2 september
stayed at home till 4+ den went to parkway with my mum, kelvin, kailing, uncle, aunt . =.= den went to east coast PARK ! cycle . cycle . cycle . den i tried to cycle with kailing infront of me . the babysit . -_- den so fun can ! but kailing very noisy . =.= den i took back my bike . den cycle till 7+? den went to downtown . called weijian and asked him to come . xD so sian norhs . without him around . =( den weijian came ! :D with kaili dey all . den i saw carmen and winnie . den winnie was like . QIIUUYYUUNNNNN ! den i ran away . so paiseh can . like rachel . =x den called carmen . den weijian wan her to come out from chalet . cause they go sharon's chalet , if i rmbed correctly . den carmen dowan . den i say we go in . den carmen say DOWANDOWAN ! den i -_- waited for her at the swimming pool inside costasand . den i called carmen and asked her to come out . den i saw carmen . THE CHALET IS RIGHT BESIDE US . like . =.= den carmen's fren drunk . den one of them weijian know de . his god sis somemore . den got ppl borrow lighter from him . =.= den weijian saw another guy he know de . den got someone asked carmen who is that pink colour shirt de . den weijian wearing pink . den carmen nv ans him . came to look for weijian and ask him faster go . den i was like . why? den carmen say his fren maybe wan tio him . =.= den i ask weijian go . cause i din on my hp ! den scared later mama find me . den he dowan go . den i go myself loh . den when he reached downtown he was like . you know why just now i dowan go not? den i ask him why . den he say . ppl ask who am i . chup whr . den i just walk off . ppl will say i humji leh . den i was like . ....... den i walked off . charmaine took a super spastic photo of me today . T_T

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