Wednesday, June 20, 2007

midnight now, so ...
i know you love blue [:

just reached home :D
went to tm den downtown just now instead of hdb hub .
for arcade, thats all -.-

pray hard that i can wake up on time tmr x)
i wanna do my homework luhs .
bud im always feeling soooo sleepy .
i know im making up excuses .
i LOVE to do that .
i song lehhhh [:

i'm hungryyyy x=
mageeeee meeeee please?
nono qiuyun !
its 1.41 am now !
*frowns ):

someone said i wanted to cheat people's money?
by saying i want that barney for my birthday .
someone said i said that cos i wanted to cheat people's money .

*to that someone, KAILING has something for you, a bigbig present .

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