Martin.
then we ran together. hohos !
laughed about so many stuffs while running. :D
then when reaching finishing line, Ahtay & me chiong like mad./
because of some reasons.
you know I know ah. shhh.
met Martin at my house downstairs.
I was 15 mins late. ;x
then met Ahtay & Jesslyn.
headed to 201 to meet alto alot of people.
Cassandra, Chenghoo, Diana, Ivan, Rachel & Siewmin.
bus-ed down to Bedok together. :D
ran with Cassandra, Diana & Siewmin.
fell down while running luh.
then kept on running until I saw Ahtay & Martin.
then we ran together. hohos !
laughed about so many stuffs while running. :D
then when reaching finishing line, Ahtay & me chiong like mad./
because of some reasons.
you know I know ah. shhh.
Nichelle & me ; Ivan & me. (i look super -.-)
then went to Kfc to eat with Adrian, Ahtay, Duck, Kimseng, Leonard, Martin, Songhan & Yanlin.
I was th only girl again. -.-
there was some food survey thingy.
asking us to try something & give comments.
shared with Ahtay & we gave really bastard comments.
Duck did th 'wu lian pai' with my phone.
fuck funny bodoh !
1 ; 2
3 ; 4
after that went to look for Jingwen at East Point
then went to look for Chenghoo, Diana, Ivan & Siewmin.
Thursday, 21st February
school was alright.
was damn paiseh because of my hair. -.-received so many comments loh.
Ivan & Chenghoo kept on calling me 'China woman'
Leonard, Songhan, Kimseng & gang kept on calling me 'Japanese woman'
I'M a Singaporean lah hello ! LOL.
regretted cutting it lah. -.-
EV idol was.. -.-
didn't really pay much attention to it though.
was busy laughing. :D
band practice after school.
& blah. & blah. & blah.
school was alright.
was damn paiseh because of my hair. -.-received so many comments loh.
Ivan & Chenghoo kept on calling me 'China woman'
Leonard, Songhan, Kimseng & gang kept on calling me 'Japanese woman'
I'M a Singaporean lah hello ! LOL.
regretted cutting it lah. -.-
EV idol was.. -.-
didn't really pay much attention to it though.
was busy laughing. :D
band practice after school.
& blah. & blah. & blah.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
After alot of naggings from..
buey steady leh you.
say want together cut already.
then i cut already you don't want cut.
wahlao, go cut lah. trytry lah.
you suit bangs leh.
cause you've got a kiddo kiddo face. (-.- at this lah.)
then cut already very cute one. trust me lah.
go cut lah. try new hair style la.
you from sec 2 until ow fringe longlong.
try cut lah. maybe nice leh? how you know.
I've becided to try bangs.
to shut 3 of their mouths up.
nah, just kidding, hahah :D
seriously I look like a kid now.
like xiao hai zi pls. -.-
I'm going to clip up my hair tomorrow.
or Ahtay & Martin will start saying that I look like a kid.
aiyah whatever. -.-
I wanna be like that male lead of Evan Almighty luh.
5 mins grow like 30cm of hair.
bushy bodoh, LOL! ;x
Blogger doon't aloow me to post photos now leh, don't know why. -.-
shall upload pictures of my xiao ginna hair tomorrow.
buey steady leh you.
say want together cut already.
then i cut already you don't want cut.
wahlao, go cut lah. trytry lah.
you suit bangs leh.
cause you've got a kiddo kiddo face. (-.- at this lah.)
then cut already very cute one. trust me lah.
go cut lah. try new hair style la.
you from sec 2 until ow fringe longlong.
try cut lah. maybe nice leh? how you know.
I've becided to try bangs.
to shut 3 of their mouths up.
nah, just kidding, hahah :D
seriously I look like a kid now.
like xiao hai zi pls. -.-
I'm going to clip up my hair tomorrow.
or Ahtay & Martin will start saying that I look like a kid.
aiyah whatever. -.-
I wanna be like that male lead of Evan Almighty luh.
5 mins grow like 30cm of hair.
bushy bodoh, LOL! ;x
Blogger doon't aloow me to post photos now leh, don't know why. -.-
shall upload pictures of my xiao ginna hair tomorrow.
school was boringggggg without Diana. ):
her eyes swollen luh. redred bigbig woooo. :D
P.E was super fun luh.
played badminton with Eileen, then Martin.
was screaming like shit luh.
Martin bully niah please.
keep on let me pick up th shuttlecock.
i pick up 5 times he pick up 1 time niah luh.
Big bully !
English was muthar fooking sian please !
was like staring in space luh.
seriously nothing to do loh.
Adrian just couldn't stop acting cute to me. -.-
then Carmen turned around & we had bitchy talks, hahaha !
after school, went to look for Mrs Ng & requested for a night camp & blahblah.
we want a overnight band camp luh.
but.. ):
it's like no matter how hard we tried to talk with her, she'll just come out with th same old reasons.
th worst is that she is a teacher.
& I cannot use vulgarities on her.
if not.. LOL !
Ivan asked me to be calm while talking anyway. -.-
Mummy came to fetch me home after that. (:
just finished watching CJ7.
I swear th dog in that movie is damn cute!
Brother has th toy luh.
but it's with his friend. cause they went to watch together & they keep on push here push there, say th toy very gay. -.-
hope Brother's friend doesn't lose it, so it'll be in my hands very soon.
Ahbert ah! I don't hate you lah please.
th table thingy is just joking loh.
& th rest also not we all vandalise one.
I still love you very very much okay ! (:
her eyes swollen luh. redred bigbig woooo. :D
P.E was super fun luh.
played badminton with Eileen, then Martin.
was screaming like shit luh.
Martin bully niah please.
keep on let me pick up th shuttlecock.
i pick up 5 times he pick up 1 time niah luh.
Big bully !
English was muthar fooking sian please !
was like staring in space luh.
seriously nothing to do loh.
Adrian just couldn't stop acting cute to me. -.-
then Carmen turned around & we had bitchy talks, hahaha !
after school, went to look for Mrs Ng & requested for a night camp & blahblah.
we want a overnight band camp luh.
but.. ):
it's like no matter how hard we tried to talk with her, she'll just come out with th same old reasons.
th worst is that she is a teacher.
& I cannot use vulgarities on her.
if not.. LOL !
Ivan asked me to be calm while talking anyway. -.-
Mummy came to fetch me home after that. (:
just finished watching CJ7.
I swear th dog in that movie is damn cute!
Brother has th toy luh.
but it's with his friend. cause they went to watch together & they keep on push here push there, say th toy very gay. -.-
hope Brother's friend doesn't lose it, so it'll be in my hands very soon.
Ahbert ah! I don't hate you lah please.
th table thingy is just joking loh.
& th rest also not we all vandalise one.
I still love you very very much okay ! (:
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I'm blogging for th sake of Diana Soh, that bloody bitch.
yeahyeah, that dinosaur.
but too bad she is not purple in colour.
or I'll love her like how I love my barney.
hahaha ! :D

yeahyeah, that dinosaur.
but too bad she is not purple in colour.
or I'll love her like how I love my barney.
hahaha ! :D
school was alright.
trashed everything out with Martin.
asked him a question & he told me that it's difficult to give me th answer.
I didn't for you to say it's me or what.
I just want an answer, thats it.
tmd, damn dulan okay.
but after Martin kept on making me laugh for th 3rd time, I buey tahans & laughed lahs.
first 2 times never laugh. -.-
was still dulan but, I don't know why.
little things he deos will just make me forgive him easily.
17 observational drawing for Art.
must complete 30 by this week sey.
bloody cow, can help me bohhhhhh. ;x
after Diana & my drawing were being marked, we went into th storeroom to zilian.
pulled Martin in too. hahah ! :D
Diana is love, please! (:
after that played scissors paper stone !
loser must kena slap at th hand.
Cheukman, Diana, Martin & Me played together.
after playing, our hands were red like shit luh please.
lunched with Ahtay, Diana & Martin during lunch break.
I kept on di siao-ing Ahtay luh.
telling him that I'm not ____.
because he kept on moving his chair closer & closer to me.
& he never shoot me back when I say luh.
so I was like, 'why never shoot me back? I expected you to shoot me back one luh.'
damn funny bodoh !
& he kept on di siao-ing th wound on my lower thigh luh.
NBCB. ;x
Chinese lessons was fun.
was talking with Duck, comparing someone with someone.
& who do you prefer to make them your boyf/girlf.
Duck was like, "why A leh? B looks nicer luh please."
I kept on reapeating "I DON'T GO FOR LOOKS."
for like 5 to 6 times lah. -.-
then, Duck asked me.
''Martin or Ivantay?"I was like "wtfuck, how you expect me to answer."
band practice after schoool.
was boring & tiring. :/
went to Mondi after band.
went to look for Cheukman, Duck & Leonard.
they damn funny bodoh !
cause Duck told them that th hairdresser at don't know what shop cut hair very nice one.
then Cheukman & Leonard went to cut.
they cliamed that it turned out to be like shit.
but I personally find their hair okay leh. -.-
then, they take revenge on Duck.
by asking me to cut Duck's hair. LOL.
i cute his frindge until damn funny one lahs. LOL ;x
went home after that.
make agar agar myself! :D
turned out to be okay luh.
taste like shit but Mummy told me it's nice. :D
asked Daddy to buy 5 bottles of Yakult back home.
he bought 20 bottles of it. -.-
Cheukman asked me to help him print pictures.
but taking pictures of it will actually help you score more marks.
so I asked Daddy to buy & I'm going to take pictures of it myself & print it out later on.
I'm sucha good friend right? ;x
theres P.E. tomorrow !
oh, shit.
my leg lah sial, how to P.E.
I love PE lessons for goodness sake.
it's fun okay !
& cross country on friday.
how to run lah sial.
siansiansian. ):
Monday, February 18, 2008
came out of my house lift & th first person i saw was Albert.
makes me wanna cry.
because last time, beofre 26th April 2007, _____ was th one I always see when I walk out of th lift every single morning.
but now.. ):
thanks anyway, Albert.
cried like don't know how many times in school.
& some people actually say I cry until like that for what sial.
in a super sarcastic tone.
