im very, very hungry now x=
didn't eat th whole day . no appetite T_T
very dulan . everytime lidat den midnight hungry .
didn't bring any text books to sku tdy .
decided to lend from ppl
bud i was so stupid that i forgot my geog tb .
theres only 1 geog class in sec 3e .
nd like . who can i lend from? -.-
everyone who has a geog textbook needs it too luh .
why am i always so blur .
walk to my hse busstop nd saw LEONARD .
i laughed so much in th bus luhs !
shou de ____ . -_-
i guess only JESSLYN, LEONARD, MARTIN, CHENGHOO & AHTAY knows who am i referring to .
first two period eng .
tuesdays are for vocab & journal .
so nv lend textbook .
after tt was chinese .
was so damn sian ytd .
bud its much more better tdy (:
LEONARD came nd sit beside me since RACHEL was absent .
he was complaining abt someone to me .
how much he hate that someone nd why he hate that someone .
cant believe LEONARD hate that someone . 0.O
all 3e ppl were having chi lessons ad th same period, so didn't lend textbook .
was asking LEONARD to compare which charboh is prettier when i give him two names .
RACHEL was th first . hohos .
was asking him jenniferchua nd *someone .
he gimme that face nd LOL .
we laughed till so loud luhs !
after tt was recess .
drank greentea :D
shall be disobedient nd take my mum's advice as rubbish .
asking me not to drink greentea bcos its not good for th 'girl's dunno wad thingy .
LOLS . i talk until like im ALWAYS VERY OBEDIENT lidat . -.-
after recess was MATHS .
borrowed textbook from DEREK .
maths was okay .
alot of ppl say Mrs Ng teaching is bad .
cos most of dem dun actually understand wad shes teaching .
I dont know why bud i understand . -.-
when im those kind of 'always not paying attention in class' person .
i actually understand wad shes teaching leh ! x=
nd Mrs Ng is always calling my name in class to ask me pay attention or stop talking .
Ms Quek wont ask me to pay attention .
she'll only ask me to stop talking cos i'll disturn th rest of my classmates .
i rmb Ms Quek saying that i can do alot of things ad a time ?
dun blame me if she nv say or wad . i have STM
so when im dreaming, not paying attention, doing other sub's hw, i actually understand wad Ms Quek is teaching . x)
HUITING is always paying attention .
bud im always disturbing her .
so, she actually scored 1/15 for her maths test . SORRY -.-
after Maths was SS .
1 whole period doing our test .
HUITING was real sleepy .
she actually sleep nd wake up, sleep nd wake up during th 30 mins . -.-
i din study bud i know how to do most of th questions .
MIRACLE . my SBQ sucks luhs .
after SS was chem .
blahblahblah .
den GEOG .
Ms Tan was absent?
some CRAZY relief tcher came nd asked us to do mindmaps .
YANSHENG spray A WHOLE LOT OF GAS from a lighter ad me .
it was darn smelly . i nearly cried .
DEREK thought i was angry . -.-
after tt went opp sku to eat .
den went baq to sku .
went to refill my bottle nd 20 mins later all th water was on AHTAY's nd MARTIN's shirt . :D
went for BAND nd had sectionals .
practice with KAIJING for ike 10 mins .
den was like freetime?
listening to songs, play hp games, crapping, laughing .
2 new CORNETS arrived nd it was for SHENN & FARHAN .
it was REAL NICE & NEW luhs !
th tune was very, very smooth .
they'll be using th new cornet till april?
nd when to of dem leave band, to prepare for o levels .
JACYLN will be getting one of dem luhs .
Mr Goh told me trombone section have 3 sec 1s . :D
homw dey dun quit band like YANLING, JUNJIE & NURAINE .
deres only 5 trombones in th band room .
if YANLING, JUNJIE & NURAINE nv quit band,
nd this 3 sec 1s join band this year, ME & KAIJING COULD HAVE NEW TRONBONES LAH .
after band went to look for mum ad eastpoint .
8 plus went home . (:
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
CHENGHOO & AHTAY din attend sku tdy .
read th previous post la x)
was damn moody tdy .
feeling reallll sick .
INNA & KHAIRIYA was asking me why m i so quiet tdy .
dey wanted me to make dem laugh luhs . (:
im like . not myself tdy?
din laugh or wadever .
damn quiet .
after sku went to 201 .
all of dem ate bud i only had a can of greentea
was feeling real sick nd had no appetite .
th feeling is like . if i eat something i'll vomit my whole internal organs out LOLS .
MARTIN was nice enough to ask me wad sweets i want .
nd he'll buy for me . hohos .
cos i dont wanna eat anything nd hes like . forcing me to eat -.-
bud in th end also nv buy =p
walked home with JACYLN & MARTIN .
reached home ad 4 (:
browse through my pics nd found out tt i've missed out so many pics .
some pics from SUIE's phone .
i want to rest . bud im nice, so shall upload it now x)
WEIJIAN & AHTAY doing me art (:
DIANA ME & MARTIN with th real stupid goggles x)

