But I spent time with L everyday after school! Hahahah. :D
Swensens on Thurs! Someone felt loved right? :)
Minds Cafe on Fri with Anders, Ky & L! Taboo & Gesstures was fucking fun.
I LOVE looking at how Anders act, epic shit HAHA I lol-ed like mad!
And our forfeit PAWN, L danced Wondergirl's Nobody at Minds cafe's entrance, Anders did some sexy dance and I talked to a plant for 1 minute.
The guy beside the plant was laughing at me lor, sibei paiseh. -.-
Ajisen for dinner after that, I had volcano again as usual. (Y)
Went to slack after that and then went back simei with L.
Bloody ass disturbed me like mad. :(
Weekends was spent with families as usual.

Alike? Just that my face much rounder. Lol. Hahahha love her muchiee! Cope well with your studies & please forget bout your stupid taurus my dear capricorn!
Went Ikea today to have hotdogs & bought my stringggg sweet. :)
School at 3 tmrw, but still have to sleep early cause I'm meeting L tmrw in the morning, hahaha!
Miss that bum so much!
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