There was a post before this but I saved as draft in my phone and decided to publish the next day. But before the next day can come, my phone went into recovery mode and.. POOF! everything's gone. Yes I know I have backup on my iTunes but the last time I sync was, before new year.
Kinda sad whenever I think of it but well, those were the days I kept fighting with nutty so I guess it's fated to go. :) Have to think positive!
& I just realised that the Xmas videos are inside my computer already. Theres one particular video that always makes me smile. I thought I lost it and was super sad but I didn't! Hahahha so happy!!
By the way my results for this semester was awesome. My gpa is 3.17! It's the first time I hit 3 and my cgpa increased by 0.18. Hehehe. ^^
5 days ago, was the 20th of March, nutty & I have been together for 1 year. Time really flies. I always admire couples that can last till a year & wonder how they do it. Well now I know how!
I did a handmade frame for him(he claims that it's his best gift ever), & he bought a Nintendo DSi for me!! :D I wanted the baby pink DS but the person said that it gets dirty easily so nutty got me the DSi instead, in hot pink!

SO CHIO RIGHT! I've always wanted a DS since forever. My 'wish list' on my blog last time states it, I remember one of my 'god son' drew a pink DS on a card he gave me, he drew a Vaio laptop, and a piano. I got all of them now! Except for the Vaio laptop la cause it's useless. I got another one instead. I had a DS last time, in grey. Got it from don't know where. Then the stylus got missing, then 1 side got detached.. & I don't even know where it is now.
We spent the day nua-ing at home, then movie, and dinner at Macs, that's all. Because he fell down and nearly broke his arm. But we were happy that day! Right? :)
2 days ago, I was damn random. I asked him what will happen if I really left him days ago cause we just kept on fighting for god knows why. -_- Thanks to all those bitches around him. And thanks to me knowing too much about him.
I told him a whole lot of stuff I can do that other girls can't. HAHAHA. Which girl can help him cut his hair + watch movies like world invasion with him -_- + kiao my ka on his ka in the cinema in the most unglam way + play pokemon, hon and dota with him + click so well with his mum + guide him so much + eat like a pig + drink bubble tea almost every other day and get fatter + infinity. If I continue I just couldn't stop. :) K la there's girls out there which can do some of them but not all!! So I'm unique. Damn buey hiao bai I know but it's true. HAHA!
Similarly, I couldn't find someone that can cook and bring the food all the way down from his house(Ang Mo Kio) to mine(Simei) + cab to find me when I'm having a bitch fit + order Mac for me at 4am + gives in to me like 99% of the time + stand my bitchiness + pass me his chouchou. Yes 'chouchou' is the small pillow every kid has. He's 20, and he still keeps it with him. He calls it 'princess'. -_- How princessy.
We can't run away from each other because there's a lion holding us together!
HAHHAA damn random. I just find this picture nice. :)
I like this post it's so longggg and filled with happy stuff. :D
Okay now I'm damn bored, nutty's still asleep. I shall go play maple now.
& now, that I've started mapling(This is so funny I know),I guess I'll be blogging more often? :)
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