White polo tee for work! :)

Ivan the big bitch. :D
Work is funnnn. :)
Boss's son bought super loads of sweets for us to eat.
Let us grow until fatfat. :)
I kept on asking
Ivan to eat moreeeeeeee. Hahhaa.
Must become abit more bui then nicer. :D
Work is really fun, bored at times but we chit chat & laugh to kill time.
12 hours of work today, 12 for yesterday.
It was bearable la, not very tiring also. :)
Come back still play dota with
Ivan &
Martin, LOL!
Beeluan, our boss has been reallll nice.
Kevin, the son of another boss is nice too.
I made him work for me & I sat down & rest, so mean right. Hahaha!
I call him
Xiaodi, he say he likes it 'cause it makes him feel young.
He's not really old leh, 26 only. -.-
He call me
Working for another week, till next Sunday.
I have to see
Ivan's shit face for 10 days man, kidding. :)
I wore slippers to work today as my blister is really very pain.
It's double okay!
I poke the blister & cut the skin, then there's another blister inside.
Ohmybloodygod. Pain. -.-
Boss didn't even scold me for wearing slippers to work.
She only asked me not to let Popular people see me wearing it cause they're very giam siap la.
This also cannot that also cannot. Lol!
So I wore
U-sa's heels out when I'm giving out flyers, haha! :)
Dinner was LOL!
We wrote our names on the packets we chose to eat.
Cause all different.

Look! Hahaha.
Ivan had noodles & I had rice.
So I told him rumours saying guys who eat more noodles, their dick will be longer.
If more rice, the dick will be shorter.
& he's eating noodles, brown in colour somemore. LOL.
So he'll have a brown dick, HAHAHA!
Then I came out with this Smelly tofu with black sweet sauce.
Ivan got the joke immediately and laughed like shit. HAHAHAH!
Omg I can't stop laughing LOL.
I was super high when I was on the way home with
Ivan &
Martin today.
Lol I don't know why.
4 of us squeezed into 3 seats as usual.
We always do that. -.-
Omg there was one guy that made me laughed like mad in the Mrt.
He & his durian head LOL!
I guess only the 3 of them knows what I'm talking about. -.-
I kept on telling them what stupid customers I have & kept on laughing.
There was one property agent even gave me his namecard.
The photo jitao don't look like him.
U-sa asked him why so different & he said he photoshop-ed it, LOL!
Working at 8.30 tomorrow, oh mannnnnn.
I must wake up early. :/
I'm waiting for
Kyunghoon to bath finish now.
That ass, make Dajie wait for him, LOL!
Byebyeeeee :)