yesyes im back ;D
woke up ad 5am T.T
den went to meet JESSLYN ad arnd 5.45
den took bus to 201 .
ate macs with JESSLYN, DIANA & CARMEN .
saw IVAN ! :D
he was aiting for CHENGHOO luhs .
kept on crapping althought its in th morning nd all of us was damn sleepy -.-
nd she posted it in her blog nd my blog .
of cos i deleted alrdy .
if you guys read my blog on wed night, you might have seen it?
if not den too bad x)
damnnnnn private ! LOLS .
den took pics .
th whole day JESSLYN phone's wallpaper was my pic .
mu phone's wallpaper was DIANA's pic .
den DIANA phone's wallpaper was JESSLYN's pic .
lame. -.-
den SUIE, CHENGHOO, YINGHAN all came .
finished nd went to th bustop to wait for JACYLN .
den all of us took a bus to temasek poly :D
crapped in th bus of cos (:
reached nd went to fall in .
all of us late -.-
den carry instruments blahblah .
cos band having performance on sports day ma (:
den all of us dismiss .
den must report ad 9.30?
of cos i went to look for DIANA dey all (:
den JESSLYN, RACHEL & ME planned to do something mean to DIANA .
den DIANA knew wad we planned luhs .
den she took th whipped cram from RACHEL's plastic bag nd ran .
den all of us chased her nd she kept it in her bag, nd continued running -.-
of cos we continued chasing .
den.... th whipped cream was all over her bag .
first thing we took out was her handphone .
nd it was white in colour -.-
den DIANA cried . LOLS .
den her stuffs all tio whipped cram .
den ME, JESSLYN, MARTIN, JACYLN, AHTAY, YINGHAN, RACHEL all helped her to wash her stuffs .
nd all DIANA did was to sit down nd cry . LOLS !
all of us kept on laughing luhs .
DIANA laughed too -.-
den ME & JACYLN kept on walking arnd -.-
den ad last 11.30 den th band fall in luhs zz .
went to warm up, den talk with KAIJING again .
sometimes KAIJING can be a very good listener .
nd yes of cos i tell him my problems luhs (:
nd KAIJING guessed something .
nd hes correct . o.O
den when band perform, everything was so -.-
JESSLYN, DIANA & RACHEL was righttt ad th fronttt (:
th playing sucks, but when we played dancing queen, DIANA, JESSLYN & RACHEL laughed .
cos they thought of ms swan -.-
if you dont know who th hell is ms swan, go to youtube nd search her videos . LOL .
after tt ME & JACYLN went to look for someone nd talk to that someone -.-
den went to fool around again (:
i was damn pissed about something .
i told DIANA, nd i cried after telling her .
fuck it luh . you're forever like this .
promise breaker . nbcb .
den went to take bus back to sku with JACYLN .
th rest of dem went baq to sku le .
den went to eat, den went for band .
suddenly got damn close with JACYLN again .
nd we gossiped about someone of cos .
band end ad arnd 5, den went to mondi .
den JACYLN kept on saying th cow dung nd flower thingy .
LOLS ! den went home (:
went to meet DIANA, WINNIE, CARMEN & RACHEL ad tm .
den bused to WINNIE's hse nd we prepare th stuffs for steamboat (((((:
DIANA was sitting down listening to songs while th 4 of us prepare th food for her .
how nice right (:
CARMEN was damn cute .
all of us were hungry nd wanna prepare th food fast .
den CARMEN wanted to cut th hotdogs .
den she cut one by one, damn small somemore .
den i was like WAD YOU DOING?
den CARMEN was like 'like that den cutecute ma .'
den ad last all th stuffs ME, RACHEL & WINNIE do . -.-
den when we started to eat, CARMEN took loads of food .
nd her bowl was so full .
den all of us started to take pics of her with th bowl of FOOOD .
den she was damn paiseh . LOLS
den kept on laughing when we were eating .
den WINNIE say today must eat till penggggggggggggg . (:
finished nd all of us were damn full luhs .
den WINNIE say she dont wanna eat le .
den CARMEN was like 'huh? bud u haven peng leh'
den all of us was like -.-
den CARMEN asked WINNIE to eat until she toh peng den can stop . LOL .
den we asked WINNIE's brother to eat .
den all of us stared ad him eating luhs LOLS !
den he was wearing a white shirt with a KOREA logo in front .
den we stared ad him eating for like 30 mins?
den i started talking of cos -.-
i said 'dont you find us like his slave? den hes like th king nd all of us must stare ad him eating'
den all of dem laughed -.-
den i was like 'its just that other countries de slave stare ad their king eat le den dey can eat'
'korea is eat le den stare ad king eat'
WINNIE's bro nearly puke -.-
den went to WINNIE's room nd slack .
talked abt wad happened to SENTHIL .
damn sad luhs . ):
i rmbed laughing with him when i pon physics last wed . ):
took damn loads of pic of WINNIE & CARMEN .
machiam modelling luhs .
den ME & DIANA is their photographer -.-
after tt CARMEN left .
nd i swear it was damn sian when she left luhs ! ):
after tt went to play poker cards .
i brought ELMO to play with us ;D
WINNIE's elmo luhs . (((:
after tt all of us damn sian .
den actually intend to walk to tm .
bud reach 201 all of us decided to take bus LOLS .
lazy pigs (:
went to walk arnd
den called AHTAY to talk abt SENTHIL's stuff . -.-
nd den went to RACHEL's hse downstairs to look for her frens .
den i saw NIGEL among her frens .
den he was like 'YOU AGAIN ? :D'
LOLS cos we laughed damn much during RACHEL's chalet when i was only sec 1 .
i still rmb WEIJIAN was with us during th chalet .
den we were laughing about whether someone have lanjiao hair . LOL !
den dey wanted WINNIE to help dem do something .
forget it .
longlong storyyy .
i guessed their motive is to get WINNIE's number niah -.-
den 10 plus went to take mrt to marina bay to look for my relatives .
den when i walk out of th mrt i saw korkor !
he was waiting for me luhs .
den we bike to th arcade dere .
heh .
as usual played pool, den talk to KAILI abt th usual stuffs ):
2 plus went home .
went to HUITING's hse arnd 3 to do physics project .
MABEL & ELAINE started doing th project since 2 luhs .
sorry x)
bud i bought macs for dem okay !
we were wraping things nd decided to use marbles for th thing .
blahblah .
i din do much .
went there to entertain them as usual .
my hobby ma x=
den YANTEEN came .
took her phone nd investigate her phone with HUITING . LOL .
ohya . nd i dropped MABEL's phone, nd im th first one to drop it .
sorry x=
5 plus finished .
den played with HUITING's nephew .
den wehn i was leaving i carried him out of th hse .
den he wanted me to carry him nd bring him out to gaigai .
ahhas .
den went home to change, den went to dhoby ghaut to meet my relatives againnn .
went to th arcade as usual .
played with KAILING, made her cry, blahblah .
lols . den went home arnd 12 (:
stayed ad home till 5 plus den went out with MUMMY .
went to bought my stuffs, went to th arcade .
had dinner, bought milktea, went to th arcade, went to buy bread .
someone shouted my name nd when i turned around it was SHAWN .
ahhas . LONG TIME NO SEE EH (:
den went home arnd 9 plus .
im gg to upload photos now .
more than 50 i guess?
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