i hope this can bu chang my absent from tmr's celebration .
i really cant attend luhs, a million sorrys ! [:
next year 16 june, promise ! [:
did i mention i say KENGSERN yesterday?
i waved like mad to him luhs ! [:
longggg time no see ah brother ! x=
chalet was moremore fun today ! ;D
JESSLYN came to my hse in th morning, den went off ad 11 plus .
reached nd everyone was sleeping -.-
so i went to escape with JESSLYN, lols !
she was crying & screaming like mad, lols !
i was laughing like mad ad th same time x=
den went to take wet & wild .
i went wild & JESSLYN went wet, HAHA .
very, very wet !
den went to play go kart .
got 1 girl kept on diao me -.-
i from last second chiong to first one .
dulan that girl luhs, so overtake her .
that person who work dere say 'step brake when you go down th slope .'
i step go all th way, lols !
fun like mad laas x)
after that went back to chalet .
den YONGQUAN & DARYL came !
den FABIAN & NICHELLE came .
FABIAN, YONGQUAN & DARYL played poker,
den YONGQUAN & DARYL kept on asking me to play .
if lose they pay -.-
bud i nv play . haha !
YONGQUAN lie down on my pillow den tio black jack liao -.-
im a lucky star ! whoops x=
stupid FABIAN kept on stepping my foot .
cause i kept on calling him ah gua x=
CHAO AH GUA ! x= x= x=
den JIAHUI & SHAWN came .
den YOYO came !
watch SHREK 3 & ghost movie .
den YOYO & ME bullied YONGQUAN & JESSLYN .
squeeze them together, bud i guess YONGQUAN enjoyed it, COMFIRM ! x=
NICHELLE bought th cds there ma [:
den forced YONGQUAN & YOYO to go start fire for bbq .
when both of them were wearing white shirts .
den ANDY, TERENCE & another guy came, so i wanted to tell DIANA?
bud she off her phone -.- -.- -.-
den GRACE & SHIRLEEN came .
den left . GRACE gave me a big big hug before she left .
i fan th charcoal like shit when starting th fire .
cause both of them bully me -.-
ask me to fan fan fan, nb !
den ERIC came ! hahahahahha !
den YONGQUAN left ):
den went into th chalet .
pull my extensions, den say he also wan put, den mess my hair -.-
dig nose le flick to me, like wth !
den pok my eyes, pinch my hose, mess my hair ! T_T
den ANDY & TERENCE sat in th chalet room nd laugh, laugh, laugh !
wth !
den i was fed up -.-
he said sorry, lols !
den talk in th blanket with me, ask me wheres someone -.-
den ask me lend him cab fare money, cause he want go songka -.-
i kept on laughing la, stupid ERIC !
den bbq & stuffs, NIGEL dey all came .
stupid NIGEL kept on thinking i got smk, ask me wan smk anot .
my face look like i got smk de meh?
den NIGEL kept on calling me da jie, IM NOT AN AH LIAN OKAY -.-
den he blow smk to my face, nb luhs, im allergic can -.-
smell le will kip on coughing . ):
then they played a game,
loser must drink th anyhow-add-anything-water .
NIGEL lose 2 times luhs,
den they go add cigg de ash somemore, GROSS -_-
den ANDY's friend ask me wheres ERIC -.-
come half an hour niah so famous liao, lols !
den went to arcade, gamble with NIGEL bball .
$5 if i win :D
bud he nv gamble dao -.-
ask ANDY to play with me instead, wth !
bud ad last i win leh -_-
den NIGEL say why short ppl play bball so well, WTF LA !
den i left cos papa came & fetch me :D
den went homeeeeee [:
reached home nd ERIC called me -.-
ask me why not ad chalet, wth luhs !
ask him go back earlier he dowan de .
den i th end he nv go chalet -.-
talking to DIANA & YONGQUAN now :D
COUSIN's wedding tmr, i have alot of things to do luhs -.-
nd thats th reason why i cant go out to celebrate YONGQUAN's bday, ):
boooohooooo ):
din take any photos today ):
bye !

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