Ahtay, Diana, Jingwen & Martin should know who am i referring to.
during Maths class, I saw him wiping off tears from his eyes.
Diana didn't believe what I saw.
but I just asked him, & he really did. (:
went straight home after school.
fell down at school's bus stop lah, naaaabei.
pain bodoh.
look !

I know my lower thigh is fat luh. -.-
reached home & Mummy help me cut hairrr.
as usual, ask her cut thin she cut short.
my hair now shortshort again.
I didn't know a 'sorry' could make everything alright again.
althought it takes alot of courage for me to do so, i still did it.
worth it lah please.
I'm happy like fuck now. :D
at least tomorrow, I won't shed tears like how I did today.
& to that muthat fooking person.
don't make me sound so bitchy lah, for goodness sake.
take a look at yourself first please.
makes me wanna cry.
because last time, beofre 26th April 2007, _____ was th one I always see when I walk out of th lift every single morning.
but now.. ):
thanks anyway, Albert.
cried like don't know how many times in school.
& some people actually say I cry until like that for what sial.
in a super sarcastic tone.
Ahtay, Diana, Jingwen & Martin should know who am i referring to.
during Maths class, I saw him wiping off tears from his eyes.
Diana didn't believe what I saw.
but I just asked him, & he really did. (:
went straight home after school.
fell down at school's bus stop lah, naaaabei.
pain bodoh.
look !
I know my lower thigh is fat luh. -.-
reached home & Mummy help me cut hairrr.
as usual, ask her cut thin she cut short.
my hair now shortshort again.
I didn't know a 'sorry' could make everything alright again.
althought it takes alot of courage for me to do so, i still did it.
worth it lah please.
I'm happy like fuck now. :D
at least tomorrow, I won't shed tears like how I did today.
& to that muthat fooking person.
don't make me sound so bitchy lah, for goodness sake.
take a look at yourself first please.
Mummy made me happy for like 5 mins yesterday.
because of this.

thanks Mummy.
I wanted this phone for weeks because it has a 5 mp camera.
yeah, felt happy for 5 mins only.
because my mood was like very, very down yesterday.
even getting a phone that I wanted for me couldn't make my day.
she just wanted to get a lousy spare phone at first.
& since my phone's battery is faulty already, I told her I wanted this.
used tears to get it. :D
it's very easy for me to cry at this point of time lah.
went to Aunt's house after getting my phone.
had heart to heart talk with Kaili again.
& both of us cried.
I love you lah sis.
Kailing was like telling her Mummy that we're crying.
then we claimed that she slap us, thats why we fake fake cry.
went home after that.
because of this.

thanks Mummy.
I wanted this phone for weeks because it has a 5 mp camera.
yeah, felt happy for 5 mins only.
because my mood was like very, very down yesterday.
even getting a phone that I wanted for me couldn't make my day.
she just wanted to get a lousy spare phone at first.
& since my phone's battery is faulty already, I told her I wanted this.
used tears to get it. :D
it's very easy for me to cry at this point of time lah.
went to Aunt's house after getting my phone.
had heart to heart talk with Kaili again.
& both of us cried.
I love you lah sis.
Kailing was like telling her Mummy that we're crying.
then we claimed that she slap us, thats why we fake fake cry.
went home after that.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I'm feeling much better now.
thanks Diana, Jesslyn & Jingwen.
anyway, I'm sorry Jesslyn.
for screaming at you yesterday at th bus stop.
when you asked me what happened.
& your thumbs are all filled with my tears yesterday.
I'm very sorry.
To that someone, you know who you are.
you claimed that it's becuase you don't want me to cry/be angry/be sad.
& thats th reason why you don't wanna tell me those things.
but did you know that, I won't cry as much as how I did yesterday if you told me what happened earlier/tell me what happened yourself?
why can't you just tell me in th first place?
why must you always let me find out what happened myself?
why must you always wait till some other people tell me what actually happened?
why why why?
someone told me it's because you don't wanna make me feel sad.
but we're like friends for how long already?
you still don't know th fact that I will cry more if I find it out myself?
you claimed that I'm more important to you than her.
but look at what you're always doing.
your acts, your everything.
just proves that shes more important than me.
actions speaks louder than words.
no use saying when your actions are facing towards th opposite way.
I'm not saying that I want to be more important than her.
in th first place you're th one who said it.
& if you cannot do it, then what for say it?
emppty promises/whatever you call it will only hurt me even more.
if in th first place you didn't say it, I wouldn't cry as much as how I did yesterday.
if you really mean it. if you really find me more important.
& your actions still doesn't prove it.
then I think you should just say that she is more important to me.
because your actions, your everything wants you to think that way.
then so be it.
you know that we're meeting yesterday already.
then why cant you just change your mother fucking theme back first?
why must you let me see th theme?
why cant you just change it back first?
& why even bother to change back after realising that I've cried because of that reason?
why even bother to change after I cry?
when you didn't even bother in th first place?
look at your actions, & ask yourself again.
who is more important?
I try not to spoil everyone's mood yesterday.
I've tried my best not to breakdown infront of everyone.
I know at last I did, but I did outside.
I don't want them to see me crying, I don't wanna spoil th happy mood.
because I care for them & obviously you.
but did you even bother to care for me?
you can care for me by just changing back to your previous theme, it's as easy as that.
but did you even bother to do it?
when I was crying under th blanket,
Jesslyn asked what happened, & passed me a tissue.
Ahtay came & see whetehr I'm crying anot.
Kimseng also asked me not to be like that, not to be emo.
Yanlin & Leonard also ask me whether I'm alright.
but I don't even care about what they did.
because it's useless. no matter what they do, I'll still remain th same & cry.
what I want is just a 'you okay anot?/what happened?/why you crying?' from you.
& I'll smile back, I'll be very contented already.
but did you? just these few words could make me smile again.
but did you even bother to do it?
NO. because you're busying messaging her.
I didn't sleep th whole night, becasue I was busy crying.
I even threw th barney out of my room.
because when I look at it, I will think of you, & cry even more.
I cry because I ximtia.
I cry because I don't wanna lose you.
I cry because you're my bestest friend.
I cry because you're important to me.
yes, I can say that you're important to me.
because my actions proves it.
when I quarrel with Diana/Jacyln, I don't even give a fuck about them.
because they understand me, they will come & talk to me again themselves.
but every single time when I quarrel with you, I will never fail to cry.
because you won't come & talk to me.
& thats why I'll cry, cry & cry.
because you're th most important to me.
but look at th way you treat me.
you always compare my height with other people.
it really pisses me off but I'll always tolerate with it.
when Weekian/Amaran/Ahtay say I'm short, I'll be angry with them.
thats why Amaran always say I'm tall now.
althought I know it's not true.
but I know it's because he know that I'll be angry if he claims that I'm short.
Ahtay also, he will just say 'okok, you very tall'
& I'll be smiling again.
but you? did I ever get angry with you?
even if i get angry, just 5 minutes later, I'll be smiling again.
th reason I smile is not because you say 'okok, you very tall' or what ever shit.
because you will just heck care me/walk away.
it's because I choose not to be angry with you.
mother fuck.
I know you're reading all this.
then ask yourself, whether you really treat me as someone more important than her.
yeah, treat, not say.
no use saying when your actions doesn't proves it.
Ahtay told me that you won't talk to me now unless I talk to you.
let me tell you this.
I'm th same.
I won't talk to you unless you come & talk to you.
perhaps I should not even bother to talk back to you.
or if you patch back with her, or perhaps already patched up,
she will start saying that I hold on to you & all those mother fuck shit again.
I know some people will say that I'm talking cock again.
thanks Diana, Jesslyn & Jingwen.
anyway, I'm sorry Jesslyn.
for screaming at you yesterday at th bus stop.
when you asked me what happened.
& your thumbs are all filled with my tears yesterday.
I'm very sorry.
To that someone, you know who you are.
you claimed that it's becuase you don't want me to cry/be angry/be sad.
& thats th reason why you don't wanna tell me those things.
but did you know that, I won't cry as much as how I did yesterday if you told me what happened earlier/tell me what happened yourself?
why can't you just tell me in th first place?
why must you always let me find out what happened myself?
why must you always wait till some other people tell me what actually happened?
why why why?
someone told me it's because you don't wanna make me feel sad.
but we're like friends for how long already?
you still don't know th fact that I will cry more if I find it out myself?
you claimed that I'm more important to you than her.
but look at what you're always doing.
your acts, your everything.
just proves that shes more important than me.
actions speaks louder than words.
no use saying when your actions are facing towards th opposite way.
I'm not saying that I want to be more important than her.
in th first place you're th one who said it.
& if you cannot do it, then what for say it?
emppty promises/whatever you call it will only hurt me even more.
if in th first place you didn't say it, I wouldn't cry as much as how I did yesterday.
if you really mean it. if you really find me more important.
& your actions still doesn't prove it.
then I think you should just say that she is more important to me.
because your actions, your everything wants you to think that way.
then so be it.
you know that we're meeting yesterday already.
then why cant you just change your mother fucking theme back first?
why must you let me see th theme?
why cant you just change it back first?
& why even bother to change back after realising that I've cried because of that reason?
why even bother to change after I cry?
when you didn't even bother in th first place?
look at your actions, & ask yourself again.
who is more important?
I try not to spoil everyone's mood yesterday.
I've tried my best not to breakdown infront of everyone.
I know at last I did, but I did outside.
I don't want them to see me crying, I don't wanna spoil th happy mood.
because I care for them & obviously you.
but did you even bother to care for me?
you can care for me by just changing back to your previous theme, it's as easy as that.
but did you even bother to do it?
when I was crying under th blanket,
Jesslyn asked what happened, & passed me a tissue.
Ahtay came & see whetehr I'm crying anot.
Kimseng also asked me not to be like that, not to be emo.
Yanlin & Leonard also ask me whether I'm alright.
but I don't even care about what they did.
because it's useless. no matter what they do, I'll still remain th same & cry.
what I want is just a 'you okay anot?/what happened?/why you crying?' from you.
& I'll smile back, I'll be very contented already.
but did you? just these few words could make me smile again.
but did you even bother to do it?
