All the 3 of us wore blue, hahahaha sucha coincidence!

Went Bugis for shopping with bestfriend!
Spent 100 plus in hours and I drag her off that place. -_-
Dinner @ Swensens!

Shes praying for smth that didn't come true. :(
Clementi after that, Qz knows Jk, lol funny!
Watch the guys dota after that. -.- sibei sibei sian.

Cab home after that, I guess the guys paid, thanks!
Met up with L on Thursday heh. :D
Went funan to get my lappy fixed, Penin to get his tees changed and then to Hougang to get our stuffs we bought online. Spent money again but happy!
Went to the old place again to have talks & take pictures.
And gave him smth I owe him, damn funny lor I kept on laughing!

Ahlian bo?

I like this photo alot. :)
Friday & weekends was spent with my family.
Very very funnnn HAHA.
Praying & Hougang on fri.

Vivo & Hougang on sat!

Wore the same colour, lol. Was planning to go rollerblade that's why we wore this!
But rained. :( So we headed to Vivo.

Icecream @ Swensens. Sin. :(

Willy wonka sweet from Candy Empire! Damn nice.

The pink bear @ Minitoons is damn chio!

Hahaha she loves it when I piggyback her. :)

Kian & Aunt house on Sun!

Both wearing Cotton on shirt, hahah I bought his for him! :)

Haha Kian is sucha retard, still love him anyway! :)

Eh-you-take-what-picture face. _l_

Found this inside some random plug @ Aunt's house. The lizard is dried up, damn gross. -.-
Met up with Phoebe yesterday for Starbucks.
Spent money again zzzzz I need to start saving!

My first time drinking frappe W/O whipped cream. I ish good girl!
Rach came and we went over to Derek's for MJ.
I just watched tv, have talks with Pauline & Phoebe & disturb Pauline's hammy. Fun. :)
Met up with Js, Ck & Kl today for breakfast.
Had talks that made me lol, I found out so much stuffs today!
Met bestfriend for lunch. Wore the TOTAL same outfit w/o planning.
Damn malu lor!
Why am I always wearing the same outfit as the person I'm meeting recently? Lol.
Bus to Amk after that, the trip nearly killed me.
Spent time with L till 12 and I cab home. :) Ily!
Now I know how it feels like to get irritated non stop when you're feeling sleepy.
But the reason it's because you wna see smth so I'll forgive you. Hahaha!
What's the plan for tmrw?
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