Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Mustafa Center sucks, seriously.
It's like Carrefour, the people working there are nice, my boss is nice.
But the management people sucks.

They're worst than Richard from Carrefour cause they're like fucking perverts.
They touch you as and when they like and you can't do anything.
Pamela aunt's arm was being touch until like O.O by the supplier.
And they look at you as if they've never ever see a female before.
There's one fat indian going 'nice, nice' and then licks his tongue while staring at your boobs.
LOL speechless, gross.

And there is a shelve for us to put our belongings.
I went back to check my stuffs thrice.
Every single time, my bag is like missing.
Cause people throw your bag on the floor when the shelves are full.
And then insert their bag into the space. Fucktards.

Glad that I'm not being appointed to work there in the future.
Just today and thats it. Lucky.
But the people there are very nice, really!
There's a malay auntie telling us her friend was interested in her, shes married anyway.
The friend smsed her 'still not sleeping?' and she replied him 'fucking.'
And then she carried on laughing like a crazy woman while telling it to us.
She's more crazy than me, lol.

I didn't spend a cent on lunch today, they paid for us again.
And they fight to pay for drinks, just like my relatives. -.-

Working on Friday alone, new people, new everything.
Don't even know when is the next time I'm gonna see them man, haha.

Don't know whats wrong with my eyes today, kept on having the urge to rub it. -_-
And I miss band suddenly!
Pamela & K was from band during their secondary school days, and they're in trombone section too!
Fyi, they don't know each other, haha.

I'm going for checkup tomorrow with Rachel. :)
I'm gonna see her 2 dogs too. :)

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