NO. because you're busying messaging her.
I didn't sleep th whole night, becasue I was busy crying.
I even threw th barney out of my room.
because when I look at it, I will think of you, & cry even more.
I cry because I ximtia.
I cry because I don't wanna lose you.
I cry because you're my bestest friend.
I cry because you're important to me.
yes, I can say that you're important to me.
because my actions proves it.
when I quarrel with Diana/Jacyln, I don't even give a fuck about them.
because they understand me, they will come & talk to me again themselves.
but every single time when I quarrel with you, I will never fail to cry.
because you won't come & talk to me.
& thats why I'll cry, cry & cry.
because you're th most important to me.
but look at th way you treat me.
you always compare my height with other people.
it really pisses me off but I'll always tolerate with it.
when Weekian/Amaran/Ahtay say I'm short, I'll be angry with them.
thats why Amaran always say I'm tall now.
althought I know it's not true.
but I know it's because he know that I'll be angry if he claims that I'm short.
Ahtay also, he will just say 'okok, you very tall'
& I'll be smiling again.
but you? did I ever get angry with you?
even if i get angry, just 5 minutes later, I'll be smiling again.
th reason I smile is not because you say 'okok, you very tall' or what ever shit.
because you will just heck care me/walk away.
it's because I choose not to be angry with you.
mother fuck.
I know you're reading all this.
then ask yourself, whether you really treat me as someone more important than her.
yeah, treat, not say.
no use saying when your actions doesn't proves it.
Ahtay told me that you won't talk to me now unless I talk to you.
let me tell you this.
I'm th same.
I won't talk to you unless you come & talk to you.
perhaps I should not even bother to talk back to you.
or if you patch back with her, or perhaps already patched up,
she will start saying that I hold on to you & all those mother fuck shit again.
I know some people will say that I'm talking cock again.

went to Jesslyn's house at around 2.
help her choose her clothes, then left at 3 plus.
went to walk around EastPoint.
then went to meet them up at 4 plus.
them = Ahtay, Kamal, Kimseng, Leonard, Martin, Samuel, Songhan, Yanlin.
bused to Martin's house.
then I ran in first to bainian to his Mummy, haha ! :D
her Mummy was like, 'why you come in alone?'
cute lah sey. :D
after that eat already, they gamble.
I didn't as I've no mood to do so.
then they talktalk, start gambling again.
saw some stuffs which makes me no mood again.
going to ____ already, so I left his room & went to th staircase.
called Jingwen, & I was crying like fuck.
went back to take my stuffs & left his house.
stand at th bus stop alone.
after that Jesslyn came alot of things happened.
then Jingwen came, & they managed to persuade me to go back to his house.
after that Cheukman & Duck came, Jingwen left.
& I actually gambled with them, hahah !
lost 3 bucks lah. ahpunehnehs.
10 plus left his house & all of us walked to East Point for Starbucks.
Ahtay was teaching me how to tie a tie.
teach me one time then I know already.
12 plus left that place & walked home with Ahtay & Martin.
yesh, Ahtay walk until my house there due to some reasons.
then slack at my house downstairs & I went home.
when I came out of th lift, 10th floor.
I actually saw them walking out from another lift.
bodoh lahs they !
didn't sleep th whole night.
& I'm still wearing what I just wore yesterday.
because I didn't even care to change.
because I was crying th whole night.
help her choose her clothes, then left at 3 plus.
went to walk around EastPoint.
then went to meet them up at 4 plus.
them = Ahtay, Kamal, Kimseng, Leonard, Martin, Samuel, Songhan, Yanlin.
bused to Martin's house.
then I ran in first to bainian to his Mummy, haha ! :D
her Mummy was like, 'why you come in alone?'
cute lah sey. :D
after that eat already, they gamble.
I didn't as I've no mood to do so.
then they talktalk, start gambling again.
saw some stuffs which makes me no mood again.
going to ____ already, so I left his room & went to th staircase.
called Jingwen, & I was crying like fuck.
went back to take my stuffs & left his house.
stand at th bus stop alone.
after that Jesslyn came alot of things happened.
then Jingwen came, & they managed to persuade me to go back to his house.
after that Cheukman & Duck came, Jingwen left.
& I actually gambled with them, hahah !
lost 3 bucks lah. ahpunehnehs.
10 plus left his house & all of us walked to East Point for Starbucks.
Ahtay was teaching me how to tie a tie.
teach me one time then I know already.
12 plus left that place & walked home with Ahtay & Martin.
yesh, Ahtay walk until my house there due to some reasons.
then slack at my house downstairs & I went home.
when I came out of th lift, 10th floor.
I actually saw them walking out from another lift.
bodoh lahs they !
didn't sleep th whole night.
& I'm still wearing what I just wore yesterday.
because I didn't even care to change.
because I was crying th whole night.
Friday, February 15, 2008
was late for school, 6th time.
thakns to that fucking bus driver.
& my ezlink card was being confiscated by him, just because I pasted something on it.
& I must wait for a letter 5 days later.
& go to don't know where to collect my exlink card.
famn than bus driver please.
I still remember your face, Jacyln remembers it too.
watch out okay, I'll get a bangala to fuck you. ;D
made me so pissed off luh.
gave Diana her V.day present in th morning.
& she was like so damn happy, HAHAHA. ;D
I actually copied notes during Social Studies.
& when Mdm Natasha said 'finish your worksheet, then you can go.'
I actually did it on my own. :D
normally if she didn't say, I will just heck care.
If she say, I will go around copying answers, LOL.
I need to buck up on my studies lah, serious.
band practice again after school.
tiring please.
talked to Simin again, about manymany stuffs.
I love her lah please. :D
went home after that.
going to Martin's house to bainian tomorrow.
don't really feel like going because I'm tired.
plus I'll be th only girl there again.
as in among Martin's friends lah. -.-
but if i never go, bloody cow(Ahtay) will be angry.
howhowhow. ):
thakns to that fucking bus driver.
& my ezlink card was being confiscated by him, just because I pasted something on it.
& I must wait for a letter 5 days later.
& go to don't know where to collect my exlink card.
famn than bus driver please.
I still remember your face, Jacyln remembers it too.
watch out okay, I'll get a bangala to fuck you. ;D
made me so pissed off luh.
gave Diana her V.day present in th morning.
& she was like so damn happy, HAHAHA. ;D
I actually copied notes during Social Studies.
& when Mdm Natasha said 'finish your worksheet, then you can go.'
I actually did it on my own. :D
normally if she didn't say, I will just heck care.
If she say, I will go around copying answers, LOL.
I need to buck up on my studies lah, serious.
band practice again after school.
tiring please.
talked to Simin again, about manymany stuffs.
I love her lah please. :D
went home after that.
going to Martin's house to bainian tomorrow.
don't really feel like going because I'm tired.
plus I'll be th only girl there again.
as in among Martin's friends lah. -.-
but if i never go, bloody cow(Ahtay) will be angry.
howhowhow. ):
Thursday, 14th February
Happy Valentines/Friendship Day. :D
received alot of candies/lollipop/chocolates today.
kept on eating & eating luh.
piggggg. ;D
&did a card for Diana in class today, hahah ! ;D
& thanks for th card ah, Albert.
Ily lah! :D
& I compleed 12 sketches for Art today, in 1 hour.
& teacher actually said 'ask Martin to give me something like this'
when she was looking at my work. LOL !
when Martin drew for don't know how many hours lah. ;x
lunched at KFC with Diana, Nisaa & Zhiqing.
was laughing about so many random stuffs laa, hahah.
love them manxszxz. ;D
left for band after that.
Axel wasn't around, so I teach 3 juniors all by myself.
tiring lah. ):
went to 201 with Chenghoo, Cher & Ivan after band.
talktalktalk, blahblahblah.
then I went to have dinner with Mummy & Daddy.
both of them kept on nagging & nagging.
bth please. -.-
Happy Valentines/Friendship Day. :D
received alot of candies/lollipop/chocolates today.
kept on eating & eating luh.
piggggg. ;D
&did a card for Diana in class today, hahah ! ;D
& thanks for th card ah, Albert.
Ily lah! :D
& I compleed 12 sketches for Art today, in 1 hour.
& teacher actually said 'ask Martin to give me something like this'
when she was looking at my work. LOL !
when Martin drew for don't know how many hours lah. ;x
lunched at KFC with Diana, Nisaa & Zhiqing.
was laughing about so many random stuffs laa, hahah.
love them manxszxz. ;D
left for band after that.
Axel wasn't around, so I teach 3 juniors all by myself.
tiring lah. ):
went to 201 with Chenghoo, Cher & Ivan after band.
talktalktalk, blahblahblah.
then I went to have dinner with Mummy & Daddy.
both of them kept on nagging & nagging.
bth please. -.-
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Chinese lessons was oh-so fun.
was talking about having good friends of th opposite sex.
i have many many lah please. hahaha!
& theres dirty stuffs too.
was laughing like shit with Leonard, lol !
went to Tampines Mall with alot of people today.
theres like, 10 of us?
Ahtay, Diana, Juventus, Kimseng, Leonard, Martin, Songhan, Yanlin, Zongtai & me.
bought tickets for KungFu Dunk, then went in first to sitsit & talktalk.
Ahtay & Martin wasn't with us, asked th rest & they told me that they went to buy tidbits.
so i sat beside Leonard at first.
tickle him like shit, take revenge lah.
he kept on disiao-ing me one. HAHA !
so like, I bend towards him, then he use his elbow to push me down towards his seat.
then I was like behind him, & my face was sticking on th seat lah. -.-
then Ahtay & Martin came back, they put a plastic bag on my lap & i was like struggling to get up lah. -.-
when i got up, I saw a Toys r us plastic bag.
so Kimseng was like 'what is that? I see.'
so I took it & when I was passing it to him, I heard 'I love you !' from that plastic bag.
so I was like 'OH MY FUCK, BARNEYYYYYY' & hugged it like what lah.
was happy like muthar fooking shit please !
after that, I was thinking about those stuffs again & teared.
yeahyeah, I know I'm dumb.
movie was alright.
fight halfway still give that act cute post.
super cute, can't stand lah pleaseeeee. (:
sat with Ahtay & Leonard during movie.
