I was smsing her when she finished school around 3 plus.
After that I fell asleep till 6 pm. Shiok!

No the heart shape group name doesn't mean anything.
Just that those people I talk often to in msn are there cause it's at the top group and I don't have to search for their names.
Yes foursome, lol. At first Ivan scold Tay fuck you, then I scold Tay fuck you too.
Then we threesome, so pulled Chenghoo in if not we san que yi. Lolol.
And I don't know why I'm Qiuqiu. They came out with it, not me. -.-
Hate to be called Qiuqiu cause it reminds me of someone.
I'm going to a faraway place tmr.
Yes I'm gonna die, don't wanna live anymore.
Bye earthlings.
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