after sku went to TM with CARMEN, DIANA & SIHUI .
ate ad macs den went to popular .
den ZHIWEN came :D:DD
ages since i met him luhs [:
den left with ZHIWEN & went to meet EEXUAN & GUILING .
ZHIWEN gave me something he made himself, damn cute luhs !
was laughing like mad with them .
all th 4 of us so damn sampat luhs, HAHA .
we kept on gossiping x=
chendol~ :D
walk arnd & went to look for GUILING's shampoo .
after that accompany EEXUAN to go nd look for BENNY .
den went inter with ZHIWEN le [:
den saw WEIQI !
so long never talk to her le luhs [:
den alight ad sku bus stop .
went to look for ONGONG & JESSLYN .
den talktalk, went home .
PE was fun [:
after went to TM with JACYLN ;D
talktalk & walked around .
den went back to school .
after that went to mondi, den went homeeee
during art went to NAFA (Nanyang Academy Of Fine Arts)
walk arnd, th art pieces damn nice luhs !
after that went back to SCHOOL, blahblahblah .
den went to TM with JACYLN .
ate nd walkwalk, den went to SCHOOL for BAND again .
PEIPEI & AMIN came ! :D
PEIPEI taught DALILA & ME how to use th mace to march & stuffs .
damn difficult -.-
damn heavy -.-
damn confusing -.-
being a Drum Major is not an easy job
after band went to NORTHPARK ;D
went to look for them .
laughed damn much cause of JEROME & CHENGHOO's acts, HAHA !
after that went home !
den prepared & went to LOYANG to pray .
KAILI & WEIJIAN was there :D
WEICHONG & his friend was there too, AH DI i think?
lols -.-
went to walk arnd with th 4 of them .
damn fun luhs, LOL
den bought icecream :D
i share with WEIJIAN .
he eat th icecream i ate th cone
kept on di siaoing WEICHONG, LOL
had a talk with WEIJIAN :D
told he EVERYTHING that happened recently .
& he so angry with someone who called me a pea brain freak
LOL -.-
after that went, homeeee :D
went to 201 to have lunch with MUMMY !
den went to buy school shoes .
den went to th carpark & into MUMMY's car .
den i waited in th car cause she wanted to buy something .
den i saw IVAN, HAHA !
& he told me he just went to play lan .
after that saw AFIQAH .
den went to EASTPOINT while MUMMY went to work .
went to look for AUNT nd had lunch with them .
den went to walk arnd .
after that went to IP ZONE, crazy sales luhs .
was searching like mad for a tee my UNCLE wanted
den went back to AUNT's house .
KELVIN, my cousin, taught me how to play th violin !
damn fun :D
difficult though =/
MUMMY came to fetch us to EUNOS to look for WEIJIAN they all .
den had dinner .
sat with WEIJIAN & talked damn much again .
i've got no appetite luhs -.-
i ate like 1 spoonful of rice?
th rest all give WEIJIAN -.-
he asked me to sponsor him money to put tattoo during his birthday .
& i was like _|_
he use his own money im so damn dulan liao .
now you want me to spon you? NO WAY .
after that went to MARINA BAY :D
played pool & stuffs .
taught KAILING how to use my phone to take pictures !
nd she knew how to do it in like 3 mins?
a 3 year old kid -.-
den went to th toilet with KAILING LOL .
den i scare her by making ghost voice/sound or wadsoever .
& she cried LOL x=
she complained luhs !
& i got scolded from EVERYONE .
bud when they're scolding i just walk away .
LOL -.-
after that went homeeee !
went to 201 with MUMMY .
to change my schoool shoes .
wrong size luh .
size 9 i thought 6 -.-
den went to fetch AUNT, KAILING, blahblah .
went to TM
crazy metro sales !
didn't manage to get anything .
since it was fully packed nd its damn hot although it has air con -.-
after that went for arcade, den went homeeee !
talked to DIANA ad night .
i felt like killing her for some reasons .
just read th previous post -.-
school was fun !
woke up nd found out that my right eyes is abit swollen -.-
bus ride was fun, cause th bus im on nearly had an accident with someone we know .
th bus brake like mad? LOL
den i was sitting on th 3 sitter sit with JACYLN .
so i just slide nearer to her niah, nothing actually happened to me .
bud for th others, they nearly fell down, slide here slide there, LOL x=
i was actually laughing with MARTIN & AHTAY in th bus one .
den suddenly all th 3 of us never talk, very quiet, i nearly fell asleep !
den suddenly for nothing i slide to my left, LOL
den i woke up -.-
den when i knew what happened i kept on laughing, LOL x=
MT was damn LOL .
CHRISTOPHER sat beside me & talked with VANESSA & ME about some stuffs .
he made me laugh like shit luhs LOL .
kept on saying his stupid DAZZLING LOVE .
his perfume luhs .
cheers $3 plus can get it le LOL .
MARTIN was unhappy after recess .
for some reasons .
bud i managed to make him laugh, haha !
cause i was like damn sian?
like i talk to myself, nobody laugh with me, talk to me .
den i complained to AHTAY cause i was smsing him at that time ma, lols !
tried to talk to MARTIN, knocking some sense into his brain -.-
after school went to bball court
cause DIANA wanted to -.-
AHTAY suddenly bad mood, also dont know why .
i didn't try to make him laugh .
i was somehow afraid of him?
his face damn fierce when hes angry
after that went bus-ed home with JACYLN :D
saw AHTAY on th bus & both of us managed to make him laugh, LOL
cause of some fat person, standing in front of him .
after that went homeeeeeeeeeee ! :D
just finish talking to JINGWEN about someone .
we're PEKCHEK !
right eye damn pain now .
i scared is KIMSIONG kena that one leh
howhowhow ):
*a picture speaks a thousand words, i hope this picture can :D
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