& watching movies with both of them is damn nice one please.
Ahtay will talk alot of cock & Leonard will do stupid acts.
LOL ;x
will make me laugh like mad lah please.
& Ahtay suddenly told me about someone being very disgusting.
after that, walk around & stuffs.
saw Adrian & company.
si palongggggg. ;x
Martin kept on hitting my barney lah.
Ahtay, Kimseng & Yanlin all also.
pull here pull there. ): !
walked home with Martin as usual. (:
he actually put th barney's mouth near to his *ahems* lah.
then he was like 'next time you kiss barney, equals to kissing my *ahems*' -.-
he asked me to treat th barney as him.
& hug it to sleep everynight.
I will lah, you're cute guy, & I'm crazy over you what, remember?
reached home & i was hugging th barney.
so my Mummy was like 'wah, valentines present ah? from who?'
even if I explain it to her, she will just say 'don't bluff lah.' & nagnagnag.
so I know that theres no point explaining cause she wouldn't believe me, I walk back into my room straight.
have to pass up Art tomorrow, 20 sketches.
I drew 0 sktches. :D
I wanna drop it lah, but I'm afraid I'll regret it later.
but, until now I haven't even started drawing lah. -.-
anyway, thanks for th barney.
I love it like mad lahczsxzxzsx ! :D
I will take good good care of it, I won't abuse it like how th both of you did. ;x
I will hug it to sleep everynight.
& even now, I'm hugging Barney while blogging.
& when I look at it, it reminds me of both of you lah sey.
Both of you = my bloody gimjio(banana)& bloody cow.
I'm currently thinking of a name for my Barney. ahha !
& YES, they still bought it for me.
say whatever you want lah, I cheat their money or whatever shit.
I know i didn't, & that's final.
Opinions are like Assholes.
therefore, you're is just another stupid ass trying to give ass opinions. (:
was talking about having good friends of th opposite sex.
i have many many lah please. hahaha!
& theres dirty stuffs too.
was laughing like shit with Leonard, lol !
went to Tampines Mall with alot of people today.
theres like, 10 of us?
Ahtay, Diana, Juventus, Kimseng, Leonard, Martin, Songhan, Yanlin, Zongtai & me.
bought tickets for KungFu Dunk, then went in first to sitsit & talktalk.
Ahtay & Martin wasn't with us, asked th rest & they told me that they went to buy tidbits.
so i sat beside Leonard at first.
tickle him like shit, take revenge lah.
he kept on disiao-ing me one. HAHA !
so like, I bend towards him, then he use his elbow to push me down towards his seat.
then I was like behind him, & my face was sticking on th seat lah. -.-
then Ahtay & Martin came back, they put a plastic bag on my lap & i was like struggling to get up lah. -.-
when i got up, I saw a Toys r us plastic bag.
so Kimseng was like 'what is that? I see.'
so I took it & when I was passing it to him, I heard 'I love you !' from that plastic bag.
so I was like 'OH MY FUCK, BARNEYYYYYY' & hugged it like what lah.
was happy like muthar fooking shit please !
after that, I was thinking about those stuffs again & teared.
yeahyeah, I know I'm dumb.
movie was alright.
fight halfway still give that act cute post.
super cute, can't stand lah pleaseeeee. (:
sat with Ahtay & Leonard during movie.
& watching movies with both of them is damn nice one please.
Ahtay will talk alot of cock & Leonard will do stupid acts.
LOL ;x
will make me laugh like mad lah please.
& Ahtay suddenly told me about someone being very disgusting.
after that, walk around & stuffs.
saw Adrian & company.
si palongggggg. ;x
Martin kept on hitting my barney lah.
Ahtay, Kimseng & Yanlin all also.
pull here pull there. ): !
walked home with Martin as usual. (:
he actually put th barney's mouth near to his *ahems* lah.
then he was like 'next time you kiss barney, equals to kissing my *ahems*' -.-
he asked me to treat th barney as him.
& hug it to sleep everynight.
I will lah, you're cute guy, & I'm crazy over you what, remember?
reached home & i was hugging th barney.
so my Mummy was like 'wah, valentines present ah? from who?'
even if I explain it to her, she will just say 'don't bluff lah.' & nagnagnag.
so I know that theres no point explaining cause she wouldn't believe me, I walk back into my room straight.
have to pass up Art tomorrow, 20 sketches.
I drew 0 sktches. :D
I wanna drop it lah, but I'm afraid I'll regret it later.
but, until now I haven't even started drawing lah. -.-
anyway, thanks for th barney.
I love it like mad lahczsxzxzsx ! :D
I will take good good care of it, I won't abuse it like how th both of you did. ;x
I will hug it to sleep everynight.
& even now, I'm hugging Barney while blogging.
& when I look at it, it reminds me of both of you lah sey.
Both of you = my bloody gimjio(banana)& bloody cow.
I'm currently thinking of a name for my Barney. ahha !
& YES, they still bought it for me.
say whatever you want lah, I cheat their money or whatever shit.
I know i didn't, & that's final.
Opinions are like Assholes.
therefore, you're is just another stupid ass trying to give ass opinions. (:
Tuesday, 12th January
stomach was damn pain again during Maths lessons. -.-
I got to know how to press th calculator, finding th data & so on.
Martin was th one who taught me sey, miracle. ;x
Art was DAMN DAMN FUN ! ;D
Amaran, Cheukman, Diana, Martin & me was like wanting to drop Art lah.
draw also draw until pekcheks alreadys.
so like Cheukman & I was throwing our pencils & say 'AIYA DROP LAH!'
then Diana just kept on laughing, for don't know what reasons. -.-
after that I was telling Martin about someone that is so damn cute.
so he was like 'I never see you being crazy over guys before lah, also never see you being crazy over me.'
so I went to pinch his face, tickle him & kept on saying 'aiyo Martin, you soooo cute leh!'
until he buey tahans, who face red like shit & asked me to stop.
after school, banddddd !
was laughing with Axel again. -.-
then taught juniors about basic stuffs, lalalaa.
after band went to void deck with Albert, Guoxiong, Nisaa & Zhiqing.
bitched about so many stuffs.
I love them lah ;D
stomach was damn pain again during Maths lessons. -.-
I got to know how to press th calculator, finding th data & so on.
Martin was th one who taught me sey, miracle. ;x
Art was DAMN DAMN FUN ! ;D
Amaran, Cheukman, Diana, Martin & me was like wanting to drop Art lah.
draw also draw until pekcheks alreadys.
so like Cheukman & I was throwing our pencils & say 'AIYA DROP LAH!'
then Diana just kept on laughing, for don't know what reasons. -.-
after that I was telling Martin about someone that is so damn cute.
so he was like 'I never see you being crazy over guys before lah, also never see you being crazy over me.'
so I went to pinch his face, tickle him & kept on saying 'aiyo Martin, you soooo cute leh!'
until he buey tahans, who face red like shit & asked me to stop.
after school, banddddd !
was laughing with Axel again. -.-
then taught juniors about basic stuffs, lalalaa.
after band went to void deck with Albert, Guoxiong, Nisaa & Zhiqing.
bitched about so many stuffs.
I love them lah ;D
Monday, 11th February
alarm rang at 6.30 & i was like dragging myself off th bed lah.
slept at 4 plus for 4 nights already.
not used to waking up early suddenly. -.-
school was boring anyway.
stomach was damn pain during Maths lessons.
cannot even sit up properly.
skipped 3 periods of Chinese & went home straight with Diana.
she was supposed to come to my house to transfer PSP games only lah.
then, when my Mummy saw her, she went to make steamboat.
& before she leave, she even got an angpao from my Mummy.
wthells! -.-
was having so much fun browsing throught th net luh.
blogs, videos, pictures & etc.
Diana, no snatch. he's mine. ;x
went to had steamboat with Mummy & Diana.
girl's talk lah, hahah !
after that, she left at around 8.
I love Diana okay ! (:
alarm rang at 6.30 & i was like dragging myself off th bed lah.
slept at 4 plus for 4 nights already.
not used to waking up early suddenly. -.-
school was boring anyway.
stomach was damn pain during Maths lessons.
cannot even sit up properly.
skipped 3 periods of Chinese & went home straight with Diana.
she was supposed to come to my house to transfer PSP games only lah.
then, when my Mummy saw her, she went to make steamboat.
& before she leave, she even got an angpao from my Mummy.
wthells! -.-
was having so much fun browsing throught th net luh.
blogs, videos, pictures & etc.
Diana, no snatch. he's mine. ;x
went to had steamboat with Mummy & Diana.
girl's talk lah, hahah !
after that, she left at around 8.
I love Diana okay ! (:
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
will blog soon.
I'm lazy, very lazy.
& stressed about certain things.
I hate school, seriously.
& I wanna drop art lah, but I'm afraid that I'll regret it in th future.
I was laughing like mad when I was browsing through th pictures being taken last time.
I look so.. you should know. -.-
band was fun as usual.
4 new juniors. spend time talking to them & taught them basic stuffs.
I've got proof ! hahaha ;D
Axel was th one who took it anyway.
(P.S. E is so cute. ;x)
Sunday, February 10, 2008
went out to pray at around 3 plus.
was damn smoky & crowded.
I was giving a super glum face & useing th joss paper to fan myself like mad.
totally hate it lah.
theres was two guys, I don't know who they are.
th first guy kept on looking at me & smiling.
he's not those teekohpek or whatever.
he's like a normal guy, around 15 to 19 years old?
not those nerdy or what, he's like those ahbeng ahbeng kind. -.-
I don't know. he just kept on smiling & looking at me, with a look like as if he knows me.
he looks familiar to me though, but I seriously don't recognise him or whatever shit.
after that an unknown number sms-ed me.
'you at temple right? i look at you so long, forget me liao ah?'
& I didn't have his number.
so I was like 'yeah, I'm at th temple. who are you anyway?'
& he didn't reply.
then when I saw him again, he point at his handphone.
then, I who are you? & he walked away.
th second guy did th same thing, but no sms from him.
went to Bedok to walk around.