im always trying to be RETARDED with JACYLN :D

read th previous post la x)
was damn moody tdy .
feeling reallll sick .
INNA & KHAIRIYA was asking me why m i so quiet tdy .
dey wanted me to make dem laugh luhs . (:
im like . not myself tdy?
din laugh or wadever .
damn quiet .
after sku went to 201 .
all of dem ate bud i only had a can of greentea
was feeling real sick nd had no appetite .
th feeling is like . if i eat something i'll vomit my whole internal organs out LOLS .
MARTIN was nice enough to ask me wad sweets i want .
nd he'll buy for me . hohos .
cos i dont wanna eat anything nd hes like . forcing me to eat -.-
bud in th end also nv buy =p
walked home with JACYLN & MARTIN .
reached home ad 4 (:
browse through my pics nd found out tt i've missed out so many pics .
some pics from SUIE's phone .
i want to rest . bud im nice, so shall upload it now x)

WEIJIAN & AHTAY doing me art (:

DIANA ME & MARTIN with th real stupid goggles x)

someone pls say that im tall? x=

im always trying to be RETARDED with JACYLN :D

WEIXIN being disgusted by CHENGHOO's singing LOLS .

focus on JACYLN .
im com lab now (:
just now chinese was damn sian luhs ! CHENGHOO was absent ):
he got no keys to go out of his hse so . -.-
his mum is out for TAIJI LOLS .
so hes stuck ad home .
AHTAY's sick too .
so sian tdy luhs .
chem did some 'CRYSTALS'
FIRDAUS took mine hide it in HUITING's file .
nd i'm tolerating some asses now . nbcb .
shall go home early tdy?
TO BLOG . or i'll get scolded by some ppl for not blogging . ):
maybe i should delete my blog . (:
just now chinese was damn sian luhs ! CHENGHOO was absent ):
he got no keys to go out of his hse so . -.-
his mum is out for TAIJI LOLS .
so hes stuck ad home .
AHTAY's sick too .
so sian tdy luhs .
chem did some 'CRYSTALS'
FIRDAUS took mine hide it in HUITING's file .
nd i'm tolerating some asses now . nbcb .
shall go home early tdy?
TO BLOG . or i'll get scolded by some ppl for not blogging . ):
maybe i should delete my blog . (:
Sunday, January 28, 2007
im lazy to blog luhs .
i've got no mood .
was late for sku AGAIN .
JESSLYN said thursday hates us .
cos 3 THURSDAYS continuously we've been late for sku .
wtf right . -_-
dentist also say i very noisy
so i sat down, nd den i was real quiet .
th dentist say i look like a good girl nd thats very rare . -.-
so asked DIANA to take a pic of me . wth luhs !
th dentist says that FIRDAUS hair is nice .
den i was like . PUI . den he give me LJ face x)
went for recess den ART .
first 2 periods in th art room, den 4 periods in th com lab
we had th ANIMAGINE workshop
all abt animations nd blah .
so we actually learn how to do it .
in a cartoon programme theres actually 24 images flashing through ur eyes in just 1 seconds .
can u imagine that?
so like . team with MARTIN nd took 100+ pics?
we used th webcam .
nd th video was less than half a min -.-
video is abt a plasticine ball coming alive . blahblah .
den we make it into another shpe .
like a cylinder . den it walks off .
was laughing all th way when doing luhs . (:
see !
after tt took my tortoise nd WEIXIN's tortoise nd did another video .
it was damn cute luhs !
see !
after tt went for band .
went to th SINGAPORE CONCERT HALL for rehersal .
read JASMINE's blog nd realise th sku spent $480 just to book th hall for 1 hr 15 mins . -_-
was quite big .
imagine if we held our previous concert dere . wow .
bud our sku is tooooo budget . blah .
reached dere nd realise tts th hall CRISTOFORI booked last few years for concert .
imagine th amount of money dey spent booking th hall . god .
nd my whole family get to attend th concert for FREE .
my aunt if CRISTOFORI's manager la .
fyi CRISTOFORI is a music sku . -.-
after band went to CS to eat .
was having NEHNEH WAR with SUIE ad th foodcourt !
nd i was screaming likea siao char boh x)
she was forcing me to tell her who MARTIN likes now luhs . -_-
i've got no mood .
was late for sku AGAIN .
JESSLYN said thursday hates us .
cos 3 THURSDAYS continuously we've been late for sku .
wtf right . -_-
was late nd fking MARTIN still got th mood to take pics -.-
first period was PE .
was playing captains ball in th hall .
TUMINAH kip on di siaoing me .
as usual im crazy during PE .
jumping nd screaming here nd dere x)
GLOVOR was laughing ad me luhs . -_-
after tt was physics?
i was damn quiet in class .
nooooo moood tooooo talkkkk .
after recess was chem i think?
Ms Ang was absent .
so relief tcher came .
during chinese i let CHENGHOO eat this .

