went to sku . no jacyln today . like . ): ): ): !
band was like DAMN SIAN . everytime when we fall in i will wait for jacyln . or jacyln will wait for me . den we fall in beside each other . its a habit . and i did that today . amin was like . BAND FALL IN AT THE HALL . den i ran . den i stand at the staircase for like 5 seconds . den i was like . OH ! JACYLN DIN COME . den i ran to the hall . formation same . no jacyln . shes behind shenn and shenn was beside me . shenn din come . farhan din come . jacyln too . nobody pei me laugh . =( fall in again . like . =( no jacyln . no laughing .
den fall out i wanna look for su ie . den i shouted SUIE ! when i look at her . den she was like . FANGYI ! den i was like . HAIS . JACYLN ONG WHERE ARE YOU .
after band wanted to sms jacyln this 'you nv come so sian . su ie kip on finding fang yi' but i send wrong . i send to suie . den suie approached me . den she said sorry .
den i nearly cried can . i understand why jacyln always say she cant live without me . i cant live without her too . when walking to bus stop with band members . i was like so moody . face veh glum . hais . JACYLN ! =( reached my house busstop . decided to go find jacyln . den ivan me suie and martin went up to jacyln's house . reached den i was like . :DD JACYLN ! her eye so jialat lohs .
im like . omgomg . why swell until lidat . -__- fuck that person who invented that fitness thingy lah .

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