I slept at 4pm yesterday & woke up at 10am today.
18 hours of sleep = shiok, lol!
I could've slept for another few hours.
Thanks to Weekian.
Early in the morning call me & stop me from sleeping. -.-
I'm feeling very shag now. :/
I need drawing blocks for Art.
Art sucks, seriously. -.-
Off for now, byeee peoples. :)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
I'm gonna make this post very detailed as I want you guys to know how irritating the 2 monsters were last night.
It was disastrous man.
The two monsters came with cup noodles.

& I teach Andy Maths until pekchek, lol. -.-
5am plus all buey tahan, went to sleep.
Diana irritated me like mad, until I cannot sleep.
Then I went to disturb Andy by poking his nose & he made a super horny sound, LOL!
Diana & me laughed like shit.
Then I used my Barney to make Andy.
I kept on saying 'BARNEY KISS YOUUUUUUU!' & throw the Barney's face onto his face, LOL.
Then I forgot what Andy said 'bout Diana and she wanna tickle him or something?
Then the curtains suddenly drop down & hit Diana's head.
I swear the both of them are superrrr funny. LOL!
Diana started singing songs so I went to sleep behind Andy.
She's fucking irritating, lol.
Then she went to watch teevee again. -.-
Andy started to snorreeeee, so I have the mood to sleep.
So I did, & then Diana sleep, like finally.
Ninama. -.-
Then Diana say she don't wanna bath & he kept on pestering me. -.-
Then all of us went out without bathing, LOL!
Schooooool after that.
Maths paper was easy shit, but I'm not happy 'bout it.
Because most probably Paper 2 is going to be very difficult. -.-
Lunch with Diana & Chel, headed home after that.
Off for now, I wanna sleeeeeeeeeep. -.-
It was disastrous man.
The two monsters came with cup noodles.
Diana watch teevee, Andy play Dota. -.-
Diana & me kept on irritating Andy by taking pictures with him while he's playing, LOL!
& I teach Andy Maths until pekchek, lol. -.-
5am plus all buey tahan, went to sleep.
Diana irritated me like mad, until I cannot sleep.
Then I went to disturb Andy by poking his nose & he made a super horny sound, LOL!
Diana & me laughed like shit.
Then I used my Barney to make Andy.
I kept on saying 'BARNEY KISS YOUUUUUUU!' & throw the Barney's face onto his face, LOL.
Then I forgot what Andy said 'bout Diana and she wanna tickle him or something?
Then the curtains suddenly drop down & hit Diana's head.
I swear the both of them are superrrr funny. LOL!
Diana started singing songs so I went to sleep behind Andy.
She's fucking irritating, lol.
Then she went to watch teevee again. -.-
Andy started to snorreeeee, so I have the mood to sleep.
So I did, & then Diana sleep, like finally.
Ninama. -.-
Then Diana say she don't wanna bath & he kept on pestering me. -.-
Then all of us went out without bathing, LOL!
Schooooool after that.
Maths paper was easy shit, but I'm not happy 'bout it.
Because most probably Paper 2 is going to be very difficult. -.-
Lunch with Diana & Chel, headed home after that.
Off for now, I wanna sleeeeeeeeeep. -.-
Breakfast with Agnes & Jesslyn today @ Mac.
Studied together after that.
Headed to school & Geography paper today was shit, LOL!
As expected luh. -.-
Back home & prepared.
Went off to meet Andy, Brenda & Diana @ E!hub to study.
I drew like 984564 smiley faces on Andy's paper, lol. :)
Went home after that.
Andy & Diana are heading towards my house now to study, lol!
Because of who?
Who else but Andy. -.-
Studied together after that.
Headed to school & Geography paper today was shit, LOL!
As expected luh. -.-
Back home & prepared.
Went off to meet Andy, Brenda & Diana @ E!hub to study.
I drew like 984564 smiley faces on Andy's paper, lol. :)
Went home after that.
Andy & Diana are heading towards my house now to study, lol!
Because of who?
Who else but Andy. -.-
Andy says:
omg i am thinking of staying up throughout the night to study
omg omg omg
Qiuyun. says:
can ah.
Andy says:
you wanna together?:D
Qiuyun. says:
Andy says:
Qiuyun. says:
Andy says:
Qiuyun. says:
Andy says:
Qiuyun. says:
Andy says:
omg i am thinking of staying up throughout the night to study
omg omg omg
Qiuyun. says:
can ah.
Andy says:
you wanna together?:D
Qiuyun. says:
Andy says:
Qiuyun. says:
Andy says:
Qiuyun. says:
Andy says:
Qiuyun. says:
Andy says:
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I'm not feeling great now.
English paper was shit.
No inspiration for the compo & where to decide for the class outing for the report.
Geography paper on thursday..
Mannnn, I hate exams.
I felt very weird today when someone asked me whether I saw A.
It's weird cause A used to be with me most of the time.
It used to be me going around asking people whether they saw A when A is not with me and I wanna look for A.
It feels weird, when you exchange roles with people & the person you used to be isn't you now.
& the weird feeling doesn't feel good at all.
& C, rest in peace.
I regretted not having any photos with you.
I'll miss you.
No inspiration for the compo & where to decide for the class outing for the report.