Mum & Dad was like screaming at each other. CANNOT STOP ONE LAH.
so I was super mad, I waslked into a random shop & stayed in that shop for one whole hour.
walked out of th shop with 4 pairs of earrings, 6 rubberbands, countless hair clips & 4 packets of ear sticks(1 packet for me & 3 for Martin).
& when i walk out fo th shop, my parents was actually waiting for me. :x
promised Martin to get earsticks for him, cause he asked me to.
yeahyeah, I know he is still angry with me.
when it is not totally my fault.
I'm pissed off by him too.
but I promised to get earsticks for him.
I'm not a promise breaker. (:
& because I'm still angry, i didn't even care to call & ask him what colour he want.
I just bought all th 3 colours that he will use.
went to watch Ah Long Pte Ltd again, with my parents this time.
& again, I laughed like shit lah, HAHAHA ;D
came home after that. (:
school tomorrow.
3 BOOS ! ):
I hate school lah. because I have sucky classmates.
yadaaaaaa, yadaaaaaa.
money all going into my bank tomorrow, YAY :D
I need more money anyway.
cause my family is going to be bankrupt soon.
very, very soon. ):
was damn smoky & crowded.
I was giving a super glum face & useing th joss paper to fan myself like mad.
totally hate it lah.
theres was two guys, I don't know who they are.
th first guy kept on looking at me & smiling.
he's not those teekohpek or whatever.
he's like a normal guy, around 15 to 19 years old?
not those nerdy or what, he's like those ahbeng ahbeng kind. -.-
I don't know. he just kept on smiling & looking at me, with a look like as if he knows me.
he looks familiar to me though, but I seriously don't recognise him or whatever shit.
after that an unknown number sms-ed me.
'you at temple right? i look at you so long, forget me liao ah?'
& I didn't have his number.
so I was like 'yeah, I'm at th temple. who are you anyway?'
& he didn't reply.
then when I saw him again, he point at his handphone.
then, I who are you? & he walked away.
th second guy did th same thing, but no sms from him.
went to Bedok to walk around.
Mum & Dad was like screaming at each other. CANNOT STOP ONE LAH.
so I was super mad, I waslked into a random shop & stayed in that shop for one whole hour.
walked out of th shop with 4 pairs of earrings, 6 rubberbands, countless hair clips & 4 packets of ear sticks(1 packet for me & 3 for Martin).
& when i walk out fo th shop, my parents was actually waiting for me. :x
promised Martin to get earsticks for him, cause he asked me to.
yeahyeah, I know he is still angry with me.
when it is not totally my fault.
I'm pissed off by him too.
but I promised to get earsticks for him.
I'm not a promise breaker. (:
& because I'm still angry, i didn't even care to call & ask him what colour he want.
I just bought all th 3 colours that he will use.
went to watch Ah Long Pte Ltd again, with my parents this time.
& again, I laughed like shit lah, HAHAHA ;D
came home after that. (:
school tomorrow.
3 BOOS ! ):
I hate school lah. because I have sucky classmates.
yadaaaaaa, yadaaaaaa.
money all going into my bank tomorrow, YAY :D
I need more money anyway.
cause my family is going to be bankrupt soon.
very, very soon. ):
Saturday, 9th February
nothing much today.
I went out at 8 plus, at night.
just to gamble at my Aunt's house.
didn't even bother to wear new year clothes lah.
I went there in t-shirt, shorts & slippers.
hopped on to Brother's motorbike & went there.
I hate & love bring tombang by him lah.
love because he'll go super fast, beli beli shiok. LOL :D
hate because th wind too strong, then my eyes will be damn pain due to contact lens. ):
lost 11 bucks. D:
3 days only win 5 bucks lah.
was laughing like mad with cousins lah.
my stupid Brother kept on making us laugh also.
& baby YunEn is super cute please.
cousin's baby daughter. 3 months only.
I kept on making her laugh with stupid faces. Hahah! (:
left at 3 plus as usual.
nothing much today.
I went out at 8 plus, at night.
just to gamble at my Aunt's house.
didn't even bother to wear new year clothes lah.
I went there in t-shirt, shorts & slippers.
hopped on to Brother's motorbike & went there.
I hate & love bring tombang by him lah.
love because he'll go super fast, beli beli shiok. LOL :D
hate because th wind too strong, then my eyes will be damn pain due to contact lens. ):
lost 11 bucks. D:
3 days only win 5 bucks lah.
was laughing like mad with cousins lah.
my stupid Brother kept on making us laugh also.
& baby YunEn is super cute please.
cousin's baby daughter. 3 months only.
I kept on making her laugh with stupid faces. Hahah! (:
left at 3 plus as usual.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Friday, 8th February
went out at 5 plus, cabbed to Tampines Mall to meet Zhiqing ! ;D
went to buy tickets for Ah Long Pte Ltd.
it was 6 then, & th show starts at 7.45. -.-
walked around & blahblahblah.
then went to watch th show.
our seats were separated luh.
4th row to th left? & 6th row in th middle.
we bought it anyway.
& we sat at th last row, which was empty.
there is only two of us lah, hhahaa ;D
laughed like shit luh.
& theres one part when a girl is going to get killed by something,
i was leaning over to Zhiqing & she was doing th same thing too.
hahahah !
over all th show was damn niceeeeee la.
4 starxszxs ! LOL :D
saw Esther when th show ended outside th cinema.
she deriously look so different from her photos lah.
saw Kengsern & Chinka too.
like 982734763 years never see them already laaa.
was hitting Kengsern's arms like mad when i saw him, hahaha ;D
& he kept on saying i changed alot already.
where got? -.-
after that bus-ed to Aunt's house.
& gambleeee.
won 27 bucks from Kaili. ;x
minus yeaterday's one, i won 16 bucks niah lah.
adults they all gamble, my cousin win 600 plus bucks siah !
left at 3 plus as usual. (:
went out at 5 plus, cabbed to Tampines Mall to meet Zhiqing ! ;D
went to buy tickets for Ah Long Pte Ltd.
it was 6 then, & th show starts at 7.45. -.-
walked around & blahblahblah.
then went to watch th show.
our seats were separated luh.
4th row to th left? & 6th row in th middle.
we bought it anyway.
& we sat at th last row, which was empty.
there is only two of us lah, hhahaa ;D
laughed like shit luh.
& theres one part when a girl is going to get killed by something,
i was leaning over to Zhiqing & she was doing th same thing too.
hahahah !
over all th show was damn niceeeeee la.
4 starxszxs ! LOL :D
saw Esther when th show ended outside th cinema.
she deriously look so different from her photos lah.
saw Kengsern & Chinka too.
like 982734763 years never see them already laaa.
was hitting Kengsern's arms like mad when i saw him, hahaha ;D
& he kept on saying i changed alot already.
where got? -.-
after that bus-ed to Aunt's house.
& gambleeee.
won 27 bucks from Kaili. ;x
minus yeaterday's one, i won 16 bucks niah lah.
adults they all gamble, my cousin win 600 plus bucks siah !
left at 3 plus as usual. (:
Thursday, 7th February
went to Popo's house first.
only received angpaos from her & Small Aunt.
th rest of th relatives all haven't reach luh.
then left that place after awhile with 2 angpaos only. >:(
if all th relatives there, i could have 120 bucks moreeee.
went to Weekian's house after that.
gamble gamble, then th whole family left to Gohpo's house already.
Gohpo means my Grand Aunt.
shes's my Grandma's sister.
my Mummy's Aunt, my Grand Aunt.
i only know that she's 90 plus already & she's still single. -.-
then last time she treat my Grandma they all very good one.
thats why every year we will never fail to go her house bainian.
everyyear i won't receive angpao from her.
cause she also don't know who to give, just anyhow give.
because her 3 room flat will be filled with 30 plus people?
then I'm always th one who suaysuay never get angpao from her one.
Weekian, Kaili, my brother & cousins also never get angpao.
only Kelvin got th angpao lah. -.-
& everytime we go there, will be damn packed.
so as usual, me & my cousins all went downstairs to slack.
after that headed back to Weekian's house.
lost 11 bucks lah. -.-
after that Brother & cousin went to adult place gamble.
left Weekian, Kaili & me.
was damn bored kay.
so i asked Weekian to play with me, with his clothes.
wore his skinnies & it was damn big la, size 34. -.-
then my shorts inside, i just wear it like that.
then th photos take already, my hips look damn big one.
& his skinnies fk-ing long okay.
then we keep on change change change & take photos.
will upload it th next time. (:
3 plus went back home already.
went to Popo's house first.
only received angpaos from her & Small Aunt.
th rest of th relatives all haven't reach luh.
then left that place after awhile with 2 angpaos only. >:(
if all th relatives there, i could have 120 bucks moreeee.
went to Weekian's house after that.
gamble gamble, then th whole family left to Gohpo's house already.
Gohpo means my Grand Aunt.
shes's my Grandma's sister.
my Mummy's Aunt, my Grand Aunt.
i only know that she's 90 plus already & she's still single. -.-
then last time she treat my Grandma they all very good one.
thats why every year we will never fail to go her house bainian.
everyyear i won't receive angpao from her.
cause she also don't know who to give, just anyhow give.
because her 3 room flat will be filled with 30 plus people?
then I'm always th one who suaysuay never get angpao from her one.
Weekian, Kaili, my brother & cousins also never get angpao.
only Kelvin got th angpao lah. -.-
& everytime we go there, will be damn packed.
so as usual, me & my cousins all went downstairs to slack.
after that headed back to Weekian's house.
lost 11 bucks lah. -.-
after that Brother & cousin went to adult place gamble.
left Weekian, Kaili & me.
was damn bored kay.
so i asked Weekian to play with me, with his clothes.
wore his skinnies & it was damn big la, size 34. -.-
then my shorts inside, i just wear it like that.
then th photos take already, my hips look damn big one.
& his skinnies fk-ing long okay.
then we keep on change change change & take photos.
will upload it th next time. (:
3 plus went back home already.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Happy Cny Everyone ! ;D
(this is my 600th post ! ;D)
woke up & I've got 3 angpaos beside my bed already.
so I thought I woke up too late already.
but after that, I realise that my Brother & Mum are still sleeping.
until now my Mummy haven't give me angpao sial. pffs.
yesterday was damn fun lahs, laughed like shit with Brother, Kaili & Kailing.
