2010 was the most happening year of my 18 years of life!
I turned 18.
Organised my 1st ever bbq myself! Invited just a few of my closer friends and family and I enjoyed myself really much. I'm legal too, able to help people buy ciggs and watch M18 movies.
I lost my bestfriend.
Yes shes Rachel. I hope shes doing well. :)
I experienced the first ever break up in my life.
It was horrible and I lost the will to trust after that. I got over it within a month by the way. :)
I lost my uncle.
I hope he's doing well up there now. He's the one that always 'pao' milo for me when I was young. Accompanied me to play and watch cartoons when my mum is busy gambling and bought toys for me. :)
I picked up new hobbies!
Photography and baking. ^^

I bought my first camera!
Spent 300+ bucks just like that, heart pain lor! But it's worth it. It captures memories!
I went overseas with my friends for the first time!
Was a super duper fun + awesome + filled with laughers + jiao wei + everything that is happppy!
I missed it very much.

Got this picture taken too! HAHAHAHAHHAAA!
I went on a photography outing to Pulau Ubin!
I hurt myself while riding but I swear I lost a lot of fats. Hahahah!

Every since I'm, 12? Or younger than that. I've been wanting to see him in person and my dream came trueeeeeee!
Every since I'm, 12? Or younger than that. I've been wanting to see him in person and my dream came trueeeeeee!

I did my first PAID manicure!
With Diana! It was rly fun looking at people painting your nails for you while you sit down and do nothing.
I curled my hair myself for the first time!
Was really hard. -.- As you can see, only half of it is done. The right half of my hair is straight!
I met new friends!
Lots of them. :)
Speaking of that, I actually picked up courage to meet MSE.
I need 'courage' because they're a bunch of guys. But funny guys! I'm glad I met them. Nice people. :)
Fell in love with orange colour!
Like really randomly idk why either. And bf bought me an orange watch, sissy gave me an orange bottle and I got a orange phone pouch for myself!
Like really randomly idk why either. And bf bought me an orange watch, sissy gave me an orange bottle and I got a orange phone pouch for myself!
Caught the crazy bubble tea bug.
Stopped for awhile after I left secondary school but it's back! Like at least 5 times a week.
I think I'll suffer from diabetes soon.
I bought hamsters!!!!!
MAD happy and excited when mum actually allowed me to have them. :)
Coldi and Windi hahahhaha I love them maximum x infinityyy!
I went to my first concert!
Jeff Chang's concert! With mummy. :)
I took these picture myself!
I picked up soccer betting.
I got my first ever branded.
From my mum. ^^
I went to USS to countdown to 2011!
With Mummy Daddy and him! It was really fun, rollercoaster, musicals and 4d movies.
With Mummy Daddy and him! It was really fun, rollercoaster, musicals and 4d movies.
Fireworks were so pretty!
And lastly.... *drum rolls* I met Joel Oh.
So cute right!?!?!?! He just texted my mum btw. Hahahah too cute.
He must be very pekchek before he read this, wondering
"wahlao write so much stuff wheres my part"
Good things have to wait. :)
And because of him,
I went on my first trip to Marina Barrage!

I received roses for the first time. :')
I put my all into a present and saw him ':D'

I received my first photo album. :'(
Filled with hardwork.
I learnt how to make pasta!
Make = making the sauce myself too! But totally failed. :(

I had the best tomato fried rice on earth!
I have someone who always cooks randomly for me, buys me stuff, make sure that I have my meals and ensures that I'm always happy. Gives in to me 99.99% of the time(I don't even rmbr when is the 0.01% of me giving in). I hope this lasts.
And because of him, I always have someone that is willing to watch cartoons with me!
Despicable Me, How to train your Dragon, Rapunzel and so on. :)
To summarize, 2010 is like a rollercoaster ride! But the good times are more than the bad. :)
2010 is great but I want 2011 to be better!
2010 is great but I want 2011 to be better!
I wanna change my stubbornness(PLZ GOD LET ME CHANGE THAT),
I wanna go OSIP with my friends! I wanna get my car license and I wanna make everyone around me happy. :)
And I need to lose weight. I'm like saying this every other year but doesn't work on it. :(
OH well I'm healthy that's all that matters. :)
Anywayyy, I will only reblog on tumblr, updates of my life will be here back at blogger! Been awhile since I last earned from blogging. Faster reach 50 bucks so I can cash out! :)
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