No I don't use dirty fingers to touch my keyboard.
I'm using a chop stick to eat the twisties, lol. :D
Anyway, school was fun today.
Talking with Glovor, Catching spider in class with Sihui, Talking with Diana, Eileen, Mabel & Sihui, playing with Diana's tape, talking to Amran & Khairi, Drawing Amran & Khairi's shoes, arguing with Ms Lee Whye Guan & everything.
I just love 408 soso much. :D
Chinese lessons was fun too.
Albert & classmates came to our class to look for our teacher for oral thingy.
Leonard & me spent time watching Tom & Jerry from my phone, lol!
East point with Diana & Jacyln after school.
Back home after that & gossiped with Diana about random people. Watch tv, ate lunch together, played with make ups, curl our hairs & everything. So fun! Lol.
Tuition after that. Played till we forgot the time & cabbed there.
Diana paid the cab fare for the 3rd time? & she don't even allow me to pay her back. -.-
Tuition was fun, we gossiped & laugh like holy shitty muchhies. Lol!
Back home after that.
I'm finally using my Brother's computer now. & theres pictures in this computer. :D
Thank me because I'm gonna post pictures.
Say I'm the best, say it! ;x
Jacyln & Chenghoo.

Kaijing! :D
Mass photo production of Diana & me. LOL!

Weekian & Kelly. :D

Wendy Dearest. (:

Wendy Dearest. (:

Taytayyyy. :D Right picture: him pushing two trollies, kena bully by.. I don't know. [:
Martin Teo Zhi Xianggggg. :D

Qiuyun! [:

Dad was praying & Baba is imitating him. I laughed like shittos please! -.-
It's Baba's hand.
Look at those stiches & everything.
How can I not cry? Poor thing. ):

& lastly, a photo of very-unglam-me with Cbtay.
He was so obsessed with Dota that he totally heck cared me when I asak him to take a photo with me! ):
I took super long to upload everything here okay!
Must appreciate it hor, lol!
P.S. Isn't the red spectacles that I'm wearing chio? :D