Weekian didn't come lah, baastard ! >:(
& during countdown, my tear dropped.
last year, at th time during Cny countdown, I was with Ahtay, Martin & Terence.
this year?
I was all alone in my room, sending "Happy Cny !" SMSs to all my friends.
& I didn't even pick up my courage to send to two person.
th two besterest friends of mine.
but Kaili told me that it's Cny, must be happy.
& I even promised Axel that I'll try my best to put those unhappy stuffs away.
going to go around poeople's house, bringing two orange colour ballballs & exchange for a fed colour paper bag later on !
I want alot alot alot alot alot of money this year luh. (:
Albert is leaving in 6 hours time, oh mansxzxszxsz.
I'm going to miss you like )(@*#*!&@ LAH. ):
Ljkia, takecare alrights.
I love love love love you & I will miss miss miss miss you too.
yeah, 4 love & 4 miss. because you're leaving for 4 days. ):
so, remember to miss miss miss miss me & bring back lots of stuffs for me, HAHA ;x
I love you lah ! :D
(this is my 600th post ! ;D)
woke up & I've got 3 angpaos beside my bed already.
so I thought I woke up too late already.
but after that, I realise that my Brother & Mum are still sleeping.
until now my Mummy haven't give me angpao sial. pffs.
yesterday was damn fun lahs, laughed like shit with Brother, Kaili & Kailing.
Weekian didn't come lah, baastard ! >:(
& during countdown, my tear dropped.
last year, at th time during Cny countdown, I was with Ahtay, Martin & Terence.
this year?
I was all alone in my room, sending "Happy Cny !" SMSs to all my friends.
& I didn't even pick up my courage to send to two person.
th two besterest friends of mine.
but Kaili told me that it's Cny, must be happy.
& I even promised Axel that I'll try my best to put those unhappy stuffs away.
going to go around poeople's house, bringing two orange colour ballballs & exchange for a fed colour paper bag later on !
I want alot alot alot alot alot of money this year luh. (:
Albert is leaving in 6 hours time, oh mansxzxszxsz.
I'm going to miss you like )(@*#*!&@ LAH. ):
Ljkia, takecare alrights.
I love love love love you & I will miss miss miss miss you too.
yeah, 4 love & 4 miss. because you're leaving for 4 days. ):
so, remember to miss miss miss miss me & bring back lots of stuffs for me, HAHA ;x
I love you lah ! :D
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Handphone got confiscated early in th morning.
first time lah, every since i entered East View.
Lion dance performance after flag raising.
th performance was like 120938982149723 years lah.
damn long then finish.
I kept on saying "Christmas liao lah." to th people around me, lol !
went back to class & everything.
did alot of decorations & our classroom is very, very nice now ! ;D
Khairi & I drew & paint a Mickey Mouse, because it's th rat year.
Siewmin will be so happy if i give that painting to her, ahha.
then went to th hall & watch performance, blahblahblah.
was laughing like shit when Albert ran out & ran back to th backstage, LOL ;x
did pay much attention to th performance.
was talking & playing with Jesslyn & Adrian.
& staring at Duck, LOL.
i was like telling Adrian things & he act as if he was angry again, LOL.
then went to take back my phone, then went to 204 to wait for Zhiqing.
in th end she cannot go out lah. -.-
saw Albert gave him a bigbig hug.
because he's going to leave for Japan tomorrow.
ohmy, I'm going to miss him like mad luh. ):
& he told me his cardigan smell so nice now.
because I wore it for like one whole month already, my smell is nice what. ;x
& he claims that he is going to wear it when he is on th plane.
you're going to sleep like a pig tomorrow.
cause th cardigan got my smell what, LOL ;x
I'm going to miss that stupid piece of cardigan anyway. ):
went to Pasir ris with Albert, Diana & Nisaa.
Albert went home & we went for lunch.
then Albert came back to join us.
then went to supermarket, mama shop, & another minimart.
was walking randomly & our legs are like damn pain lah.
bought sweet & played with it.
damn funny lah !
th sweet is veryvery long, like 25cm?
then, Albert bite one side & I bite another side.
then keep on bite bite bite.
then Diana dared us to kiss. -.-
then when th sweet became shorter & shorter, I stop biting & kept on walking backwards.
then Albert followed me, then in th end i made ths weet snap, DAMN FUNNY LA.
iw as screaming like a kitten.
because i must bite on th sweet & scream. -.-
tried with Diana also, but she don't dare one.
Nisaa also, just kept on laughing, lol !
videos of it with Albert, haha.
then we ran to th bus stop, because 21 was reaching already.
then on th bus, tied 4 sweets together.
cause Albert & I was sitting at different seats. -.-
then went to Downtown East, slack here & there.
then bus-ed home. (:
i made a mistake la, reunion dinner later is not only with my family.
Weekian, Kaili, Kailing & their parents are coming too.
it's going to be fun fun fun fun fun !
but after they leave, I must tidy all th mess. -.-
every year also like that one.
shall go & help my Daddy go prepare th food now, byebyebyebyebye! ;D
first time lah, every since i entered East View.
Lion dance performance after flag raising.
th performance was like 120938982149723 years lah.
damn long then finish.
I kept on saying "Christmas liao lah." to th people around me, lol !
went back to class & everything.
did alot of decorations & our classroom is very, very nice now ! ;D
Khairi & I drew & paint a Mickey Mouse, because it's th rat year.
Siewmin will be so happy if i give that painting to her, ahha.
then went to th hall & watch performance, blahblahblah.
was laughing like shit when Albert ran out & ran back to th backstage, LOL ;x
did pay much attention to th performance.
was talking & playing with Jesslyn & Adrian.
& staring at Duck, LOL.
i was like telling Adrian things & he act as if he was angry again, LOL.
then went to take back my phone, then went to 204 to wait for Zhiqing.
in th end she cannot go out lah. -.-
saw Albert gave him a bigbig hug.
because he's going to leave for Japan tomorrow.
ohmy, I'm going to miss him like mad luh. ):
& he told me his cardigan smell so nice now.
because I wore it for like one whole month already, my smell is nice what. ;x
& he claims that he is going to wear it when he is on th plane.
you're going to sleep like a pig tomorrow.
cause th cardigan got my smell what, LOL ;x
I'm going to miss that stupid piece of cardigan anyway. ):
went to Pasir ris with Albert, Diana & Nisaa.
Albert went home & we went for lunch.
then Albert came back to join us.
then went to supermarket, mama shop, & another minimart.
was walking randomly & our legs are like damn pain lah.
bought sweet & played with it.
damn funny lah !
th sweet is veryvery long, like 25cm?
then, Albert bite one side & I bite another side.
then keep on bite bite bite.
then Diana dared us to kiss. -.-
then when th sweet became shorter & shorter, I stop biting & kept on walking backwards.
then Albert followed me, then in th end i made ths weet snap, DAMN FUNNY LA.
iw as screaming like a kitten.
because i must bite on th sweet & scream. -.-
tried with Diana also, but she don't dare one.
Nisaa also, just kept on laughing, lol !
videos of it with Albert, haha.
then we ran to th bus stop, because 21 was reaching already.
then on th bus, tied 4 sweets together.
cause Albert & I was sitting at different seats. -.-
then went to Downtown East, slack here & there.
then bus-ed home. (:
i made a mistake la, reunion dinner later is not only with my family.
Weekian, Kaili, Kailing & their parents are coming too.
it's going to be fun fun fun fun fun !
but after they leave, I must tidy all th mess. -.-
every year also like that one.
shall go & help my Daddy go prepare th food now, byebyebyebyebye! ;D
Tuesday, 5th February
was late for school luh. -.-
4th time already.
school was fun.
bitched with Ivan during Geography lessons as well.
I know you're waiting for this sentence to appear on my blog.
Art was boringgggg.
helped Cheukman draw 3 observational drawings.
I didn't even draw for myself lah! -.-
after that went to canteen for th Art exhibition & blahblah.
then something happened.
not totally my fault also lah.
you're th one who disiao me first.
if you cannot stand people disiao-ing you.
in th first place don't disiao people.
slept all th way during Mother Tongue.
stupid Kimseng kept on knocking my table, trying to wake me up.
Band after school.
something happened between th leaders again. -.-
& ______ dropped my psp.
then cannot on, battery suddenly flat.
then went to wash our instruments with Axel.
I was like taking alot of time, looking for th cloth & soap.
Axel kept on saying 'waits patiently.. waits patiently.. farts.'
laughed damn much lah.
should take about 15 to 20 minutes only.
but we took 2 whole hours to finish washing it.
because we played with soap & water.
Chenghoo was playing with us too, LOL !
Cher was like recording videos of us playing & laughing like shit luh.
& I'm Wu Bi Gao,
Axel is Qian Chen Gao,
Chenghoo is Gui Ling Gao,
& Ivan is Pu Ki Ma Kao.
after band, Mummy came to fetch me home.
I don't know why, but theres a feeling that we're drifting apart already.
very, very, very apart.
theres just something missing in between our friendship.
I no longer have th urge to look for you & hangout with you.
because when I'm with you, I no longer feel happy.
I don't know why.
theres just something missing.
I still treasure our friendship alot, alot, alot.
I want that missing thing to be back again.
I wanna laugh with you like how we did last time.
I wanna go home with you like how we did last time.
but you didn't even wait for today.
I miss those outings & little gossips we had.
but.. ):
I still love you Sister, I really do.
I hope that you're reading this.
was late for school luh. -.-
4th time already.
school was fun.
bitched with Ivan during Geography lessons as well.
I know you're waiting for this sentence to appear on my blog.
Art was boringgggg.
helped Cheukman draw 3 observational drawings.
I didn't even draw for myself lah! -.-
after that went to canteen for th Art exhibition & blahblah.
then something happened.
not totally my fault also lah.
you're th one who disiao me first.
if you cannot stand people disiao-ing you.
in th first place don't disiao people.
slept all th way during Mother Tongue.
stupid Kimseng kept on knocking my table, trying to wake me up.
