Sunday, August 31, 2008
Pissed Off.
My Grandma is currently occupying my room till the day she move out.
So yeah, Daddy went to move my things without permission.
My 10 bucks gone, with a super memorable serial number on it.
It was a new note I received during CNY this year.
He told me he kept it & spent it or whatsoever already.
I was damn pissed & asked him why he touch my things without my permission.
& guess what he say? He say I anyhow put my things I still dare blame people.
Obviously I screamed back & told him it's a locker & it's not anyhow put, cause Mummy asked me to leave my important stuffs there.
& off all the cupboards & everything, he chose to arrange my locker.
Oh fuck, I didn't talk to him & didn't want to have dinner with him just now.
Maybe you think I'm childish, but hello, it's not the 10 bucks problem okay.
It's because I couldn't find it back anymore & obviously I'm pissed.
None of his 10 bucks could replace mine.
The number is different. ):
& Grandma's presence in my house is getting irritating.
Realise I didn't blog for 28th August? Which is like my actual birthday but I didn't blog about it?
Because Grandma followed us out that day & bloody complained it too late & she wants to go home.
Normal birthdays of my relatives without her, I could go out with my family till 2 to 3 am, now?
I'm starting to find her irritating & worst thing is that she told Mummy shes not going to move back again.
I'm soooo gonna force my Dad to make her go back.
If not, the one moving out is me.
I told Mummy about it already & she doesn't like her to stay on too. -.-
I'm not looking forward to the 1 week holiday at all.
Because Mummy doesn't aloow me to go out.
I've to stay at home to takecare of Granny.
Mummy is having her operation on Thursday & I'm afraid I couldn't attend Band's POP too. ):
Oh yeah, I'm no longer angry anymore because Daddy's at NTUC now & just called to inform me that he bought ice cream for me. LOL!
& he gave me an extra 90 bucks allowance.
It's 100 bucks actually, I minus away the 10 bucks! -.-
But my 10 bucks. Sigh..
I'm getting fatter & fatter manxs.
I know there's no use complaining when I'm not doing anything to it.
It's getting super horrible & I'm afraid I'll turn into _____.
_____ is a deluded person anyway.
Ok, I shall stop my rantings here. Bye peopleessss!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Birthday Celebration.
Met up with Jacyln @ 1pm & headed to TM.
Waslked around & bus-ed to e!hub, met up with Tay, Diana & Ivan.
Went to Japan Village(lol) to eat, & went to walk around after that.
Aracde againnnnn, Jacyln & I saw a guy which looks superrrr like Edison Chen.
Eye pop out like eye balls.
Went to look for Diana & told her about it, she kept on WHERE WHERE.
Lol, typical girls uh.
Jacyln went off & the 4 of us bought tickets & caught 4bia.
NC16 show & I can watching already, OK? LOL!
I seriously regretted watching the show.
Not because it wasn't nice or stuffs.
It's was fucking scary & I swear I scream till I cried.
Someone even said 'Relax la' while I was crying.
I kept on hugging Diana's hand & she kept on asking me to shut up & stop crying. -.-
Movie finished, Farhan & Nathan was sitting at the row behind us.
They saw me & laughed, LOL!
Nathan even said 'no wonder the sound so familiar' -.-
Went to the toilet to wash up, my eyes fucking red luh. -.-
They went home & I saw Amanda & Kaijing.
Had a longlong chat with them, headed to meet Angela & off to the arcade.
Back home at 11 plus.
I really enjoyed myself yesterday, thanks guys. [:

Diana ; Angela


Ivan & Angela's brother, cute right!
& lastly,

me & my boyfriend. LOL!
& yeah, this is what Kaili got for me.
I love her please. :D
My phone is repaired already, & I'm not happy about it k.
I've to use back that bloody phone & return this phone to my Daddy.
Maybe I shall sell the phone & continue using N73, heh. :D
K, I'm done.
Off for now! [:
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Had sosososososo much fun, lol!
Thanks girls. [:
Tuition after that & homeeee.
Last paper tomorrow! Yayness. [:
Hope nothing will happen to me after school. -.-
I guess it won't be a sweet Sixteen for me tomorrow. ):
I'm gonna watchgin Jam Hsiao now.
