Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Dfund lab test was shitty.
Circuit can't work, even the tcher can't figure out what's wrong.
And she didn't sign or whatever shit. Ccccb.

Jap test today was just alright. But i have super stupid careless mistakes. -.-
Why am I so forgetful? :(

Studied after school till 9 for yesterday and today! Hahahah fun fun.
Did experiment yesterday LOL and watched videos today. :>

Anyway I've lots of things on my mind now.
Gonna just keep it to myself for the time being and forget it bit by bit.
If not I'm just gonna let it all out at once? I'll feel better by doing this but it's gonna hurt badly.

I don't understand girls sometimes.
I'm one but I really don't understand girls well. They say this but do that zzz.
I srsly can't click well with girls, except for those bitches that has been through with me for years. :)
Fuck girls, especially you and you.
Omg how I wish i can peel off your nails, sprinkle salt on it, chop off your fucking hair, cut your oh so PRETTY face, kill your fucktard mindset that you're so awesome, burn your boobless boobs(HAHA) and throw it to lahberlee and let lahberlee deal with it by feeding it to dogs.
And perhaps preserve your cb and sell it to some nigger.
Btw I'm really sorry but you're not bimbotic at all.
Cause you've no pretty face. No not at all i swear.


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