Geography paper on thursday..
Mannnn, I hate exams.
I felt very weird today when someone asked me whether I saw A.
It's weird cause A used to be with me most of the time.
It used to be me going around asking people whether they saw A when A is not with me and I wanna look for A.
It feels weird, when you exchange roles with people & the person you used to be isn't you now.
& the weird feeling doesn't feel good at all.
& C, rest in peace.
I regretted not having any photos with you.
I'll miss you.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Yesterday was superrrrr funny.
Mingxian is the first guy that made me laugh so much at those jokes on Diana.
& I slept at 5am because of him.
Laugh too much until cannot sleep. -.-
Today was tiring man!
I woke up at 12 plus because of Khairi's message. -.-
Was supposed to meet him at 1.15 but at last I met him at around 4 plus.
Thanks to me. LOL! :x
Met up with Khairi & pass him stuffs.
Then went to don't know what place to do his stuffs & walkwalkkkkk.
Then talktalkkkk. :) He was damn pissed off about some stuffs. Kept on niam to me. Lol!
Sorry I didn't attend your open house, not freeeee uh.
Next time then go out together! :D
& you're not dumb okay, you're my good bitchy sister. Aha! :)
Went to look for Mum & headed to Hougang with my family again.
I brought my books along to study.
But only 0.0001% of what I studied went into my mind. -.-
Kaili came & I had a longggg talk with her as usual.
I miss her like mad k! :)
Went for supper & headed home after that. :)
I don't know why but I'm feeling damn happy now. LOL!
& Jesslynnnnsxzx. I'm not angry lah.
Okay lah maybe abit.
But I never reply you & answer your calls is got readon de.
I know you know luh. :)
Off for now! :D
Mingxian is the first guy that made me laugh so much at those jokes on Diana.
& I slept at 5am because of him.
Laugh too much until cannot sleep. -.-
Today was tiring man!
I woke up at 12 plus because of Khairi's message. -.-
Was supposed to meet him at 1.15 but at last I met him at around 4 plus.
Thanks to me. LOL! :x
Met up with Khairi & pass him stuffs.
Then went to don't know what place to do his stuffs & walkwalkkkkk.
Then talktalkkkk. :) He was damn pissed off about some stuffs. Kept on niam to me. Lol!
Sorry I didn't attend your open house, not freeeee uh.
Next time then go out together! :D
& you're not dumb okay, you're my good bitchy sister. Aha! :)
Went to look for Mum & headed to Hougang with my family again.
I brought my books along to study.
But only 0.0001% of what I studied went into my mind. -.-
Kaili came & I had a longggg talk with her as usual.
I miss her like mad k! :)
Went for supper & headed home after that. :)
I don't know why but I'm feeling damn happy now. LOL!
& Jesslynnnnsxzx. I'm not angry lah.
Okay lah maybe abit.
But I never reply you & answer your calls is got readon de.
I know you know luh. :)
Off for now! :D
Thursday, October 16, 2008
My computer died on my at this point of time. -.-
I'm using my Mum's computer now & I've to make this post fasttt cause she wants to sleep!
O levels practical today was shit.
S-h-i-t. Seriously. -.-
& I pushed Amaran down the stage today because he cut queue!
We're supposed to queue up to get back our handphones from the teachers.
He cut queue & I pushed him down, LOL!
Went over to Rachel's house with Diana.
Played her Nitendo Wii.
Brought her dogs to Pet Safari @ Eastpoint.
Studied with them after that. Rachel left & Ahtay came.
Diana kept on disturbing us, irritating like shit please. -.-
She wrote 'Na love Tay' on Ahtay's paper & he erased that straight after Diana left. LOL!
Then Diana left & I kept on disturbing Ahtay like mad, LOL!
Back home at around 10 plus & cook maggi mee as I was damn fk-ing hungry -.-
& thanks for the card uh Cbtay.
Damn nice & funny & chio & cute & PINK. -.-
& the last paragraph was nice.
You know what I'm referring to luh. :)
Lastly, Happy Birthday Js!
K, off for nowwww. :D
I'm using my Mum's computer now & I've to make this post fasttt cause she wants to sleep!
O levels practical today was shit.
S-h-i-t. Seriously. -.-
& I pushed Amaran down the stage today because he cut queue!
We're supposed to queue up to get back our handphones from the teachers.
He cut queue & I pushed him down, LOL!
Went over to Rachel's house with Diana.
Played her Nitendo Wii.
Brought her dogs to Pet Safari @ Eastpoint.
Studied with them after that. Rachel left & Ahtay came.
Diana kept on disturbing us, irritating like shit please. -.-
She wrote 'Na love Tay' on Ahtay's paper & he erased that straight after Diana left. LOL!
Then Diana left & I kept on disturbing Ahtay like mad, LOL!
Back home at around 10 plus & cook maggi mee as I was damn fk-ing hungry -.-
& thanks for the card uh Cbtay.
Damn nice & funny & chio & cute & PINK. -.-
& the last paragraph was nice.
You know what I'm referring to luh. :)
Lastly, Happy Birthday Js!
K, off for nowwww. :D
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Behold the cute-ness of Bibi! :D