I didn't even watch finish Jay's concert disc luh.
Jam is more important, LOL! :x
My birthday wish is to get a kiss from Jam Hsiao, HAHAHA!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Today Geography paper was great!
Spent 10 minutes doing it? The rest of the time looking around & sleeping. :D
As expected, haha!
Diana came back to my house today for steamboat, was soooo blosted I couldn't even eat anything anymore. -.-
Visited Grandma at the CGH.
She fell down & broke her arm.
Fuck my Aunt please, she was the one who pushed Granny down.
She was crying herself quietly, Diana saw it too. ):
Tuition after that & back to the hospital.
Daddy passed me back my N73 because I kept on complaining that my current phone is super irritaing.
It's a bloddy Nokia 3100 okay!
Tell me who can tolerate! -.-
Anyway, thanks Daddy! :D
I'm feeling soooooo happy now expect for that thing that kept on borthering me. ):
Other than that, I'm a happy girl! Haha.
Anyway theres only 3 more days left to Boom day!
Scream Alberttt!
It has been sucha long time since I last upload a photo yeah?
Here it is! LOL!
Haha! Bye peopleees! ;D
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Anyway, I screwed my SS paper up.
I left 50 marks blank. [:
& everything after that was more screw-ed up mansxzx.
Pekchek x 10000000! ):
Bloody ass, hate you hate you hate you.
Black pundeh, LOL!
Diana & me both forgotten about today's extra tuition, lol!
Super funny please. -.-
Kaili gave me my birthday present yesterday.
Ohmygod I swear I like it like fuck.
I was jumping & screaming like a dog when I knew what it is.
Thanks sister!
I really never dote wrong person uh!
Mei you bai teng ni. [:
Anyway, make a guess on what she gave me.
Had a longlong chat with Weekian last night.
It's the first time he advice me on what to do & stuffs, haha.
Thanks bro, loveeee you. :D
Geography paper tomorrow, flunk it Qiuyun! :D
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Maths Paper 2 today is deaddddd, so dead.
English Paper 2 yesterday is also dead. ):
I'm not gonna do well for prelims, this is or sure.
I don't know when am I gonna start studying.
Even Jh is studying for his SS paper tomorrow. -.-
I'm also having my SS paper tomorrow but I didn't touch my SS book at all.
Like seriously, I know nuts about it.
I'm just gonna sleep through the 1 ½ hours tomorrow.
Waited for Jesslyn opposite school, headed to East point after that to repair my phone.
Ate at LJS as usual, laugh like madsxzxszx. Lol!
Gia hee peng. LOL!
Back home after that. [:
Going to Jb with Mummy tomorrow, happpppy.
She also finds me hopeless & didn't even bother to ask me to study already, aha!
She say my prelims confirm get above 30 points. -.-
It's true anyway, lol!
Anyway, I'm selling marlboro phones.
It's a ciggarate-case-like phone.
I'll update on it soon k?
Anyway, thanks peoples who wished me good luck in msn. :D
Monday, August 18, 2008
Compo was easy shit, but I know I won't score for that.
Question was 'Write about a difficult time in your life and how the experience made you realised who your true friends were'
I've soso much to write for that manxszx, haha!
East Point with Diana after that.
Chowchow dog was being sold already, sad siah. ):
Shopped around & dealed with her contact lens.
I poor thing her please, took so long to get the bloody lenses out from her bloody eyes.
& her eyes turned really bloody after wards.
Red like monkey backside. -.-
Watsons after that.
We became vain pots & tried on every single stuff, LOL!
Was fk-ing fun k! :D
Headed home after that.
I guess Diana is having her oral now uh?
It's going to be her turn soon.
Good luck uh! :D
Tomorrow is E maths paper manxszx, I'm aiming for an A. [:
A million good lucks to Glovor, I guess he needs it.
& you'll do it this time, aim for a pass k! :D
& a thousand million bad luck to you.
Hope you fail every single exam of yours. (:
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Lol, I know it's stupid but I've nothing to blog about lehhh.[
Stupid Jesslyn wants me to blog for her to read. -.-
Woke up early today & was super bored please.
