ad last i met RACHEL x)
went to pet safari & blah .
den went outside nd sat down feeding her dog .
her dog pangsai luhs .
den her friend also there .
dont know what name, i've never seen him before also -.-
bud im socialble !
so after awhile he became RACHEL's third dog, thanks to me
after that went to marine parade for steamboat .
celebrate GRANDMA's bday .
every single one was there !
bloody KIAN has 2 more piercing ad his lower lips .
wtf .
so dulan that i nv talk to him -.-
after that went to marina .
KAILING was damn cute luhs !
we're playing pool nd theres a tv there .
so whenever th GATSBY advertisement comes,
she'll run to th tv nd follow wad th guy do .
push nd squeeze her face -.-
playiong billard -.-
th fking table was so big luhs .
so first time i won
HAHA ! x=
KAILI wasn't here for th whole day .
so it was damn, bloody, sian ):
3 plus went home .
met ONGONG ad 10 plus .
went to 201 for breakfast ad macs
den bused to whitesands
th bag ONGONG want was OUT OF STOCK !
so she gave a ): face .
den went to sku for bandddddddddd .
saw ZHIWEN opp sku de coffeeshop !
was so darn happy nd jumped nd wave to him like mad .
bud was late for band alrdy so canot go look for him nd talk ):
Mr Goh turned up today ! :D
he said my coaching towards AXEL is good,
so hes learning very fast how to play th trombone .
after band went home
prepared nd went to hdb hub AGAIN
MUMMY work de office luhs . damn sian somemore -.-
10 plus went home
nd KOR passed me a nitendo DS .
he bought it for meee :D
happy like mad x)
met ONGONG ad 10, bused to whitesands :D
she bought another clutch, since th one she wanted dont have le .
den went to TM to eat pok pok kaye, den went for band .
band was damn tiring .
DALILA somehow scolded th leaders?
saying we kip on playing around, ask us to give good examples to th juniors .
when AARON was also fooling around .
so a sec 3 somehow scolded a sec 4?
AARON obviously wasn't happy about it .
bud i told him something which made him LAUGH OUT LOUD .
only AARON, IVAN & ONG knows wad is LJDM !
nd obviously im not x=
after band went home .
den prepared nd went to fetch COUSIN, nd went to tm to walk around .
den went to COUSIN's hse to download games for nitendo DS .
den went homeee .
actually not meeting ONGONG for conerstone de .
bud GENTLEGIANT & ONGONG kept on asking me to go -.-
so im gg now !
gg to prepare now .
im meeting ONGONG ad 12.30 -.-
i know KAILING is cute, I KNOW x)

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