Bibi is sickkkk. ): See the redred part? There's no hair there. ):
FURBALLLLLL! Bibi is damnnnnn fat. Lol!

Before, & a few minutes after.
& he's sleeping in this position now right beside me! Haha.
I'm gonna play with him again now, bye! :D
Click on my Nuffnang add k! On the side bar, the Canon one!
Thanks! :D Moolahs comecomeee.

Bibi is sickkkk. ): See the redred part? There's no hair there. ):
FURBALLLLLL! Bibi is damnnnnn fat. Lol!

Before, & a few minutes after.
& he's sleeping in this position now right beside me! Haha.
I'm gonna play with him again now, bye! :D
Click on my Nuffnang add k! On the side bar, the Canon one!
Thanks! :D Moolahs comecomeee.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Can you believe it? Lol!
Met with Jesslyn & headed to Kobayashi for lunch.
Ntuc after that to get my waterrrr.
Stupid Ice Mountain don't have the 500/600ml one already.
So I bought the 1.5 litres one, LOL!

Lunched & studiedddd all the way till 6.
Walkwalk around & walked to her house downstairs to have fun, haha.
Took pictures! :)

I think I look better with specs leh, cause I've ugly eyes. -.-

Ice Mountain, I love youuuu. :D
Can you believe it? Lol!
Met with Jesslyn & headed to Kobayashi for lunch.
Ntuc after that to get my waterrrr.
Stupid Ice Mountain don't have the 500/600ml one already.
So I bought the 1.5 litres one, LOL!