I didn't study at all because I don't have the mood to do so.
& prelims is gonna start tomorrow.
I don't know whats happening to me, I just couldn't study.
& Mummy wants me to get into s JC, like LOL!
Shes nuts. -.-
Make spaghetti & hot chocolate in the morning.
I guess only Ahtay knows what it means, HAHAH!
K fine, I shall tell you guys.
Spaghetti = Maggi mee
Hot chocolate = Milo
HAHAHAHHA. I think I'm nuts too, just like my Mummy. -__-
I don't know how to continue from here, errr.
Ohya, I just ate crabs.
& Jesslyn is feeling hungry now, awwww. LOL :x
& I'm waiting for bloody Jh to tag but he's trying to think about something funny.
But nothingcomes out from his brain.
I think is brain is as lj as his lj bin.
Cannot function already, LOL!
Nehhmind luh Jh, at least you're better than Yq, HAHAHAHA!
& Yj is a girl manxzsx, she lied to me. -.-
& I wanna meet Jh's mother mansxzx.
She kept on twisting to me you know, HAHA!
I guess only Jh will understand wtfuck I'm saying.
& bloody Tiong Kock(China) people win to Singapore!
): *frowns for a million times*
K, not funny. -.-
Tomorrow is the first day of prelims.
Good luck everyone, heh. :D
I'm super speechless now, I don't know how to continue already.
Jesslyn, this post long enough yeah? :D
I couldn't study, it makes me wanna sleep.
Mummy finds me hopeless already, she say she don't wanna care about me already.
Which made me smile for the whole day & watch tee-vee! Lol.
But I'm bored luh, now no more shows for me to watch. ):
Ohmy, I'm feeling super happy now.
I love Nuffnang!
I got another add right after that Samsung ad, aha! :D
Ka-chng! Money comeeee. ;D
I need a friend to talk to now.
A friend I really really trust. :/
Friday, August 15, 2008
I could sense that Mummy is still unhappy about my C6.
I miss Baba, he isn't home for like more than a week.
Bestfriend lied to me, but with a reasonable reason.
But everything just sucks.
I suddenly felt sooooooo fucked up.
If not for yesterday when I laughed so much at that Chowchow dog, I think I'll go crazy.
School ain't fun today, everything just sucks.
Luckily Glovor came today, if not it's going to be more boring k. -.-
He got an A2 for Chinese & I got a C6.
I told him I wasn't jealous.
Cause I say I will get B4 for maths & you will get E8.
Totall, 10 so we're on the same boat.
& he kept on giving the i'm-dulan-but-what-you-said-was-true face.
& he kept on laughing, lol!
Was stucked in the general office for a bloody 2 hours today.
The feeling ain't nice when I was being questioned by the police.
I wasn't afraid cause I did nothing wrong but ohmy, I repeated 'I didn't' for 20 over times but the police just kept on asking.
& when I went out of that room, those 308 people who assumed that it was us kept on asking & asking me again.
I hate repeating myself.
& I hate people who make me so things which I hate.
Fuck please, make me stress until I cry like a dog, hate you guys.
At last nothing happened to us & that really shut those dog's mouth up.
Fuck you guys please.
At first that guy who lost his phone asked me whether I took it or not.
I said no & he said that 'the cctv show them passing something to you.'
I was like wtf & said I never for like don't know how many times.
Got super pissed off when I was in the office please.
I hate repeating myself.
& when the police said that I could go, I asked that guy again.
& he said that 'ooh I mean I saw you walking pass my class with them' _l_
He bloody pengwei when this kind of things happened.
Anyway, thanks everyone for today uh.
Especially Pinky, Charmaine & Darling. [:
Anyway people, stop asking me what happened.
I'm not say much, I blogged about this to vent out my anger, nothing much.
I didn't go into details anyway, aha.
They made Glovor & me missed the class photo taking session.
Our faces won't be appearing in the year book this year.
This is the year when I cherished everything moments spent with my classmates & you guys bloody suspect us.
& I'm super sad about it k, fuck you guys.
Went to eat with Auggy, Ahfat, Glovor, Juventus & Suriya after that.
Back to school to look for those 308 people cause they claimed that they wanna 'settle outside school', wow.