first period was PE .
was playing captains ball in th hall .
TUMINAH kip on di siaoing me .
as usual im crazy during PE .
jumping nd screaming here nd dere x)
GLOVOR was laughing ad me luhs . -_-
after tt was physics?
i was damn quiet in class .
nooooo moood tooooo talkkkk .
after recess was chem i think?
Ms Ang was absent .
so relief tcher came .
during chinese i let CHENGHOO eat this .
blahblahblah den after sku went to TM .
CHENGHOO wantd to get his hp fixed .
JACYLN, SUIE, ROME, CHENGHOO went off without telling me .
so i walked dere with MARTIN & AHTAY .
was balancing AHTAY's bio tb on my head all th way .
nd th 2 retarded kept on di siaoing me nd make me laugh .
nd when th book drop 2 of dem will laugh . -.-
nd i tore AHTAY's tb . boohoo .
reached nd went to food court .
den went baq to sku for band .
saw CLARE (:
after band went home .
CHENGHOO wantd to get his hp fixed .
JACYLN, SUIE, ROME, CHENGHOO went off without telling me .
so i walked dere with MARTIN & AHTAY .
was balancing AHTAY's bio tb on my head all th way .
nd th 2 retarded kept on di siaoing me nd make me laugh .
nd when th book drop 2 of dem will laugh . -.-
nd i tore AHTAY's tb . boohoo .
reached nd went to food court .
den went baq to sku for band .
saw CLARE (:
after band went home .
walked to th bus stop near northpark .
JACYLN & I were trying to imitate someone .
nd look ad wad JACYLN did . -.- 

FRIDAY 260107
went for dental checkup during maths lessons .
took many many pics . (:


FRIDAY 260107
went for dental checkup during maths lessons .
took many many pics . (:





FIRDAUS kip on saying im noisy luhs . KNN x=
dentist also say i very noisy
so i sat down, nd den i was real quiet .
th dentist say i look like a good girl nd thats very rare . -.-
so asked DIANA to take a pic of me . wth luhs !

th dentist says that FIRDAUS hair is nice .
den i was like . PUI . den he give me LJ face x)
went for recess den ART .
first 2 periods in th art room, den 4 periods in th com lab
we had th ANIMAGINE workshop
all abt animations nd blah .
so we actually learn how to do it .
in a cartoon programme theres actually 24 images flashing through ur eyes in just 1 seconds .
can u imagine that?
so like . team with MARTIN nd took 100+ pics?
we used th webcam .
nd th video was less than half a min -.-
video is abt a plasticine ball coming alive . blahblah .
den we make it into another shpe .
like a cylinder . den it walks off .
was laughing all th way when doing luhs . (:
see !
after tt took my tortoise nd WEIXIN's tortoise nd did another video .
it was damn cute luhs !
see !
after tt went for band .
went to th SINGAPORE CONCERT HALL for rehersal .
read JASMINE's blog nd realise th sku spent $480 just to book th hall for 1 hr 15 mins . -_-
was quite big .
imagine if we held our previous concert dere . wow .
bud our sku is tooooo budget . blah .
reached dere nd realise tts th hall CRISTOFORI booked last few years for concert .
imagine th amount of money dey spent booking th hall . god .
nd my whole family get to attend th concert for FREE .
my aunt if CRISTOFORI's manager la .
fyi CRISTOFORI is a music sku . -.-
after band went to CS to eat .
was having NEHNEH WAR with SUIE ad th foodcourt !
nd i was screaming likea siao char boh x)
she was forcing me to tell her who MARTIN likes now luhs . -_-
CHENGHOO & JACYLN acting cute ad th food court -.-

CHENGHOO collect hp jiu go home le .
SATURDAY stayed ad home till 11pm
den big bro came to fetch me to MARINA
was damn sian cos WEIJIAN wasnt dere . ):

CHENGHOO collect hp jiu go home le .
SATURDAY stayed ad home till 11pm
den big bro came to fetch me to MARINA
was damn sian cos WEIJIAN wasnt dere . ):
Saturday, January 27, 2007
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