Lunched & studiedddd all the way till 6.
Walkwalk around & walked to her house downstairs to have fun, haha.
Took pictures! :)

I think I look better with specs leh, cause I've ugly eyes. -.-

Ice Mountain, I love youuuu. :D
Actually the graduation ceremony was boring luh.
It's only fun when we went around to take photos & pass stuffs to friends, lol!
TM with Ahtay, Chenghoo, Diana & Ivan.
I guess this will be the last time the 5 of us will go out together. -.-
Jesslyn came over after that, headed to library.
Saw Eexuan & Guiling @ KFC, miss then very much!
Chitchat, then homeeeeee-d.
Just a blink! 4 years say byebye to me already. ):
I'll miss those good friends I met in East View.
You guys know who you are, I've too much to mention. :)
I'll miss band & my trombone.
& so on...
I won't miss East View. LOL!
I'll miss what happened inside there & stuffs.
& Jesslyn, I promise I'll work hard.
I'll try my best to own Geography.
It's only fun when we went around to take photos & pass stuffs to friends, lol!
Pictures! :)

Those people I did letters for. :)

408! Aww, I'll miss them bloody much.
Some of them I mean. :)

The 3 besterest guys I made in school. :)

With Leonard! :)

Naren :D:D

Tuminahhhh, I'll miss you girl. :)

Naren! I'll miss his fierce face luh, haha.

Kumaran, Naren, Amaran & Khairi. Great guys. :D

& them!
Ivan, Martin, Ahtay & Chenghoo! :D

With Leonard & Ivan. :)

Those people I did letters for. :)

408! Aww, I'll miss them bloody much.
Some of them I mean. :)

The 3 besterest guys I made in school. :)

With Leonard! :)

Naren :D:D

Tuminahhhh, I'll miss you girl. :)

Naren! I'll miss his fierce face luh, haha.

