The minute the lift open, his fuckface appeared infront of me. Lol!
3 hours today, 2 labs & 1 Effcomm.
Played with wires during lab, did stupid experiments and spend the horrible 2 hours learning nothing but how to cut wires.
Friends told me Effcomm was fun, but turned out to be shitty.
I ended up laughing at Aidan saying lol stuffs beside me. Haha!
He was being mistaken for an indian for having that hairstyle, mohok or something?
Don't know how to spell it.
Mr Ollikkala: Are you an indian?
Aidan: How about, NO?
Lolol the way Aidan speak is damn funny.Aidan: How about, NO?
Haha luv my classmates. :)
I didn't wait alone, Ivan and Tay accompanied me during the 1 horrible hour.
We spent time walking around, and settling down at Mensa.
I was so bored I taught them how to make ahlian hairstyle lolol.
Adrain and Kimseng and went to Mensa for lunch hoho.
Kimseng left and we went to bball court.
Sun was burninggggg my skin, all of us kpkb and went to the library.
Okay I gueess I was the only one kpkbing there. -.-
Project room! I luvvvv the project room very much, like our own house.
Adrain and Tay took out stuffs to practise.
I didn't bring any books lol so I played with Sudoku, and when I complete everything, nothing happened, like no 'Done!' or stuffs like that.
Who puzzle was screwed up, fail.

So I gave this face with the stupid ice cream phone.

Supposed to hate this cap because of lol reasons. Ew please.
But it's red so I luvvvv it.

Hi ahpuneh.
Adrain felt veryyy sick and started making weird noises lol. So we left.
I left as a hip hop girl wearing a BIG red hoodie and a cap. SUP YO!
Okay not funny. I took everything off once I left the library, damn hot. -.-
Was supposed to go movie but Chenghoo's class ends at 6.
So we went home, decided to meet up after that.
But I fell asleep, and was too lazy to get out.
And they didn't go because of me.
I'm sorry, I know I'm too important.
Without me you all cannot survive. Lol. :)
Tomorrows Saturday wheeeee.
I can sleep till noon, finally! :)
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