JACYLN was baq to sku ! yayness* :D
bud AHTAY nv go sku ):
thanks to me luhs . GRRRR*
was late for sku tdy .
CHENGTECK, MARTIN, KENNETH nd 2 other girls also late .
stupid KENNETH say everytime take same bus with me sure late . -_-
so went to coffee shop nd CHENGTECK had his breakfast .
stupid ppl who were late were ALL standing outside waiting for th stupid security guard to open th gate .
so clever ppl like us will go to th coffee shop nd :D
den went in sku .
first 2 period was maths .
AHTAY msged me saying that hes ad th polyclinic ALONE .
wahlaos . den i was like . so jialat?
den he was like . yala . whose fault ah . WAHLAO ):
Mrs Ng nv come .
so relief tcher gave us worksheets to do .
everyone was walking arnd th class talking nd shouting here nd dere .
de relief tcher didn't care luhs .
i dont know why bud im so fking guai .
i sat ad my seat doing th worksheet .
MARTIN & HUITING copied my work luhs, lazy bums .
after tt was chinese .
stupid CHENGHOO kip on di siao-ing me luhs . ):
after tt was recess .
den chem?
stomach was damn bloody pain so i slept throughout th 2 periods .
geog was alright .
all paying so much attention luhs . den i bo bian talk to myself LOLS .
den when tcher asked us to find a partner den WINNIE turned to look ad me nd 'HI .'
den i was like -.- hi
so she wanted me to be her partner -.-
den she called me monster .
so im her cookie monster nd shes my elmo . hohos .
after tt was physics . was quite okay .
Mr Ng was talking abt ahguas ad changi village -.-
was released ad 1pm so we went to th study area to wait for IVAN nd CHENGHOO .
boody hell . dey 2.30p release T_T
was crapping with MARTIN, JACYLN nd EMILY . ahhas .
after tt went to macs .
CARMEN tagged along :D
CARMEN was damn bloody cute luhs .
she hold onto MARTIN's arm when crossing de road .
den she said she'll be SUIE's sub for 1 day .
den me nd JACYLN was like, you know . :D
den went to AHTAY's hse downstairs nd he came down .
CHENGHOO passed him some homework stuffs .
nd he bullied AHTAY la .
asking to say thankyou when CHENGHOO pass him something .
so like . CHENGHOO slowly passed one by one nd AHTAY really said thankyou . -_-
i left ad 4.30 cos was meeting mum ad eastpoint . roar .
so like MARTIN called me just now talking abt some stuffs .
im real happy luhs . like FINALLY he told he that sentence . 'i think i ____ _____ ____ already'
he says i have black magic . -_-
cos i influence ppl easily .
first was DIANA who quarrelled some stupid stuffs with me, i made dem dislike her .
den it was JACYLN .
i made dem dislike her too .
bud now everything is alright .
so dey find DIANA nd JACYLN nice already . ;D
so better dont let me hate you if you're close to dem uhs . (:
so like i dislike HER now . nd that bitchy HER .
MARTIN talk bad abt th 2 of dem too . wad a miracle .
nd especially AHTAY . he actually laughed ad bitchy HER . LOLS !
nd i influenced DIANA to dislike that bitchy HER . nd i succeed ;D
that HER she already dont like le hohos .
theres two different person okay .
HER nd BITCHY HER . read properly .
nd i made JACYLN laugh ad bitchy HER too .
JACYLN was quite close to bitchy her last year i think? (:
YAY im mean . thanks .
i think only MARTIN, AHTAY, JACYLN, SUIE & DIANA knows who am i refering to . ;D
don't think i don't know you're gossiping abt me behind my back .
if you wanna say den come nd say RIGHT INFRONT OF ME .
don't be sucha coward, bitch .
deres only 4 words in my mind now .
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