Kumaran, Naren, Amaran & Khairi. Great guys. :D

& them!
Ivan, Martin, Ahtay & Chenghoo! :D

With Leonard & Ivan. :)
TM with Ahtay, Chenghoo, Diana & Ivan.
I guess this will be the last time the 5 of us will go out together. -.-
Jesslyn came over after that, headed to library.
Saw Eexuan & Guiling @ KFC, miss then very much!
Chitchat, then homeeeeee-d.
Just a blink! 4 years say byebye to me already. ):
I'll miss those good friends I met in East View.
You guys know who you are, I've too much to mention. :)
I'll miss band & my trombone.
& so on...
I won't miss East View. LOL!
I'll miss what happened inside there & stuffs.
& Jesslyn, I promise I'll work hard.
I'll try my best to own Geography.
Farewell, EVSS.
Graduation ceremony was fun, I cried even before the ceremony started.
Good friends of mine received cards & presents from me! :)
& I'm glad that everything's still alright between you&me. :)
& I'm finally not a East View student anymore!
3 cheer for that! Ahaahaa.
I'll blog about it tomorrow k.
With pictures, promise! :)
& ahhh, the feeling's back again.
But only 0.001%, LOL!
I'm gonna get rid of it soon. By this week!
Good friends of mine received cards & presents from me! :)
& I'm glad that everything's still alright between you&me. :)
& I'm finally not a East View student anymore!
3 cheer for that! Ahaahaa.
I'll blog about it tomorrow k.
With pictures, promise! :)
& ahhh, the feeling's back again.
But only 0.001%, LOL!
I'm gonna get rid of it soon. By this week!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
1 more day.
I'm facing problems from this 3 shits.
I'm tired of living, seriously.
God is unfair.
Graduation day tomorrow.
This is for sure.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
2 more days..
Slept @ 5am yesterday.
Spend time watching animal videos with Agnes & Brother. :)
Today was superrr tiring man, I slept for 1 hour only luh. -.-
I reached bus stop & sleep there while waiting for Jesslyn, LOL!
Was so tired that I slept throughout the whole Physics coaching. -.-
School today was funnnn.
Especially the part when Eileen, Mabel, Sihui & me made Miss Heng pissed off.
She didn't want to distribute the papers to us at first.
Class ended & lol we got the papers, Eileen took all our papers & throw it back at Miss Heng.
Then Sihui & me went to throw the rest of the papers on the floor & I stepped on the paper.
TM with Jasmine, Jesslyn, Rachel & Vanessa after school.
Popular, Collect their class tee, Thefaceshop, Photobooth & then I followed Rachel homeee.
Wanted to play with her Nitendo Wii but both her controllers spoil already. -.-
So I played with Mini & Tiny(her 2 little Chihuahuas) instead!
It's the first time I actually dare to touch Tiny after being afraid of her for 3 years, I swear! :)
Help the 2 little doggies bath & went off for tuition. :)
Cleared most of my doubts with Mr Fernandez.
He's the bestttt Physics teacher manxszx. :)
Home after that & I'm talking to the super irritating Diana now. -.-
I showed her the dog breed my Brother likes, the Shar-Pei!
He went to search videos of it last night & I showed it to Diana just now.
It's super cute, lol!
Showed Diana & she continued browsing through Youtube, and she showed me this!
I laughed like a momo while watching luh. Haha!
FYI, Momo = monstarrrrrrr. :]
& this!
Cute much? :)
How much I miss the squeaking sound man, I miss you Pp. ):
I'm going to sleep now, tiredddd.
Bye people!
Spend time watching animal videos with Agnes & Brother. :)
Today was superrr tiring man, I slept for 1 hour only luh. -.-
I reached bus stop & sleep there while waiting for Jesslyn, LOL!
Was so tired that I slept throughout the whole Physics coaching. -.-
School today was funnnn.
Especially the part when Eileen, Mabel, Sihui & me made Miss Heng pissed off.
She didn't want to distribute the papers to us at first.
Class ended & lol we got the papers, Eileen took all our papers & throw it back at Miss Heng.
Then Sihui & me went to throw the rest of the papers on the floor & I stepped on the paper.
TM with Jasmine, Jesslyn, Rachel & Vanessa after school.
Popular, Collect their class tee, Thefaceshop, Photobooth & then I followed Rachel homeee.
Wanted to play with her Nitendo Wii but both her controllers spoil already. -.-
So I played with Mini & Tiny(her 2 little Chihuahuas) instead!
It's the first time I actually dare to touch Tiny after being afraid of her for 3 years, I swear! :)
Help the 2 little doggies bath & went off for tuition. :)
Cleared most of my doubts with Mr Fernandez.
He's the bestttt Physics teacher manxszx. :)
