slept as late as 2.30am to revise mt history .
woke up as early as 5am to revise somemore .
2.30 of sleep . dosen't feel good .
history paper was in a total mess .
short answered questiong, 11 marks .
SEQ, 50 marks .
i only did the common market thingy . 11 marks .
means SEQ 39 marks nv do .
plus short answered? 50 MARKS !
wthwthwth .
somemore the commom market thingy is diana baotoh answer de LAH !
and SEQ is all about chapter 10 & 11
i MEMORISED chapter 10 & 11 yesterday .
but i totally forgotten ALL of the contents in chapter 10 & 11 . fcuk .
50 marks gone . wtf .
if i get ALL CORRECT, which is impossible, i'll get the most 50/100 .
FAIL is wad i can say now . ):
i told you guys le . i canot study derh .
study liao duno how to do will pekchek . den heckcare the whole paper .
if i nv study den i'll pass . base on wad i can remember la .
so i'm not gg to study for tmr's geog paper .
i'm NOT gonna study .
btw i also cannot find my geog tb . x=
chinese paper was alright .
chinese i know how to do . i have confidence ! x=
hais . my my historryyyyyy . ):
after tt went to eastpoint with martin, diana, ivantay, ivantan, jerome .
although there are only 5 of us . TODAY WAS DAMN FUN .
jerome la . ivantay nd martin also . =.=
went to pet safari . HAMSTERS ARE DAMN CUTE .
dogs toooo . but stupid . x=
jerome, ahtay, me, martin nd diana took the 'fake rabbit' and put it on the glass so that the dog could actually see it .
the dog wanted to bite on it . =.= BUT THERES GLASS .
SO... AHTAY ! move the rabbit here & there . den the dog so pitiful .
the head kip on banging the glass . LOL
den got dog PANGSAI, ivantan say machiam curry . =.=
jerome found a wallet at the OCBC at B1 . outside NTUC .
inside got $34 , IC, ez link cards, 2 POSB card, 6 credit cards, toto bet de paper . for 6oct de ! WHICH IS TOMORROWWW~ =.=
actually intend to take the money . but we're nice people (:
took the IC and look at the adress . the guy was 39 years old .
live at simei, so we went to his house to return it to him . HOW NICE . (:
that guy wasn't at home . we knock until hand pain la .
den de neioghbour say he everytime at night den go back home de . zz
den the neighbour also dun have his contact number .
so we took out all the namrcards and look for that person's contact number . NONE OF THEM IS ACTUALLY HIS NAME CARD LA . ZZ
den we went back to eastpoint . mummy called me and told me shes at the taxi stand .
i passed the wallet to her & ask her to settle . LOL
den went back to eastpoint .
go eat, den went home . (:
see ahtay so bad, HE BULLY DOG . LOL x=

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