My super cute classmates, ha!
Spot my baggg, chio bo?
But it's gonna die soon, cheap stuffs don't lasttt.
Lab today sucks, did the wire stripping thing.
Did for so long, fingers very pain, keep pull the wire then kena poke my the wire also.
The wire is veryyyy thin.
Then I went to test whether it's correct anot.
The light didn't light up.
So I redo it, still cannot. -_-
Lol sibei dulan, I hate wires.
Went for squash after that lol!
Aidan, Jason, Joel, Shermaine & Zayd went too, aha.
1st day must run already. -.-
I ran 3/4 rounds only, my gastric said hello to me suddenly.
Quiz next week zzz, must start revising already!
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