Home after that & I'm talking to the super irritating Diana now. -.-
I showed her the dog breed my Brother likes, the Shar-Pei!
He went to search videos of it last night & I showed it to Diana just now.
It's super cute, lol!
Showed Diana & she continued browsing through Youtube, and she showed me this!
I laughed like a momo while watching luh. Haha!
FYI, Momo = monstarrrrrrr. :]
& this!
Cute much? :)
How much I miss the squeaking sound man, I miss you Pp. ):
I'm going to sleep now, tiredddd.
Bye people!
Monday, October 06, 2008
Yesterday, which was 5th october's midnight, around 1am?
Agnes & me was hungry, so we pester my Baba to bring us out for supper, haha!
Wanted to wear same shirt.
Baba told us he has 3 Pasta Mania shirt, lol!
But cannot find. -.-
We went out with RED soccer jersey instead, lol!
Headed off to 85 for supperrrrr.
Met up with Wooheng & his gf @ a carpark around bedok?
Plan to go ecp but headed to Simpang instead.
Theres one trafiic light, Wooheng's car & us are like at the front row luh.
Then my Brother suggested to race him.
Lol, roll down window then ask Wooheng race together.
We laughed because Wooheng was like winning at first because Brother let him go first.
Then after that my Brother chiong & Wooheng was behind us.
& look at the speed & listen to the 'VRRRRRRRRRRRNMMMMM' sound, I was bloody scared that I will die at that point of time. -.-
Actually no point watching the video luh, I guess 70% of you won't understand what I'm saying. -.-
But it was fun, lol!
Went to Simpang & talktalk.
Lol Wooheng asked whether we just finished playing soccer. -.-
Headed back home at around 4 plus.
Prepared & went to AMK again to Brother's workplace.
I kept on playing with Nitendo Wii, DAMN FUN LOL!
Played with a super stupid game that requires you to dig people nose & stuffs with the controller, LOL!
Headed to Payar Lebar after that for a warhouse sale.
Converse, Everlast, Kappa & stuffs.
Bought 2 shorts & a bag, all same with Agnes one, LOL!
Cost me 60 bucks & I paid for it myself. :)
Cause I wanna treasure the bag, lol!
If my mother pay I won't treasure it, use awhile just junk it aside.
Like the bag I bought with Diana, Mummy paid for it.
I used it for like less than a month? Lol.
But the bag I paid for it myself, going to spoil already, I'll find ways to fix it no matter what, haha.
Thats why I rather pay for it myself. :)
Some more my mother keep say the bag very expensive.
Very irritating so I rather pay for it myself. -.-
Headed back to Brother's workplace again, play Nitendo Wii again, LOL!
This time round I played Cooking Mama, damn funnn. LOL!
Headed to Hougang for arcade again & homeeeeeeeeeee. :)
& I'm gonna upload pictures soon. :)
Agnes & me was hungry, so we pester my Baba to bring us out for supper, haha!
Wanted to wear same shirt.
Baba told us he has 3 Pasta Mania shirt, lol!
But cannot find. -.-
We went out with RED soccer jersey instead, lol!
Headed off to 85 for supperrrrr.
Met up with Wooheng & his gf @ a carpark around bedok?
Plan to go ecp but headed to Simpang instead.
Theres one trafiic light, Wooheng's car & us are like at the front row luh.
Then my Brother suggested to race him.
Lol, roll down window then ask Wooheng race together.
We laughed because Wooheng was like winning at first because Brother let him go first.
Then after that my Brother chiong & Wooheng was behind us.
& look at the speed & listen to the 'VRRRRRRRRRRRNMMMMM' sound, I was bloody scared that I will die at that point of time. -.-
Actually no point watching the video luh, I guess 70% of you won't understand what I'm saying. -.-
But it was fun, lol!
Went to Simpang & talktalk.
Lol Wooheng asked whether we just finished playing soccer. -.-
Headed back home at around 4 plus.
Wasn't really feeling good yesterday, as in before I went out for supper.
Not many people know what actually happened luh.
But thanks for those who cared.
Especially Amaran, Afiqah & Ben.
Thanks alot. :)
I guess I'm alright for the time being.
If I don't think too much luh, haha.
Friends come & go, I have to get use to such things.
Grow up Qiuyunnnnnnnnn.
Not many people know what actually happened luh.
But thanks for those who cared.
Especially Amaran, Afiqah & Ben.
Thanks alot. :)
I guess I'm alright for the time being.
If I don't think too much luh, haha.
Friends come & go, I have to get use to such things.
Grow up Qiuyunnnnnnnnn.
Woke up @ 12 plus, hard core man! 6 hours of sleep for the 3 of us, lol!Prepared & went to AMK again to Brother's workplace.
I kept on playing with Nitendo Wii, DAMN FUN LOL!
