Yesterday's pictures! Haha.
There's more but I'm not gonna post all of them up, lazy uh.
School was fun today manxsxzsx, haha!
Got back Chamistry & I did badly for it.
I just hope that it'll be at least a pass when it's being combined with Physics.
Maths Paper 1, 56/80.
Expected more than that please, cause Paper 1 was easy like shit & Paper 2 was tough.
It's gonna pull it down to a C6 or even fail luh.
I'm gonna get scolding again.
Maths is like my best subject & I got such results.
Disgrace. ):
Skipped 4 periods of Art & lepak with Adrain, Amaran & Glovor.
Super funny please, Glovor started saying that he wanna play w my hair.
Make me look like one crazy girl & dare me to walk into the Art room.
Of course I don't dare luh, lol!
Then i played with his, then I say we walk in together, he don't dare.
It's fking funny please! All of us were laughing like mad dogs luh.
Glovor tried to catch a stupid insect but it flew away & he gave the super act cute '):' face.
It's a sad face but it looks super act cute when he does it, not pityfull at all, lol. :x
Glovor was my chicken after than & I used a comb to chop his meat.
I acted as a chicken rice seller, asked Adrain what meat he wants, he say pigu meat.
So yeah, I chopped his pigu & he shout, lol!
Then don't know who say wanna eat breast ment. -.-
I chopped Glovor's nehneh & tio his nipples & he shout. LOL!
Went to East Point for Kobayashi again with Jacyln.
Bitched like mad, lol. :)
Lurbbbbb euuuuuuuuux. Haha!
& we hate someone who hates us to.
Tsktsktsk. Lol!
Presenting Glovor & my chio hair.
Glovor was feeling damn paiseh because I pulled him to the toilet & a girl was standing outside waiting for him to get out so she can go in and do her business. Lol! :)
I love my classmates manxszx. :D
I'm not gonna continue studying, it seriously bores me. -.-
& I'm having super dark eye circles now. ):
Not enough sleep luh.
Oh mansxzx, somebody is going to say I'm ugly again.
Off for now! :)
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