im tried = lazy .
th post will be wierd if you're using IE .
but im using firefox . sooo . -_-
ok nvm . i shall be nice .
went to EASTPOINT with my mum ytd .
saw SHENN ! (:(:
went arcade blahblah .
saw TERENCE -.-
den went home nd prepare for th house warming cum christmas party at my cousin's hse -.-
ok . its a christmas party for childrens nd house warming for adults . AIYA FORGET IT .
reached abt 7 plus nd everyone was there alrdy .
walked in nd look chiong to KAILING cos shes screaming like hell -.-
nd guess wad i saw?

i guess shes's trying to complain that she has no space to jump arnd x=
a elephant playing with an ant .
ok . that yellow shirt guy is my cousin .
8 YEARS OLD nd look ad his size .
fking 65 kg . my bloody god .
JERRAT's small nd tiny so called PLAYGROUND nearly BURST . -.-
my cousin told me that's JERRAT's small & tiny playground . lols .
nd i swear JERRAT was DAMN DAMN DAMN cute .

hes 9 months old !
&& JERRAT is like . a million times more GENTLE than KAILING? -.-
th way he crys so soft .
nd when kailing crys, machiam we slaughtering pig -.-
nd shes a girl la .
JERRAT is her nephew too LOLS .
her cousin's son also ma .
went to crap with WEIJIAN && SAN JIE hohos . den asked me to eat .
nd i saw THIS .

fondue ... ROARS :D
den i saw this .

ER JIE told me it cost 55 bucks .
5 litres . nd it taste DAMN bitter .
shared a cup with WEIJIAN nd we nearly vomited -.-
den went to play with cousin's dogs TARA && TORO ! :D:D

lols =p
miss dem damn much hohos .
TORO kip on kissing WEIJIAN can .
den WEIJIAN ask me male or female den i say male .
den he push TORO away den say he not gay . DUN FAKE LA .
den WEIJIAN left to countdown with his frens ad town . PANGSEH
den went to play TWISTER :D
KAILING said she wanted to play too .

how to ? -.-
so me, KAILI && KELVIN play niah .
KELVIN was th yellow shirt guy -_-
he was th FIRST to be out . feihua . LOLS x=
den me den KAILI .
wahlao buey tahan lor .
2 out us die die dowan give up den both of us leg cramp LOLS .
went home ad abt 11 plus .
promised him to cor him when counting down ma .
he whole day ad home so kelian okay .
i was so angry can . WEIJIAN grew taller nd hes gg to reach 1.8m le . de now KAILI taller than me liao . WTF !

i dont know why but i felt so energetic after blogging -.-
okay . today's post next (:
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