Lepak awhile & back home after that. [:
I seriously miss Baba mansx.
I miss looking at him play dota & shooting those vulgarities to the computer screen when he kena pawn. (lol)
Agnes ah, why must you live so far?
Move to simei ma, then Baba can come home more often. ):
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I have a cell phone.
I have friends that use me.
I am an only child.
I love dangly earrings.
I love cold weather.
I'm obsessed with the computer.
I have shot a gun before.
I can't live without music.
I have no tolerance of ignorant people.
I have ridden on a motorcycle before.
I'll be in this town forever.
I've been to 5 other countries.
I get annoyed easily.
I have neat handwriting.
I have more than a few horrible memories.
I am addicted to chocolate.
I am an atheist.
I love airplane rides.
I love taking pictures.
I hate people who are fakes.
I can be mean when I want to.
My parents care about my grades.
One of my best friends is a girl.
I have way too many wallets.
I'm obsessed with lip gloss.
I am easy to talk to.
I would never eat raw fish.
I cry easily.
I hate it when people are late.
I procrastinate.
I love winter.
I have too many clothes for my closet/dresser.
I love to sleep.
I wish I were smarter.
I'm afraid of flying.
I hate drama.
I bite my nails.
I have been on an 8 hour drive.
I never fight with my parents.
I love the beach.
I have never had chicken pox.
I have gone out in public in my pajamas.
I can't control my emotions.
I have a best friend.
I have moved more than once.
I truly love my friends.
I have braces.
I have never broken a bone.
I hate my computer.
I love girls that play the drums.
I state the obvious.
I'm a happy person.
I love to dance.
I love to sing.
I love cleaning my room.
I tend to get jealous very easily.
I love cute underwear.
I love night better than day.
I don't like to study for tests.
I have been on the phone for over 5 hours.
I am too forgiving.
I have a horrible sense of direction.
I miss elementary school.
I'm a daddy's girl.
I love the color pink.
I love to sew.
My eye color changes.
I should see a therapist.
I play on a girls sports team.
I become stressed easily.
I hate liars.
I love the smell of rain.
I love my family.
I hate needles.
I am a perfectionist.
I always wanted to learn to play the drums.
I hate the feeling of failure.
I have friends in other countries.
I know how to cook.
I can be quite selfish.
At times, I still act like a little kid.
I have food allergies.
I love to read.
I wish I were more motivated for school.
I love getting stuff in the mail.
I have problems with letting go of old feelings.
I hate being alone.
I love summer.
I love the weekends.
I love black eyeliner.
I think I'm a looker.
I type with one hand.
I live in a one storey house.
I have never rode on an underground subway.
I can't swim.
I have bad memories.
I go to church.
I sing in the shower.
I hate cheerleaders.
I usually get what I want.
I have been on stage before.
I love roller coasters!
No one knows my full story of my life.
I am close to my parents.
I don't have a curfew.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Got back my Chinese O levels results today.
Bloody C6, kaninaaa.
I'm gonna retake, this is for sure. -.-
Mummy wasn't please, she got super angry & kept mum the whole day.
She somehow won't reply me when I ask her questions.
& I'm happy that she's like that.
I rather she ignore me than nag at me. -.-
I'm serious! Lol.
Tuition was fun just now, Mr Kalai kept on making me laugh like.. LOL!
Back home after that & I'm rotting at home.
6 more days to prelims, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.
I'm gonna end this post with a super chioooo photo.
I'm gonna study now, bye people! :)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Yesterday was funfunfun manxzs.
Luckily I was pissed off with some peoplee & didn't attend Terence's birthday celebration, haha!
Met up with my family at Marina Square.
Was squeezy like mad, moutain people moutain sea please! -.-
Saw so many familiar faces there, ha. [:
Weekian was there too! Haha.
Video-ed it down. [:
Went to arcade after that.
Got so many toys from there, ha!
Spent alot of money there also, like 35 bucks? Lol.
Saw Winnie & Sylvia after that.
Followed Winnie to the arcade to look for Amaran, Glovor, Bina, Cheukman & blahblah.
Went there & 2 of my mini pooh bears gone, Cheukman & Yanlin wanted it, ha!
