Sup, LOL.
It has been so long since I last updated! Busy with school, work and blah shitz.
Anyway, last thurs, I met up with Diana, Rach & Phoebe!
Headed to Rach's house for dinner and went to her room to partyyy.
Kidz, we started being vain. I help D & R trim their brows! Hahaha damn fun. :)
Then played with makeups and all and headed home alr.
Edev lab test on friday was easy. I'm gonna score! :)
I met up with Ivan & Tay after that.
Went library and did, nothing.
But talk cock and laugh and took pictures and yada doodle.
I know it's stupid but we had a really good laugh @ all these shits. Lol.

Ivan's mouth, my teeth, and Tay's face so chio. :B

Lol @ Tay's neck HAHHA. Ivan's hair looks like a pineapple here.
Met P and headed to Shawn's house for PS3, I did nothing anyway.
His granny was horrible. Made me talk back to her the 1st day I met her. -.-
Saturday, went town with my relatives. Saw Mar again! Hahaha.
Town is boring as usual, lol.
I went msia with my relatives on Sun!
Damn fun hahaha, Kian and Kaili was being damn irritating. Lol.
Just went some random temple and touch idk what fish, damn big.
Then went to shop and yada, the mall is damn sian.
Dinner and then slept through the 3 hours ride home.
Dfund quiz and com prog lab test today. Everyone says dfund is easy but I don't know any shit.
Comprog was nerve wreaking! Last question was zzzzz. :(
Headed to bikini bottom after that and went to work.
Aidan & Shaakir came down after my work, went Simpang for supper and home. :)
School again tomorrow argh. Bye.
His granny was horrible. Made me talk back to her the 1st day I met her. -.-
Saturday, went town with my relatives. Saw Mar again! Hahaha.
Town is boring as usual, lol.
I went msia with my relatives on Sun!
Damn fun hahaha, Kian and Kaili was being damn irritating. Lol.
Just went some random temple and touch idk what fish, damn big.
Then went to shop and yada, the mall is damn sian.
Dinner and then slept through the 3 hours ride home.
Dfund quiz and com prog lab test today. Everyone says dfund is easy but I don't know any shit.
Comprog was nerve wreaking! Last question was zzzzz. :(
Headed to bikini bottom after that and went to work.
Aidan & Shaakir came down after my work, went Simpang for supper and home. :)
School again tomorrow argh. Bye.
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