Played with a super stupid game that requires you to dig people nose & stuffs with the controller, LOL!
Headed to Payar Lebar after that for a warhouse sale.
Converse, Everlast, Kappa & stuffs.
Bought 2 shorts & a bag, all same with Agnes one, LOL!
Cost me 60 bucks & I paid for it myself. :)
Cause I wanna treasure the bag, lol!
If my mother pay I won't treasure it, use awhile just junk it aside.
Like the bag I bought with Diana, Mummy paid for it.
I used it for like less than a month? Lol.
But the bag I paid for it myself, going to spoil already, I'll find ways to fix it no matter what, haha.
Thats why I rather pay for it myself. :)
Some more my mother keep say the bag very expensive.
Very irritating so I rather pay for it myself. -.-
Headed back to Brother's workplace again, play Nitendo Wii again, LOL!
This time round I played Cooking Mama, damn funnn. LOL!
Headed to Hougang for arcade again & homeeeeeeeeeee. :)
& I'm gonna upload pictures soon. :)
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
This is going to be a boring post, lol.
Cause I'm busy with Friendster, I need to add back those people I know.
& I'm Facebook-ing too, my pettttt. :)
& I'm smsing S & J now, my fingers are torturing me.
Worst thing is that I still need to blogggggg. -_-
Anyway, truck loads of luck to smelly Ahbeng Shawn for the rest of this N level papers.
OBVIOUS ENOUGH? Red colour somemore k!
& stop saying my english sucks, lol.
School was normal today.
Mood was bad during Chemistry.
Sorry Amaran & Khairi if I gave attitude or what k.
Don't blame meeeeeeeeeeeee.
&I kept on stepping on Khairi's shoe, until his shoe became dirty & blackkkkk, lol.
Eastpoint with Diana after school.
Walkwalk, print photos & back home.
Prepared & headed to school for night class.
Studied like a kukuuuu.
I suck in Chemistry man, kept on asking Leonard questions & he could answer all of them.
E!hub after that, today was boring mannnnn. :/
& back home after that.
Diana passed me the cable already, pictures soon.
But not now, not in the mood. Sorry.
Cause I'm busy with Friendster, I need to add back those people I know.
& I'm Facebook-ing too, my pettttt. :)
& I'm smsing S & J now, my fingers are torturing me.
Worst thing is that I still need to blogggggg. -_-
Anyway, truck loads of luck to smelly Ahbeng Shawn for the rest of this N level papers.
OBVIOUS ENOUGH? Red colour somemore k!
& stop saying my english sucks, lol.
School was normal today.
Mood was bad during Chemistry.
Sorry Amaran & Khairi if I gave attitude or what k.
Don't blame meeeeeeeeeeeee.
&I kept on stepping on Khairi's shoe, until his shoe became dirty & blackkkkk, lol.
Eastpoint with Diana after school.
Walkwalk, print photos & back home.
Prepared & headed to school for night class.
Studied like a kukuuuu.
I suck in Chemistry man, kept on asking Leonard questions & he could answer all of them.
E!hub after that, today was boring mannnnn. :/
& back home after that.
Diana passed me the cable already, pictures soon.
But not now, not in the mood. Sorry.
I've super 'good' news.
I just changed my Friendster email few days ago & I forgot what email it is. -.-
So, I;ve created a new one.
Add me yeah? :D
I just changed my Friendster email few days ago & I forgot what email it is. -.-
So, I;ve created a new one.
Add me yeah? :D
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Wanted to give school a miss since everyone wasn't going.
But Mummy doesn't allow, so yeah I tried to ask Amaran to go to school last night but he die die also don't want.
But after much WORK DONE BY ME, Force x Distance.
LOL! I kept on clicking the keypads of my phone what, & I applied force to it.
So ywah, after much WORK DONE by me, Amaran promised me to go! :D
School today was alright.
Kumaran, Naren, Khairi all never go, they plan not to go to school together one.
But I forced Amaran like mad & he really attend school today!
So like Amaran went to school alone, & he said it was because of me.
Aw, thanks brotherrrrr. :)
School was alright, sat with Amaran the whole day cause he asked me to stick with him or else he'll be alone, aha!
Learnt alot of things today luh.
I'm surprised that I can actually study with him man.
Like, I have the mood to study.
And when he sleep, I'll wake him up & pester him to talk to me when I'm feeling bored, aha!
Off to East Point with Jesslyn after school.
We couldn't decided what to have for lunch.
Kept on using Diana's method & scissors paper stone.
Like Jesslyn choose Kfc, I choose LJS.
So if I win, we'll lunch at LJS, LOL!
Lame but yeah, this really works when you have no idea where to go/what to eat. :)