While walking back to the Mrt station, theres like red little drops of water on the floor, like one whole line one.
Uncle siad it was red paint but turns out to be blood.
Some peoples was fighting there & the one who is injured ran away.
& the bloods are like, bigggg droplets of blood.
The thought of the scene is.. -.-
I couldn't imagine if I were the victim, yucks.
What a bloody National Day uh? -.-
Mrt-ed to Hougang after that for arcade & pool.
Kailing was being stupid in the mrt.
Kept on saying that she has 5 boyf, & her boyf's name is Crayon. -.-
& she has 5 girlf named Venniece. -.-
Venniece is my Cousin's daughter, lol!
I made her say 'I love Crayon' & she really did. -.-
Woke up early, went to temple to pray & stuffs.
Played poker with Weekian as we were superrrr bored. -.-
Headed to East Coast at around 4 plus, arcade & lan as usual.
I spent another 5 bucks again for the stupid toy catching thingy.
50¢ per game from now till 28th August! (My Birthday :x)
So tempting please! -.-
Dinner after that.
I ate super much today mansxzx.
Gained like 99999 kgs you know? Lol.
People around me are telling me I've gain weight. -.-
It makes me wanna take up the habit again.
My old habit..
Back home after that!
Spent these 2 days with my family & it's super fun! :D
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Was supposed to meet upp with Maricia & Wendy yesterday for sheesha.
But Mummy was like nooooooo. -.-
Went to e!Hub instead.
Cause Money No Enough 2 with Mummy & Daddy. [:
Winnie Heng was somehow acting in the show too, for like, less than one minute? Lol.
Shes pretty!
Show was nice although I didn't shed a tear when the mother died.
Don't know why so many people say it's boring & stuffs.
Saw Angela once again here, awww I miss her!
Hug like like how I hug my barney to sleep everynight, aha!
& tomorrow is the 10th again!
Ong ah onggggg! :D
Friday, August 08, 2008
Walked back to Chenghoo's house after that.
When Chenghoo lives super near him. -.-
Met up with him & bus-ed to 201 for Mac breakfast!
Headed to school after that, all of us were late.. -.-
School was fun today! [:
Designed shirts with my classmates! Had super much fun luh.
divided into 4 groups, one t shirt each & we'll have to design it.
We kept on writing our names on it luh.
I still wrote Sunshine boii boii Glovor & Sunshine giirl giirl Qiuyun, lol!
Then below still write 'Come rain come shine, we'll stick together'
Hahaha, I love my classmates! [:
Hall after that for celebration.
Everyone stood up & sang along! [:
Glovor kept on using 2 singapore flags as his drum sticks & my head as his drum.
Kept on hitting my head & say he wanna make 'rock music', LOL!
I realised I'm very enthu when it comes to school events this year.
Perhaps it's my last year, I'm treasuring every minute spent in school.
I like to go to school luh, can disturb my classmates & everything.
I'll miss them like mad after we graduate manxszx!
I demand a class chalet after Os! :D
Back home right after that. [:
Sunday, August 03, 2008
I finished printig all those stuffs for Art already.
But spray isn't enough for 8 boards, will buy tomorrow & spray & complete everything.
But my artist inspiration isn't done yet. ):
Nevermind, at least I did something, ha!
I'm gonna mug real hard next week for prelims when I'm done with Art manxszx.
Art is really a nuisance! ):
Met up with my family just now, heh!
Talktalk with Kaili again.
Was laughing like mad at the supermarket. Lol!
Anyway, did you guys say my boyfriend on Channel U @ 8.45pm today?
Yesyes, my boyfriend is Jay Chou, LOL! :x
Okay, off for now! :D
Cause I woke up too early today & have nothing to do.
Besides Tuesday is the final deadline.
I don't wanna fail my Art. -.-
Was quite pissed off when I knew that they went out together yesterday.
It's super not fair.
Why must the children suffer when the adults quarrel?
It has been super long since I last went out with Kaili & Weekian.
I don't want us to drift apart.
It's very rare for cousins to be as close as the 3 of us.
I just want everything to be back as per normal again.
No conflicts & everything.
I miss my cousins very much. ):