met dem ad 10.30 .
when band is supposed to start ad 2.15 -.-
so intended to go TM .
to bus 28 .
super uber longgg ride !
cos we wanted to waste time .
CHENGHOO & ME fought in th bus .
den i screamed damn loud .
den JACYLN & IVAN kept on bend down to hide .
scared paiseh cos everyone kept on looking ad us .
den walked around .
IVAN & ME kept on singing th gatsby song !
den twist our hair .
th advertisement luhs .
after that CHENGHOO also follow .
den JACYLN kept on giving us th diao look .
went to th library again .
got one auntie kept on staring ad me .
den i was like 'kua lan jiao .'
den she stare ad me .
den i diao her .
after that went back to sku .
JACYLN, IVAN & ME kept on doing th spend thrift de WA post .
th 8.30pm show on thursday la .
band was alright .
sectionals for 2 hours .
AXEL wasn't around so i was alone .
of cos sat down nd talked with ppl luhs .
after band went to mondi,
den MUMMY came to fetch JACYLN & ME home .
prepared nd went to toa payoh again .
ate delifrance !
MUMMY's idea .
after that went homeee [:
WEIJIAN's morning call woke me up luhs .
just to ask me help him make friendster profile .
bastard !
i thought i could sleeeeeep till 2 plus or something .
damn tired !
stayed ad home th whole day .
watching TV .
talking to AHTAY in msn now .
im crying again . ):
*are we still friends?

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