Had LJS in the end, ahha.
Went to walkwalk after that.
Ah Ong couldn't stop laughing at the small lil TV at the first floor.
I guess only Jesslyn knows what I'm refering to, lol!
It's really damn funnyyyyyyyyyyyy.
& Jesslyn laughed until she squart down & whole face turn red, LOL!
Wa aye lai shaaaaaa. HAHAHAHHAHA.
Left @ 2 plus & headed to Woodlands with Mummy & Granny.
Brought Granny to the doctor & headed home after that.
& I've great news man.
My Mum dropped Diana's phone into the washing machine!
& the best thing is that she's blaming me for changing phone with Diana.
Cause if it's my phone, she wouldn't have to pay any responsibility cause she was the one who bought it.
Great Mum yeah?
& I'm feeling soooo fucked up now.
Piece of shit. _l_
But Mummy doesn't allow, so yeah I tried to ask Amaran to go to school last night but he die die also don't want.
But after much WORK DONE BY ME, Force x Distance.
LOL! I kept on clicking the keypads of my phone what, & I applied force to it.
So ywah, after much WORK DONE by me, Amaran promised me to go! :D
School today was alright.
Kumaran, Naren, Khairi all never go, they plan not to go to school together one.
But I forced Amaran like mad & he really attend school today!
So like Amaran went to school alone, & he said it was because of me.
Aw, thanks brotherrrrr. :)
School was alright, sat with Amaran the whole day cause he asked me to stick with him or else he'll be alone, aha!
Learnt alot of things today luh.
I'm surprised that I can actually study with him man.
Like, I have the mood to study.
And when he sleep, I'll wake him up & pester him to talk to me when I'm feeling bored, aha!
Off to East Point with Jesslyn after school.
We couldn't decided what to have for lunch.
Kept on using Diana's method & scissors paper stone.
Like Jesslyn choose Kfc, I choose LJS.
So if I win, we'll lunch at LJS, LOL!
Lame but yeah, this really works when you have no idea where to go/what to eat. :)
Had LJS in the end, ahha.
Went to walkwalk after that.
Ah Ong couldn't stop laughing at the small lil TV at the first floor.
I guess only Jesslyn knows what I'm refering to, lol!
It's really damn funnyyyyyyyyyyyy.
& Jesslyn laughed until she squart down & whole face turn red, LOL!
Wa aye lai shaaaaaa. HAHAHAHHAHA.
Left @ 2 plus & headed to Woodlands with Mummy & Granny.
Brought Granny to the doctor & headed home after that.
& I've great news man.
My Mum dropped Diana's phone into the washing machine!
& the best thing is that she's blaming me for changing phone with Diana.
Cause if it's my phone, she wouldn't have to pay any responsibility cause she was the one who bought it.
Great Mum yeah?
& I'm feeling soooo fucked up now.
Piece of shit. _l_
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Overslept today & gave school a miss.
I actually pig till 1pm! Lol. :)
Went to TM with Mummy, wanted to watch Connected but it was around 3.50pm.
Night class starts @ 5.30 so we gave it a miss.
Shop around & headed for school after that.
Night class today was useful manxs.
Cause Ms Quek was around! Haha.
She taught me alot of Maths & I've finally know how to solve graph & vector questions. :)
Jasmine & Jesslyn was really crazy.
They kept on laughing at not funny stuffs.
Especially Jasmine, buey tahan her. -.-
Headed for tuition after that, Diana didn't came again.
But it was better when she's absent, cause I'll have no one to talk to.
Which means I'll pay more attention, aha!
E!hub again after that with my family.
Had hell lots of fun manxszsx! :D
No school tomorrow! Awesome. :)
Heading to AMK again to look for Agnes & my Brotherrrr. :D:D:D:D
I'm waiting for my holidays. :)
I'm happyyyyyyyyy. :D
I actually pig till 1pm! Lol. :)
Went to TM with Mummy, wanted to watch Connected but it was around 3.50pm.
Night class starts @ 5.30 so we gave it a miss.
Shop around & headed for school after that.
Night class today was useful manxs.
Cause Ms Quek was around! Haha.
She taught me alot of Maths & I've finally know how to solve graph & vector questions. :)
Jasmine & Jesslyn was really crazy.
They kept on laughing at not funny stuffs.
Especially Jasmine, buey tahan her. -.-
Headed for tuition after that, Diana didn't came again.
But it was better when she's absent, cause I'll have no one to talk to.
Which means I'll pay more attention, aha!
E!hub again after that with my family.
Had hell lots of fun manxszsx! :D
No school tomorrow! Awesome. :)
Heading to AMK again to look for Agnes & my Brotherrrr. :D:D:D:D
I'm waiting for my holidays. :)
I'm happyyyyyyyyy. :D
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