Band after school.
something happened between th leaders again. -.-
& ______ dropped my psp.
then cannot on, battery suddenly flat.
then went to wash our instruments with Axel.
I was like taking alot of time, looking for th cloth & soap.
Axel kept on saying 'waits patiently.. waits patiently.. farts.'
laughed damn much lah.
should take about 15 to 20 minutes only.
but we took 2 whole hours to finish washing it.
because we played with soap & water.
Chenghoo was playing with us too, LOL !
Cher was like recording videos of us playing & laughing like shit luh.
& I'm Wu Bi Gao,
Axel is Qian Chen Gao,
Chenghoo is Gui Ling Gao,
& Ivan is Pu Ki Ma Kao.
after band, Mummy came to fetch me home.
I don't know why, but theres a feeling that we're drifting apart already.
very, very, very apart.
theres just something missing in between our friendship.
I no longer have th urge to look for you & hangout with you.
because when I'm with you, I no longer feel happy.
I don't know why.
theres just something missing.
I still treasure our friendship alot, alot, alot.
I want that missing thing to be back again.
I wanna laugh with you like how we did last time.
I wanna go home with you like how we did last time.
but you didn't even wait for today.
I miss those outings & little gossips we had.
but.. ):
I still love you Sister, I really do.
I hope that you're reading this.
Monday, February 04, 2008
My current msn pm: Cny is coming! Angbaos comecome. ;D
Kimseng saw it, & drew an angpao for me.

so cute right? hahahaha.
I want new year to reach fastfastfast !
because of th angpaos, hahaha.
will have moneymoney !
& those people who owe me money will return me my money also.
then, i'll have more money ! haahhahahhaa.
i need money laaaaa. ):
& I'm left with two sets of clothes for new year niahs.
serve me right la, buy already go wear straight.
now not counted as new already. ):
I'm going to act sick during new year eve.
will be having renuion dinner with MY family only.
withi is Dad, Mum, Brother, Me & BIG BROTHER.
i hate him like, )(@*#(*!&@(#&)!@#.
& I don't wanna eat together with him, like please.
& I don't know whether meeting Ahtay, Diana & Martin to go bainian anot.
they all never say anything about when meet or what.
but I wantttttt. ):
Mrs Cho changed my seating arrangement today.
I'm sitting beside Sharifah now. ):
but Diana & Sharifah changed seats when Mrs Cho wasn't around, lol.
& Diana just can't stop playing with my psp luh. -.-
I got my psp from Weekian aalready.
& I need to return him only when i got my own psp.
so, i shall call it MY psp.
pink one somemore.
I love him lahhh ;D
& because of th psp, I didn't sleep last night, & th night before.
busy playing until I forgotten to sleep la.
& I can't lend my psp to _____.
because _______________________________.
Diana is th only one that know what is it.
stupid Ahtay, you bloody clown.
I'm not an emergengy siren okay.
EMERGENCY, *tickles
I guess none of you will get what I mean, hahah !
& Adrian just can't shut his mouth up & stop saying ____ _____.
th two stupid words.
& I know my that post super good.
I know, I know. ;x
& during maths, was supposed to do pair work.
i paired up with Martin.
& i was reading blogs & blahblah, he was playing with my psp.
end up, Dorothea helped us do. LOL!
Martin & me gone case already lah, hahaha.
but my maths teast, i got 12/15 okay !
highest in class lehhhh. ;x
had a 2 hour-talk with Dalila, Ivan & Jerome today.
I'm glad that everything is settled already.
hope that we will be more united from th next band practice onwards.
I will do what I should during band practice from tomorrow onwards.
to behave myself during practice.
& I hope that you will do your part too.
to differentiate work & personal stuffs well.
& Ivan, I did what i promised you okay.
not to quarrel & stay calm & not to sound as if I'm debating with him.
& I kept quiet when you asked me to talk because..
if I start, I won't stop.
cause I know I will get a scolding from you if i won't stop.
thats why i rather keep my mouth shut.
went home after that.
took th same bus with Miss Ang.
& we talktalktalk non-stop.
I have so manymany things to tell her sial. ;D
Mummy is playing with my psp now luh !
she doesn't want to return it back to me.
have to hand in Art tomorrow, 10-15 observational drawings.
i drew 0 of it already.
yeah, I'm a good girl.
cause I'm giving my teacher a chance to scold me tomorrow.
I'm so nice right? ;D
Kimseng saw it, & drew an angpao for me.

so cute right? hahahaha.
I want new year to reach fastfastfast !
because of th angpaos, hahaha.
will have moneymoney !
& those people who owe me money will return me my money also.
then, i'll have more money ! haahhahahhaa.
i need money laaaaa. ):
& I'm left with two sets of clothes for new year niahs.
serve me right la, buy already go wear straight.
now not counted as new already. ):
I'm going to act sick during new year eve.
will be having renuion dinner with MY family only.
withi is Dad, Mum, Brother, Me & BIG BROTHER.
i hate him like, )(@*#(*!&@(#&)!@#.
& I don't wanna eat together with him, like please.
& I don't know whether meeting Ahtay, Diana & Martin to go bainian anot.
they all never say anything about when meet or what.
but I wantttttt. ):
Mrs Cho changed my seating arrangement today.
I'm sitting beside Sharifah now. ):
but Diana & Sharifah changed seats when Mrs Cho wasn't around, lol.
& Diana just can't stop playing with my psp luh. -.-
I got my psp from Weekian aalready.
& I need to return him only when i got my own psp.
so, i shall call it MY psp.
pink one somemore.
I love him lahhh ;D
& because of th psp, I didn't sleep last night, & th night before.
busy playing until I forgotten to sleep la.
& I can't lend my psp to _____.
because _______________________________.
Diana is th only one that know what is it.
stupid Ahtay, you bloody clown.
I'm not an emergengy siren okay.
EMERGENCY, *tickles
I guess none of you will get what I mean, hahah !
& Adrian just can't shut his mouth up & stop saying ____ _____.
th two stupid words.
& I know my that post super good.
I know, I know. ;x
& during maths, was supposed to do pair work.
i paired up with Martin.
& i was reading blogs & blahblah, he was playing with my psp.
end up, Dorothea helped us do. LOL!
Martin & me gone case already lah, hahaha.
but my maths teast, i got 12/15 okay !
highest in class lehhhh. ;x
had a 2 hour-talk with Dalila, Ivan & Jerome today.
I'm glad that everything is settled already.
hope that we will be more united from th next band practice onwards.
I will do what I should during band practice from tomorrow onwards.
to behave myself during practice.
& I hope that you will do your part too.
to differentiate work & personal stuffs well.
& Ivan, I did what i promised you okay.
not to quarrel & stay calm & not to sound as if I'm debating with him.
& I kept quiet when you asked me to talk because..
if I start, I won't stop.
cause I know I will get a scolding from you if i won't stop.
thats why i rather keep my mouth shut.
went home after that.
took th same bus with Miss Ang.
& we talktalktalk non-stop.
I have so manymany things to tell her sial. ;D
Mummy is playing with my psp now luh !
she doesn't want to return it back to me.
have to hand in Art tomorrow, 10-15 observational drawings.
i drew 0 of it already.
yeah, I'm a good girl.
cause I'm giving my teacher a chance to scold me tomorrow.
I'm so nice right? ;D
Sunday, February 03, 2008
just came back from Weekian's house.
relatives all there la, super fun. ;D
& I love Kailing like so damn much.
she saw me & ran to me straight.
then, she said 'Jiejie, I ask Mummy to buy Hello Kitty sweet for you, but Mummy never bring.'
then give me a super glum face.
hahaha ! damn cute right ! (:
my Cousins saw me & say I look more & more like ahlian already.
but, I'm still th same what.
waited for Weekian to reach home, then ate together.
& claims that I'm very slow.
bastard one. -.-
then gambled, won $2.70. -.-
after that played with computer games & blahblah.
after that came home already.
Aunt will be helping me to collect cans for my Art, ;D
I've got like 20 cans already, yayyyy ;D
5.31am now & I can't bring myself to sleep luh.
I can't stop thinking about certain things.
makes me feel so fked up. ):
relatives all there la, super fun. ;D
& I love Kailing like so damn much.
she saw me & ran to me straight.
then, she said 'Jiejie, I ask Mummy to buy Hello Kitty sweet for you, but Mummy never bring.'
then give me a super glum face.
hahaha ! damn cute right ! (:
my Cousins saw me & say I look more & more like ahlian already.
but, I'm still th same what.
waited for Weekian to reach home, then ate together.
& claims that I'm very slow.
bastard one. -.-
then gambled, won $2.70. -.-
after that played with computer games & blahblah.
after that came home already.
Aunt will be helping me to collect cans for my Art, ;D
I've got like 20 cans already, yayyyy ;D
5.31am now & I can't bring myself to sleep luh.
I can't stop thinking about certain things.
makes me feel so fked up. ):
Saturday, February 02, 2008
yes, i'm just someone wihout brains.
yes, i'm just someone who knows nothing but talk nonsense.
yes, i'm someone who give stupid comments.
yes, i'm just being kpo.
& i'm just a deputy dm.
yes, you're th bm.
yes, i didn't know what happened to you & just anyhow comment you.
yes, i didn't know everything but assume everything.
it's not that i didn't asked what happened to you.
i did, but did you even bother to tell me?
from what i know from her, she just told me that you told her not to do th games & continue with th drills.
but what you told me JUST NOW is that she told you not to do th games & continue with th drills.
but what i blog about is what i heard from her.
are these nonsense?
if both of you told me what happened & i still blog about that.
then, i'm really talking about nonsense.
but you didn't even tell me what she told you or whatever.
so, is this still nonsense?
it's because YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO TELL ME, thats why i assume myself.
my fault? NONSENSE!?
& my blog, my say, does it concerns you?
& to that person who gave my blog link to him, fyou.
every single time, i will only know one side story, from her.
i wouldn't know what are your opinions or whatever shit.
because you didn't even bother to tell me.
why? because you hate me.
but hello, thats our personal stuffs.
things that concerns band, has got nothing to do with that personal stuffs.
ask yourself, how you treat me during band, talk to you, you never even look at me.
just look on th floor & replied my question.
sometimes you didn't even bother about me.
i'm not sad/unhappy or whatever shit.
cause you're just a nobody to me.
but during band practice, you're th bm, i have to respect you & ask you certain things.
my friends should know my attitude, if i dislike you, i wouldn't even give a fuck about your presense or respect you or whatever shit.
but ask yourself, during band, did i talk to you & respect you? YES.
but before & after band? i don't even give a fuck about you lah please.
because i know how to differentiate personal & work stuffs.
but ask yourself.
you bring personal matters between us into band, didn't you?
if you say no, no one will believe you.
your attitude & way of talking betrayed you.
i don't think someone who doesn't know how to manage personal & work stuffs differently is fit to be th bm.
yes, perhaps you're thinking that i'm just saying nonsense again.
but please, it's my thinking, & this is my blog .
i say what, i happy .
if you're unhappy with what i blog about, shut up & fuck off.
because i didn't FORCE you to read my blog in th first place.
maybe i shall stop going for th band for th time being.
because i'm just someone without brains & talk nonsense what.
what for th band need me.
i'll just be an EXTRA person, like what you said, right?
he's like, th best best best band major in th WHOLE WIDE WORLD ! ;D
wonderful bm ! we shall talk when th both of us meet during th next band practice alright? (:
yes, i'm just someone who knows nothing but talk nonsense.
yes, i'm someone who give stupid comments.
yes, i'm just being kpo.
& i'm just a deputy dm.
yes, you're th bm.
yes, i didn't know what happened to you & just anyhow comment you.
yes, i didn't know everything but assume everything.
it's not that i didn't asked what happened to you.
i did, but did you even bother to tell me?
from what i know from her, she just told me that you told her not to do th games & continue with th drills.
but what you told me JUST NOW is that she told you not to do th games & continue with th drills.
but what i blog about is what i heard from her.
are these nonsense?
if both of you told me what happened & i still blog about that.
then, i'm really talking about nonsense.
but you didn't even tell me what she told you or whatever.
so, is this still nonsense?
it's because YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO TELL ME, thats why i assume myself.
my fault? NONSENSE!?
& my blog, my say, does it concerns you?
& to that person who gave my blog link to him, fyou.
every single time, i will only know one side story, from her.
i wouldn't know what are your opinions or whatever shit.
because you didn't even bother to tell me.
why? because you hate me.
but hello, thats our personal stuffs.
things that concerns band, has got nothing to do with that personal stuffs.
ask yourself, how you treat me during band, talk to you, you never even look at me.
just look on th floor & replied my question.
sometimes you didn't even bother about me.
i'm not sad/unhappy or whatever shit.
cause you're just a nobody to me.
but during band practice, you're th bm, i have to respect you & ask you certain things.
my friends should know my attitude, if i dislike you, i wouldn't even give a fuck about your presense or respect you or whatever shit.
but ask yourself, during band, did i talk to you & respect you? YES.
but before & after band? i don't even give a fuck about you lah please.
because i know how to differentiate personal & work stuffs.
but ask yourself.
you bring personal matters between us into band, didn't you?
if you say no, no one will believe you.
your attitude & way of talking betrayed you.
i don't think someone who doesn't know how to manage personal & work stuffs differently is fit to be th bm.
yes, perhaps you're thinking that i'm just saying nonsense again.
but please, it's my thinking, & this is my blog .
i say what, i happy .
if you're unhappy with what i blog about, shut up & fuck off.
because i didn't FORCE you to read my blog in th first place.
maybe i shall stop going for th band for th time being.
because i'm just someone without brains & talk nonsense what.
what for th band need me.
i'll just be an EXTRA person, like what you said, right?
he's like, th best best best band major in th WHOLE WIDE WORLD ! ;D
wonderful bm ! we shall talk when th both of us meet during th next band practice alright? (:
fell asleep on my Brother's bed again last night. -.-
it's a Saturday & I woke up so early luh. >:(
because I slept at 8pm yesterday. -.-
reunion dinner tonight at Weekian's house !
I can't waittttttt ;D
yeahyeah, Weekian is going to lend me his pink psp later on, yayyyyyyyyy !
& I wanna ton there tonight, hope Mummy allows.
& Bertbert !
are we going out tomorrow not? comfirm with me leh.
(it's obvious that I'm just looking for htings to write to make my post look longer ;x)
anyway, read this.
damn hilarious !
One fine sunny day, Johnny and Susie were sitting on the sandbox playing, naked.
Johnny and Susie was curious, why they have different *parts*.
So, Johnny went home, and asked :" MUM! Why does Susie have a hole and I have a stick??"
His mum replies : " Susie has a garage, and you have a Ferrari. Men park their cars in the garage when they are ready. "
Susie reached her house and asked her father:" Papa, why does Johnny have a stick between his legs and I have a hole? "
Hwe dad replies : " No, Susie, that is the Ferrari! Don't let him park his Ferrari in your garage! "
The next day, both of them were on the sandbox again, playing naked.
Johnny exclaimed : " Oh, Susie, let me park my Ferrari! "
Susie replied : "No! "
He insisted and even tried to park his Ferrari.
And after 10 minutes Susie went home.
" SUSIE! Why are there bloods on your hands! "
"Mom, Johnny tried to park his Ferrari, so I just pulled the back wheels off. "
another one.
A hippie on a city bus notices a young nun sitting across from him and at once finds himself very attracted to her.
He moves to sit with her and after telling her that she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, he asks her to dinner.
The nun declines, and the hippie proceeds to invite the nun for "perhaps a roll in the hay".
The nun, of course, declines the offer and gets off at the next stop.
The hippie, offended and very disappointed, strikes up a conversation with the bus driver.
The driver leans over and says to the hippie, "You really want that nun, huh?"
After the hippie nods emphatically and demonstrates his point with several lewd gestures, the driver grins and thinks for a moment.
"Well," he says, "Every Thursday at six PM she takes this bus to the local cemetery, where she prays for about an hour.
You two could be alone there..."
The hippie grows excited as he thinks of a plan.
Thursday comes and the hippie waits by the entrance to the cemetery.
Sure enough, at six PM he sees the nun enter and he quietly follows her.
She stops and kneels by a headstone and clasps her hands in prayer.
The eager hippie opens his knapsack, and puts on his costume---a long flowing white robe and a bearded face mask.
He tosses a handful of glitter at the nun and catching her attention, he steps slowly towards her.
"My child" he says in a soft voice, "It is I, your Lord. You have been such a faithful servant to me, I have come to reward you with a satisfying sexual experience."
The nun gasps, "Oh....Well, that is fine, but could you take me from behind? At least that way I could still consider myself a virgin. My vow of celibacy is important to me."
The hippie, eager to get going nods and takes the nun in his arms.
He turns her around, bends her over, and performs anal sex until they are both pleasantly worn out.
After they are finished, the hippie pulls off his mask and shouts... "HAHA, I'M THE HIPPIE!!!"
to which the nun responds by taking off her mask and shouting... "HAHA, I'M THE BUS DRIVER!!!"
it's a Saturday & I woke up so early luh. >:(
because I slept at 8pm yesterday. -.-
reunion dinner tonight at Weekian's house !
I can't waittttttt ;D
yeahyeah, Weekian is going to lend me his pink psp later on, yayyyyyyyyy !
& I wanna ton there tonight, hope Mummy allows.
& Bertbert !
are we going out tomorrow not? comfirm with me leh.
(it's obvious that I'm just looking for htings to write to make my post look longer ;x)
anyway, read this.
damn hilarious !
One fine sunny day, Johnny and Susie were sitting on the sandbox playing, naked.
Johnny and Susie was curious, why they have different *parts*.
So, Johnny went home, and asked :" MUM! Why does Susie have a hole and I have a stick??"
His mum replies : " Susie has a garage, and you have a Ferrari. Men park their cars in the garage when they are ready. "
Susie reached her house and asked her father:" Papa, why does Johnny have a stick between his legs and I have a hole? "
Hwe dad replies : " No, Susie, that is the Ferrari! Don't let him park his Ferrari in your garage! "
The next day, both of them were on the sandbox again, playing naked.
Johnny exclaimed : " Oh, Susie, let me park my Ferrari! "
Susie replied : "No! "
He insisted and even tried to park his Ferrari.
And after 10 minutes Susie went home.
" SUSIE! Why are there bloods on your hands! "
"Mom, Johnny tried to park his Ferrari, so I just pulled the back wheels off. "
another one.
A hippie on a city bus notices a young nun sitting across from him and at once finds himself very attracted to her.
He moves to sit with her and after telling her that she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, he asks her to dinner.
The nun declines, and the hippie proceeds to invite the nun for "perhaps a roll in the hay".
The nun, of course, declines the offer and gets off at the next stop.
The hippie, offended and very disappointed, strikes up a conversation with the bus driver.
The driver leans over and says to the hippie, "You really want that nun, huh?"
After the hippie nods emphatically and demonstrates his point with several lewd gestures, the driver grins and thinks for a moment.
"Well," he says, "Every Thursday at six PM she takes this bus to the local cemetery, where she prays for about an hour.
You two could be alone there..."
The hippie grows excited as he thinks of a plan.
Thursday comes and the hippie waits by the entrance to the cemetery.
Sure enough, at six PM he sees the nun enter and he quietly follows her.
She stops and kneels by a headstone and clasps her hands in prayer.
The eager hippie opens his knapsack, and puts on his costume---a long flowing white robe and a bearded face mask.
He tosses a handful of glitter at the nun and catching her attention, he steps slowly towards her.
"My child" he says in a soft voice, "It is I, your Lord. You have been such a faithful servant to me, I have come to reward you with a satisfying sexual experience."
The nun gasps, "Oh....Well, that is fine, but could you take me from behind? At least that way I could still consider myself a virgin. My vow of celibacy is important to me."
The hippie, eager to get going nods and takes the nun in his arms.
He turns her around, bends her over, and performs anal sex until they are both pleasantly worn out.
After they are finished, the hippie pulls off his mask and shouts... "HAHA, I'M THE HIPPIE!!!"
to which the nun responds by taking off her mask and shouting... "HAHA, I'M THE BUS DRIVER!!!"
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